The Journey of the Demon Hunter

Chapter 706

They are very efficient. Although they were still resting at the moment before, they immediately assembled towards the target as if they were given a battle order after receiving the news.

Zelin stood on the top of the Galata Tower. The guard of the tower was a stubborn old man. Zelin took a lot of words to persuade him to allow himself to the top of the tower. Ezio used to climb up easily with a hook sword, but on a rainy day, even with the silver cat ring, the demon hunter didn't want to try what it would feel like falling down. Standing on the edge of the slippery tower top, Zelin had a panoramic view of the large Galatians.

The rain is still going on.

The sun has been hiding behind the clouds for most of the day, and the sky is still cloudy. The rain was falling, and he quietly looked at the city reflected in the water. The rain flowed down the hood of the cloak to the shoulders, and then slid down the brown edge to the hem, forming tiny drops of water and falling to the ground. He held his hand slightly, and his fingers subconsciously gestured in the shape of a rune. This is a subconscious habit that he left when he practiced forming the seal. In the rain and fog, the figures of the assassins appeared on the roof of the Galatia district. Zelin knew that they were tracking down the traitor who appeared to be arrested. He understands the way the assassins acted, and when they show up, it means that all the ways for the enemy to escape have been blocked.

When the eagle dashed across the sky, when it began to dive, the target was already inevitable.

What he worried about was not whether Ezio could catch the traitor, nor whether the Templars would take the opportunity to launch an attack. Standing on the tower, the ferry of the Golden Horn comes into view.

All he cared about was his own premonition. The dark clouds pressed from the direction of the Aegean Sea, like an evil beast lurking in the south, licking the licker's own claws, ready to stretch out his arms at any time to slaughter the city. This was an unknown premonition. At this time, he hoped that he was a fortune-teller and could distinguish the disaster from it.

He wanted to convince himself that this was just a sequelae after many days of exhaustion and intrigue. He needed to rest for a few days, and then follow Tariq's clues to find the whereabouts of the stone sculptures. This can completely solve the trouble here and prepare to return. .

But he can't do it.

Zelin squinted his eyes slightly, and the demon hunter never ignored any unknown signs, such as too bright moonlight, dazzling sunlight, or abnormal shadows, or mists that suddenly spread.

Raising his hand, the rain quickly gathered into a depression in the palm of his hand. What is wrong? Zelin was lost in thought as he watched the rain overflowing from the edge of the gliding lizard's leather. The figures of the assassins on the roof were completely concealed in the rain and fog, and they might start to move. The ferry in the Golden Horn remained silent, and the Templars seemed to have decided to abandon their allies, or the Byzantines did not know what their former assassin ally was doing today. It didn't make much sense, Zelin shook his head gently, and a gust of wind blew the rain into the collar, causing him to shrink his shoulders subconsciously.

I don't know if those assassins in ambush in the rain will feel very cold. It is estimated that no one likes to act in cold and humid weather. Thinking about this, Zelin shook his hand. He rubbed the tip of his nose like a mockery and tightened his collar to prevent more cold wind from pouring in with rainwater.

Then he realized this.

It's too cold.

Barry gritted his teeth and fought a cold battle in the cold wind. The sudden cooling of the city made him feel like he was in the snow and ice. He hadn't experienced the cold for a long time. The rain hit his face like needles. He couldn't tell whether it was rain or rain in mid-air. The cold turned into ice needles.

It's too cold.

But it was not cold enough, at least for him, to be precise, not enough for his heart.

He shrank his body and squatted under the eaves of a private house. The extended eaves of the narrower can't provide any shelter from the wind and rain. The raindrops kept hitting his shoulders and his forehead, sticking the messy hair to his face.

He is familiar with the city and the area better. He has been trained here, accepted tasks, and is known as brothers and sisters with other men and women wearing the same clothes. The buildings on both sides of the street are so familiar, but now they are so strange.


There are also creeds.

What a high-sounding word.

The assassins found their target, and the man in the white assassin robe was walking quickly on the stone road. There was no one on the road, and the white coat had long been soaked by rain, making it particularly conspicuous on the empty street. This person's pace is getting faster and faster, as if being driven by the rain, wanting to go home in a hurry. If Zelin were here, he would see that on the nearby roof, about seven assassins surrounded this side. They blocked four directions, Ezio crouched on the edge of the roof, looking at the seemingly unconscious figure below, he frowned slightly.

"Master, he is going to the ferry soon." Assistant Degan asked eagerly. "When will we do it? The traitor hasn't noticed that we found him yet. This time, his Templar associates can't help him!" "

Ezio looked a little cautious, and the target walked as if he was full of thoughts, so that he had no time to take care of the surrounding environment, otherwise it would be impossible for a person trained as an assassin to realize that something was wrong with this street, but this is exactly what they are. Opportunity. Ezio made a gesture of action to Degan behind him, and soon several figures appeared on the roofs on both sides of the street where the white-robed man was walking.

"Wait, you guys...!"

Before he could make any sound, the four assassins jumped off the roof in pairs, pushing him to the ground in the blink of an eye. Things went well, something went very well, and soon Ezio realized what went wrong. A Venetian with a moustache and curly hair shrank on the ground, watching the assassins approaching in fear. Although Ezio didn't see the traitor Barry clearly last time, he knew that their target should be an Ottoman.

"Where did you get this dress?" Ezio reached out and pulled the Venetian up. The Venetian was still shaking. Ezio patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to be afraid. "We are looking for someone. The coat on you belonged to him in the past."

"An Ottoman gave it to me." The Venetian said everything he knew without hesitation. "This **** rain, I didn't bring anything to keep out the rain, but I have to go back to the hotel in Nancheng to pack my luggage, and my boat will leave the pier this afternoon. After a person knows my situation, he takes this body A coat that can cover the rain was given to me." The Venetian looked nervously at the assassins beside him. "Just half an hour ago, beside the blacksmith's shop in the direction of Galata Tower, I was there to shelter from the rain."

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-six chapters assault

The weather is too cold, which is very abnormal in this month.

Perhaps autumn will indeed be accompanied by a rainy and rapid cooling, but this time, it seems that he is not in autumn, but in cold winter. Without warning, the cold wind was blowing from the south of the city. He has learned about the geography of the world. Most of the cold wind blows from the north, while the southern seas are known for being warm and humid.

Soon, Zelin found that he was thinking of something meaningless. He couldn't help but shook his head, this kind of blind thinking can't solve any problems, maybe his concentration is not enough? When he is monitoring the Galatians, he will think about some meaningless things, such as the weather and climate? He has never recounted such mistakes in the past. Perhaps it was the female warlock who seriously said a few days ago that he needed to be checked on his physical condition, which made him a little suspicious? He didn't know, he rubbed his temples with rain-stained fingers, and let the cold wind blow open the collar of his hood, letting his forehead come into contact with more cold wind.

Cold wind and cold water can clear people's minds the fastest.

Standing on the edge of Galatia, Zelin's eyes were fixed on the street below. There were originally two assassin apprentices hoping to watch together nearby, but Zelin let them stay in the headquarters. Demon hunters don't need to worry about catching a cold from a rainy day. What's more, once the rain increases, the Kunen Fayin can block the raindrops well.

At this time, there are basically no pedestrians on the street. Galatia is part of the diaspora area of ​​Constantinople, mostly Greeks, Italians or Venetians living here. In the southern part of the city, you can also see horse-drawn carriages traveling in the rain. But here, after excluding the morning trip, only the accumulation of water is left on the street.

At this time, the figure of a figure running on the stone street is particularly eye-catching.

He was like a beggar, ragged, with only a thin shirt on his upper body, shivering subconsciously in the cold wind. Zelin squinted his eyes slightly and was far away. The man was holding a square object wrapped in white cloth. Zelin's attention was not on what he was holding, but his fingers.

Like Claudia, this man has no ring finger on his right hand.

Zelin snorted softly.

The man walked to the Galata Tower and stood under the tower as if sheltering from the rain. He was standing just opposite the Assassin's headquarters. He wiped the rain from his forehead so that he could open his eyes. He looked cold and hugged the things in his arms tightly. Compared with his soaked clothes, the cloth-wrapped objects in his arms were barely drenched.

"Hey, friend, if you want to take shelter from the rain, why don't you come inside the tower?"

After the man heard the sound, his body trembled imperceptibly. He turned his head, and his slightly muddy brown eyes stared at Zelin who was standing in front of the tower gate through the wet hair. The demon hunter held the door frame with one hand and put the other hand on his waist, with an inviting expression on his face. "It's cold, right, the wind today is very abnormal."

The man didn't speak, he walked straight to the opposite side of the Galata Tower, the inconspicuous little courtyard hidden in the corner. Zelin walked over in two steps, and he reached out and grabbed the opponent's shoulder. The next moment, he turned his body abruptly, and the Hidden Blade pierced from the man's sleeve rubbed the edge of the Master's armor.

Zelin was already prepared. He grabbed the opponent's shoulders, trying to make him lose his balance, but the traitor took the opportunity to shake his arm. The blow did not hit Zelin, and the Hidden Blade broke the Demon Hunter's chest. His belt, the herbal bag hanging on his body fell to the ground, and the white aconite grass fell to the ground, and then he was stepped into the muddy water by his boots.

"You can't run away this time!"

Zelin raised his leg and kicked Barry in the leg, forcing him to squat down, but the traitor did not lose his balance due to the pain, and his Hidden Blade stabbed the arm holding his shoulder backhand. He was stabbed because the demon hunter didn't evade at all, but the Hidden Blade stopped under Zelin's arm, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't penetrate it. Before he realized what was going on, a fist wearing a brown glove was getting bigger and bigger in his sight. The traitor's arm held the thing in his arms so tightly that he couldn't resist the blow.

Zelin's fist hit his eye socket fiercely, and Barry's head suddenly leaned back, his neck was like a spring, swaying back and forth twice, making people wonder whether his head would fly out directly in the next moment. Zelin shook his fist again and hit the other eye of the enemy. With another punch, two circles of bruise were left on the traitor's face. The assassin recovered quickly. When Zelin aimed at the bridge of his nose and was about to throw a third punch, he swung the Hidden Blade again.

But this time the goal was not Zelin, but his own shoulders.

With a stab, a piece of his shirt shoulder was cut off, he took the opportunity to break free of Zelin's arm, and then rushed towards the assassin headquarters without his head. He yelled to the head in a hoarse voice

"Assassin, open the door!"

Zelin didn't let him do what he wanted. He didn't know what the other party was holding, but it must be something important to him or to his plan. So he snapped his fingers, and the sudden flame in the rain ignited his package.

The traitor subconsciously threw the burning thing in his hand toward the Assassin’s headquarters. At this moment, Zelin guessed what was inside. He raised his hand and an Alderfa seal hit the burning package in the air. The burst of air force pushed away. Before the package fell to the ground, a dazzling glare filled Zelin's vision. He subconsciously raised his arm to block his vision. The sudden strong wind made him almost unstable. The next moment, only deafening was left in his ears. The explosion. Zelin felt as if there were more than a dozen bells ringing beside him at the same time, and it was like a dozen tons of objects falling from the sky, splashing stone chips hit his face, he felt as if he heard a scream. But the sound seemed trivial in the echo of the explosion.

Zelin coughed a few times when the explosion airflow dissipated. The rain dissipated the dust that was raised. The ground nearby was burning with flames, burning tenaciously under the baptism of the rain. The courtyard of the Assassin’s headquarters was in a mess. The unopened door was turned black by the fireworks, and there was only one Chlorophytum drooping in the pot, swaying slightly in the rising black smoke.

"Why, what's the matter, master?"

The janitor opened the crack of the door and stared at the situation outside in a daze. But Zelin has no time to explain this to her now.

The figure of the traitor has climbed up the wall near the Galata Tower.

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-seven chapters ask yourself

"Keep here, tell others, don't allow anyone to approach the headquarters!"

Zelin chased in the direction of the traitor's escape. He judged the distance, it was a little far away, and Yaxifahin couldn't take effect at such a far place. He must catch up. Such an attack is far more dangerous than the attack of the Templars. He doesn't want his place to face such threats at any time. Zelin didn't know why the traitor pursued by Ezio appeared here, and almost destroyed the headquarters with a pile of bombs and combustibles, but this time, he could not be allowed to escape.