The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 167: Surprise 7

Yanush finally spoke. His first words surprised everyone.

"My lord and distinguished guests, many of you will be surprised or even frightened by what I am about to say. However, please follow your trust in me, trust me, trust me, and be our Laziviu family Most loyal friends. Then, please raise your wine glasses and chant with me: Long live King Carl Gustav!"

"Hurray! Hurray!"

The mercenary officers around Prince Yanush and Congressman Karl Lebenhaupt shouted in unison.

But the audience was silent.

Originally, everyone stood up, raised their wine glasses, and toasted after Prince Yanush finished the toast according to the usual practice. But tonight's toast is really shocking. Some people stood there with their wine glasses at a loss, some went on doing it, silent.

Prince Yanush originally chose to announce this news after the crowd had been drinking for three rounds. It was because people were prone to get confused when they were drunk, but the situation in front of him did not seem to be what he intended.

"Mihavu, did we misheard it? Did you hear what the prince was saying?" Anjay asked Mihavu with a pale face.

"The Republic has been betrayed." Mihav gritted his teeth.

After Yanush said that, he seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden. He sighed for a long time, and then without giving everyone time to react, he turned to Congressman Karl Lebenhaupt and said: "Mr. Congressman, it is time to announce the treaty we signed. Let everyone know that His Majesty Carl X is for us. What did it bring."

Congressman Carl Lebenhaupt nodded. He raised his head like a proud rooster, unfolded a parchment paper, and began to read: the world is difficult, the country is in danger, and he has lost his gains. After all the hopes of His Majesty the Most Noble King, we, the nobles and subjects of all classes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, unanimously decided to accept the asylum of His Majesty the Most Noble King of Sweden, and act as follows:

1. Joint operations to defeat all common enemies.

2. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania does not merge into Sweden, but adopts the method of uniting with the Kingdom of Poland in the past. That is, in all respects, the nation is equal to the nation, the parliament is equal to the parliament, and the nobility is equal to the nobleman.

3. The freedom of speech for anyone in the parliament.

4. Freedom of religion is inviolable.

Compared with the silence at the beginning, this treaty caused a lot of noise among the nobles. Some nobles discussed the terms of the treaty loudly and thought that they were not unacceptable.

"Long live His Majesty the King of Sweden!"

A loud shout came from the crowd. It was Jan Sobieski. The young soldier became the first supporter of the prince.

Then, General Alexander Okinsky joined the camp chanting long live. His territory is in the Kovno Fortress, which is surrounded on three sides by the Kingdom of Sweden. Without the support of Prince Yanush, there is a Jedi.

Prince Yanush nodded in satisfaction. People follow the crowd. As long as there are first and second responders, more and more people will follow.

And Boguslav, who stood behind the prince, had the same mentality, and he was ready to shout out his attitude immediately to cause a more chain reaction.

But at this moment, a stern pleading came:

"His Royal Highness. For the sake of Christ, for the reputation of the first king, for the great feats made by the prince before for the country, please show mercy, don't let all this be in vain. Please. You throw the treaty on the ground, step on your feet. Don't abandon the Republic, don't abandon us, don't abandon yourself!"

It was Staniwicz, the pale-headed old team leader. This old team leader is already 67 years old. He was already at home to support his whole life, breast-feeding his grandchildren, but for the sake of the Republic, the old man still put on his shirt without hesitation.

"No betrayal, no betrayal." Some voices began to respond, and their voices became louder and louder.

Seeing the voice of opposition, Boguslav closed his open mouth. In the face of the pleading, Prince Yanush was also a little at a loss for a while, and it took a while before he came back to his senses.

"I've made a decision, don't talk too much." Prince Yanush replied Staniwicz in an orderly tone.

"Please, please."

The old team leader slumped to the ground, his cloudy eyes lost their look for a while, but his mouth kept squirming.

But the prince has decided, how can a small team leader be able to change it.

"Don't ask him! It's useless to ask."

Mihav stood up abruptly, and he walked to the old man's side and helped the old man Stanievich. He looked at Prince Yanush with eyes full of anger and regret.

"I regret saving you so many times. You are an evil dragon, a hungry wolf in sheep's clothing. I curse your family from now on, your soul falls into hell, and your body is swallowed by demons. "

The "little man" knight has never cursed a person with vicious words. He said these words intermittently and somewhat inconspicuously, but the feeling of grief and anger was felt by everyone.

Infected by Mihav's words, Andrzej Kmicicz also stood up, walked to Mihav's side and threw the scepter around his waist on the ground.

Then, Jerzy Khaletsky, Sigmund Srushka, Dian Zamois, Stanisław Liantzkolontsky and Mihav also came together~www. There is a sound of metal falling on the floor, which is the scepter of the officers. In this way, they expressed their determination to make a clean break to Yanush.

Seeing that the situation was gradually getting out of control, Yanush shouted: "Escort! Victor, escort!"

The small doors around the hall were opened. More than 30 soldiers and officers came in with their guns. They dispersed the crowd in the hall and then formed a wall around the high platform. The muzzle of the wall was directed towards Mihau and others.

"Mihavu, you betrayed me! Fortunately, I have always regarded you as a model of a soldier. And you, now I give you one last chance-go to the left if you are willing to change your mind."

"I am a soldier, and obeying orders is my bounden duty." A team leader flinched, and then some soldiers and nobles who were afraid of death walked to the left.

Jerzy Khaletsky, Sigmund Srushka, Dian Zamois, Stanisław Liantzkolontsky and Mihav, and Anjey were unwilling to face the muskets. move.

In the face of the remaining hard-liners, Yanush was furious, but he did not lose his mind. He ordered the guards to take them to prison.

Fedot and others on duty in the guard looked at Mihavu and Anjay with mixed feelings. Even if they had the heart to save the two, they were alone at this time. They had to walk towards other people, not allowing themselves to face the benefactors of the two mercenary groups.

At this moment, the old team leader Staniwicz who had begged Yanush before suddenly broke free from the guard's hand and ran towards the balcony in a daze. Then, in full view, the old man jumped and jumped off the balcony.