The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 208: Entering the City and Audience 3

The reason why Prince Yanush left was because he heard the name of Tepesh, which made him uncomfortable. This is not a grudge between the prince and Tepesh. It is because even in the hometown of Tepeš, the name is unknown to the people there. "Tepes" has the meaning of "piercing", and the source of the meaning of this word comes from a king with mixed reputation. What the king liked the most when he was reigning was to pierce a pagan captive on a spear and mourn for a few days to death. Over time, the surname of Tepes has been associated with "puncture".

The reason for Yanush's dislike was not because he hated this inhumane criminal law. Yanush used the penal law of piercing to execute many captured Zaporozhye Cossacks, but because of superstition. Because of the "curse" Mihavu Vorodjavsky once placed on him.

At the banquet of surrendering to the enemy and treason, the little knight cursed Yanush and his family: "I curse your family from now on, your soul will fall into hell, and your body will be swallowed by demons."

Although Yanush only regarded this as a false statement by the loser at the time, he didn't care too much. However, when there was a situation where most of the nobles and his close relatives did not support him, the devout Calvinist Yanush Raziviu began to be afraid. His self-confidence was hit, and he was worried about whether it was because of himself. It was only when he was cursed that he let himself betrayed. Yanush became suspicious, especially the three words of grief and indignation made by Mihavu, because it was from the mouth of a knight who was so upright and had a life-saving grace for him, it made Yanush awake at night, because he believed These words are magical.

Yanush hired some witches and so-called witches to fortune and exorcise evil spirits for himself. These swindlers used various tricks to deceive the Prince's Taylor, but Yanush was tireless and responsive.

In the entrance ceremony, when Victor mentioned that the person under the tower was called Tepes, Yanush, who was proficient in many languages, immediately thought of "Tepes", a person named "Punch", and he was still there. Under his body. Thinking of being pierced to death will lead to hell. Thinking of this, Prince Yanush certainly didn't want to stay on the tower anymore. He hurriedly left, hoping to stay as far away as possible.

Seeing Prince Yanush leave, the other unknown nobles and officers looked at each other and followed the Prince downstairs. Without Prince Yanush, the entrance ceremony was meaningless. A grand ceremony of entering the city ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

Cheerchen and others who had entered the city early were waiting below the entrance of the city for Yanush to come downstairs to express their condolences. It was seen that Victor escorted Yanush into the carriage in a hurry. Chechen and the others felt very strange, because looking at the team behind them, the people of Tepesh had just walked under the city gate, and the people of Bashit were still outside the city gate.

"What happened? Victor." Cheerchen asked Victor quickly.

At this time, the carriage carrying Yanush had already drove away.

"I don't know. After you entered the city, I just mentioned that the next team to enter the city is the team of Tepesh you brought. The Prince's face changed, and then His Royal Highness left without looking back." Victor pushed. He pushed the ship-shaped helmet that was a little crooked because of the horse's turbulence, and said to Cheorchen.

"Huh?" Cheerchen was puzzled.

"Could it be that Tepes and Yanus have a holiday?" Chechen guessed.

"I think His Royal Highness will summon you soon. You'd better go and talk to the one named Tepesh." Victor kindly reminded Chechen.

For Victor's kindness, Cheerchen certainly expressed his gratitude again and again.

When Victor walked away, Cheerchen took Piedro back and went back to look for Tepes.

As soon as Tepesh heard Chechen's words, he yelled wronged.

"The two commanders, I really don’t know anything. Think about it, if I really offend Prince Yanush, would I go with you to take refuge in him? I dare to be the most merciful. God swear, I have never seen the prince before today."

Seeing what Tepesh said so swearingly, Chechen was a little convinced. His father felt that if Tepesh really offended Yanush, he would not go back to doing this kind of stuff.

"Chechen, could it be because Tepes and the others robbed the Prince's manor, these things were known to the Prince?" Piedro thought about it, and came up with another reason.

"Impossible!" Tepes immediately denied: "I have always been cautious when attacking the manor. Moreover, I will plant the banner of other bandit groups in the manor I attacked, and no one will know that I did it. ."

What does Tepesh mean by "cautious" Chechen and Piedro know very well ~ It is nothing more than killing people, cutting grass and roots. But Tepesh was not only not ashamed, but proud of it.

"Then I don't know how you offended His Royal Highness. Perhaps you are so ugly that Prince Yanush is displeased." Pidro couldn't think of a clue, so he had to ridicule Cepesh. .

Hearing Pidro's words, Tepes gave a smile more ugly than bitter.

"All in all, wait until I have met the prince before making any fuss. Maybe the prince is just in a pure mood." Cheerchen comforted Tepesh.

After entering the city, Chechen and the others were led by a steward in the palace to a newly built house. This area was originally a well-known business district in Werner, where there are both domestic shops and pubs run by foreigners. But in the fire in Tsarist Russia, Werner's business district was not spared either. The fire engulfed all the wooden buildings in the commercial area, leaving only the ruins of brick and tile structures. After Prince Yanush returned to Werner, the commercial area was also simply repaired, but during the war the commercial road was cut off. There were almost no merchants in this area, and most of the houses were vacant.

After everyone settled down, Bashit also found him. The reason why he came to Chechen was because when Bashit led the team into the city, the upper part of the city was already empty. Because he didn't know what the reason was, his men were a little at a loss, and there were even rumors that Prince Yanush did not welcome the arrival of refugees. Bashit didn't know where he was, so he came to inquire.

Chechen explained the situation to Bacht, saying that the problem was with Tepesh and had nothing to do with Bacht, which made Bacht relieved.

After lunch, the palace finally sent someone over. Prince Yanush wants to summon Chechen and Tepesh separately.