The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 209: Entering the City and Audience 4

The palace of Prince Yanush was the first building in Werner to be restored to its original appearance. Although the interior of this medieval castle building was emptied by the Russians, the main building was fortunately not collapsed or damaged on a large scale in the fire. After Prince Yanush returned to Vilna, he only sent people to remove the dust on the castle and put the items collected from the castles of other Laziviu clan into them and reused them.

When Chechen and Tepesh came to the gate of the palace hall, Prince Yanush was waiting for them on the main seat of the hall. After returning to the castle, the prince asked a fortuneteller he trusted the most. The fortuneteller threw some crow feathers and frog eyes into a pot and looked at the turbid liquid, and then told Prince Yanush, The man named Tepesh would not pose any threat to the prince. On the contrary, this "piercing" spear held in the hands of the prince's powerful subordinates would pierce all his enemies for the prince.

Yanush Raziviu was overjoyed after receiving such a prediction, and he hurriedly sent someone to call Chechen and Tepesh to see him. After Keren was dispatched, Yanush became a little bit more suspicious. He was worried that because of his actions in the entering the city style, Cheering would be chilled, and then his loyalty to him would be affected.

For Cheerchen, Yanush originally relied on deceit to make him stay. At the beginning, Cheorchen was not very eye-catching, and even Yanush once wanted to deal with him because of his cousin. Only because of the plea of ​​Mihavu and Anjay, Prince Yanush re-emerged. Later, Mihavu and others betrayed themselves, and their hands were temporarily unavailable, so they had to rely on foreign mercenaries like Boguslav did, tolerate them in every possible way and respond to their requests.

Among them, Cheerchen is young and courageous, and has saved his life. Fortunately, he has a big tree like Christina, the former queen of Sweden, so Yanush has always looked at him high. Unexpectedly, Chechen and his men really did not let themselves down. Not only did they bring back the Prince’s wealth from the Ponievje Manor, but they also defeated the cavalry of Colonel Jerzy Haretsky and obtained the Prince’s side against Sape. The first big victory for one side with the deputy commander.

In addition to promoting his own power and allowing more people to rely on himself, Yanush's grand entrance ceremony also meant to win over Chechen. Glory is the best reward for the superior, and the most beautiful poison for the inferior. Yanush hoped that Cheerchen would be addicted to this potion of honor, and willingly sacrifice his life for himself.

But my departure smashed it all up. Whether this move will make Chechen eccentric Deyanush unsure, but this move has indeed caused doubts and speculations among all the people present. After Yanush returned to the castle, some "smart" guys speculated that the prince could be a knife in his hand. As for who this knife killed, although no one had said clearly, Yanushna still didn't know what they meant.

"It seems that this little mercenary captain can only be loyal to me with a greater reward." Yanush decided in this way.

So as soon as Cheerchen entered the hall, Yanush went up and down from the main seat. The prince took a big step and "pounced" Xiang Chechen like an agile tiger, holding him in his arms.

"The merits you made really make me wonder how to reward you, my child." Yanush said.

"Master, you passed the award." Although Yanush was a little out of breath, Cheerchen tried his best to take a deep breath and replied.

Calling Yanush the Grand Commander, not His Royal Highness, was because Cheerchen expressed his dissatisfaction with Yanush's repeated deceptions in terms of addressing. But after all, he would not respect Yanush as before.

But Yanush would have the wrong meaning. He took Cheorchen's change of his name as it was because Cheorchen was dissatisfied with his sudden departure in the style of entering the city today.

"I know you are angry, my dear soldier." Yanush said in an unusually gentle voice, "but you do have the right to be dissatisfied, because I made you wronged."

These remarks were obviously a prelude to Yanush who was preparing to compensate Cheerchen.

"Prince, please don't say that..." Cheerchen wanted to refuse, because he didn't want to accept any rewards from Yanush.

But Yanush said in a tone that could not be rejected: "I know that you and your mercenary group suffered heavy losses in this battle. You made sacrifices for the Laziviu family. So I must compensate you. This is also a reward for you. All the Taylors from the Ponievier Manor that you transported back are rewarded to you, and I allow you to expand the mercenary group to a thousand people, and all the equipment will be drawn from the palace’s treasury. "Prince Yanush said.

Cheerchen was extremely surprised by Yanush's generous gift. Uncle Pidro kept saying that because he defeated Jerzy Khaletsky, Yanush would reward himself, but he didn't expect such a heavy reward.

This made Cheer Chen's refusal a little unspeakable. He himself did not covet Yanush's rewards, but these were also won by all the mercenary groups, and he could not harm the interests of others for himself.

It can be said that this is the weakness of Cheor Chen's character. He considers too many things, and he is always vacillating in doing things, and he doesn't have the consciousness of making a promise. Such a personality will make people feel warm and in love with each other, but it will also make oneself often in conflict.

After Chechen's thoughts, he decided to accept the thousands of Taylors, but refused to expand the mercenary group.

"Commander, I have accepted your reward on behalf of everyone in the mercenary group, but I forgive me for not being able to handle the expansion. If you want a reward, reward the refugees I brought with land."

But Yanush is so easy to be rejected. The expansion of the mercenary group is not only Yanush's reward for Cheerchen, but also for Cheerchen to take on more tasks.

"Head free people and nobles can enjoy the land in the Republic. How many of the people you brought are nobles? How many are free people? And how many are serfs?" Yanush deliberately asked. He knew that Cheerchen couldn't know this.

Sure enough, Cheerchen couldn't answer when asked by Yanush.

"But..." Chechen wanted to refute, telling Yanush that these people had also done a good job in defeating Jerzy Khaletsk, but his words were immediately stopped by Yanush.

"This is the rule, even if I am a prince, I can't change it. If you want these people to stop starving, then you might as well include the strong ones in your mercenary group. With the income of mercenaries, they can The breadwinner. As for other people, they can cultivate the land for me. I saw a lot of young men on the tower."

Yanush used the refugees' livelihoods as an excuse to force Cheerchen to expand the mercenary group.

"Some of those are the leaders of Bashit. They are indeed refugees and their families are in the refugee camp. But Prince, you can also incorporate these people into other troops..." Cheer Chen struggling.

"I have made arrangements for the other teams, and now only you, my leader Chechen. Your team is still missing. If you don't accept these people, then I have to tell them to leave Werner. "Yanush deliberately said with the mantle as an excuse.

No way, Cheerchen had to compromise.

"I am willing to receive them."

"That's the best." Yanush let go of Cheerchen and said loudly, "Are there more?"

"It's from Tepesh, he also came to take refuge in you, the prince. It's outside the door now," Chechen said.

Yanush patted his forehead, how could he forget Tepes.

"Send him in," Yanush said.