The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 227: Battle of Lidar Castle 7

After returning to the mercenary group, Cheerchen took Victor over to do the decoy to lure Jan Sobieski to Fatima and other former mercenary group officers. Of course he also mentioned the reward of 2,000 Taylor offered by Ojinsky.

After speaking, Cheorchen glanced at Pidro worriedly. Because in his heart, Uncle Pedro was the one who couldn't move his head when he heard of Qian. If he didn't take on the task of making money, his uncle would definitely be upset.

Unexpectedly, Pidro didn't feel stunned after listening. He nodded with satisfaction to Cheerchen and said, "You are right for not taking this task. It is Victor, I really didn't expect that he would take the initiative to take on such a dangerous task."

Huh? Everyone looked at Pedro with a strange look that didn't recognize you. Cheerchen was also surprised. He didn't expect that Uncle Piedro would still not love money.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Isn't it obvious? It's only two thousand Taylors for a mission with such a high risk factor as bait. It's true that we still haven't seen money stuffed buns." Piedro said confidently.

Everyone suddenly realized that this is the Pidro that everyone is familiar with.

After a while, Al Gildas walked in.

"Head, are you looking for me?" Algildas asked.

Although Algildas had an unpleasant relationship with Bachter when they first met, Cheerchen's splitting behavior made him mistakenly think that this was Cheerchen's care for him, and he also respected Cheerchen.

"Yes, Algierdas. General Alexander Okinski ordered all the mercenaries to gather the cavalry, and he wants to use them uniformly." Chechen handed a letter of order to Algierdas.

Although the order was communicated by Cheerchen, there can be no falsehood, but Algildas read the letter carefully and confirmed the authenticity of the order.

"I follow the general and regimental commander's arrangements." Algildas said.

Cheerchen nodded, and he gave Algierdas a few more words, and then asked him to report to Okinsky.

"I hope he will make great contributions to the commander, and fly to the top as soon as possible." Piedro said while looking at Algierdas.

Cheerchen gave Pidro a helpless look. Many words of my uncle cannot be understood literally.

For the next three days, Ojinsky's army drums generally advanced at a rate of thirty miles a day. After traveling thirty miles, the army retreated five miles and set up camp. After confirming absolute safety, the grain conquest team was sent to collect grain, and the size of the team was between three and four hundred people, ensuring that even in the event of a surprise attack, it could support the arrival of reinforcements.

In this situation, although Jan Sobieski succeeded several times following several rationing teams, he gave up because he was not sure.

Seeing that Ojinsky's army was getting closer and closer to Lida Fort, they were coming to Lida Fort in two days. If there is no suitable opportunity, Jan Sobieski has to return to the city and stick to it.

On this day, the scout sent by Jan Sobeski brought back a piece of news.

A small force of more than one hundred and fifty people came to a small village near the valley where Jan Sobieski was hiding, and is now returning in a hurry.

"Are you sure this force is not a bait released by Ojinsky?"

After hearing the description of the scout, Jan Sobieski asked suspiciously.

The scout standing in front of him was a pure Polish. He is now wearing civilian clothes, with a hemp rope wrapped around his waist, and he looks no different from ordinary civilians.

"General, I also suspected at the beginning, because in the past two days, there was no less than 300 people in the grain requisition team. The number of this small unit was obviously too small. But when I pretended to be a farmer, I sneaked in. Village, after listening to their commander's speech, I was convinced that this guy shouldn't be the bait released by the rebels." The scout said to Jan Sobieski.

At this moment, Jan Sobieski became interested. He trusts the scout in front of him, because this soldier has followed him in the battles with Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Crimean Khan in Ukraine for several years. He is not only loyal, but also shrewd and capable.

"Because no commander would release such an abnormal bait," the scout said.

"What do you mean he is abnormal?" Jan Sobieski asked.

"That's it, General..."

Then, the scout described to Jan Sobieski the situation after Chabrin led the people into the village.

The grain collection team led by Chabrin entered the village when the sky was still light. As soon as he entered the village, Chabrin did not order the soldiers to enter the farmer’s homes to search for food and valuables. Instead, he ordered his men to gather all the people in the village into the church in the center of the village. . When the people in the village gathered tremblingly in front of the village church, the Captain Chabrin began his lengthy speech.

In the speech, Chabrin first angrily denounced Jan Sobieski's injustice and betrayal of Prince Yanush. Then, he proclaimed Prince Yanush’s love for his people as children, and finally Chabrin called on the villagers to contribute food and other food to help the Prince defeat Jan Sobieski.

Everything here is fairly normal. The attitude of some Polish and Lithuanian military officers to the expropriation of materials is indeed not as unscrupulous as the mercenaries. They are somewhat of a rural sentiment, and they are willing to use mild means to complete their tasks as much as possible. However, when reality and desire conflict, they will still focus on completing the task and forcibly expropriate the villagers’ property. But it is rare for Chabrin to give speeches to encourage farmers to voluntarily donate food.

The response of the villagers was the same as before. They sent an old man with white beard and hair. The old man first rebuked Jan Sobieski for his perverse behavior, and then cried to Chabrin about the poverty of the village and the plight of the villagers’ lives. Although they are very willing to help the prince, they really have more than enough energy. If the army really wants to expropriate, there are still dozens of kilograms of potatoes in the village, and Chabrin can take away all of it, which can be regarded as a little bit of the villagers' affection for the prince.

When things get to this point in general, the grain requisition team should start digging three feet in the ground. Surprisingly, the one named Chabrin seemed to sympathize with the villagers' plight. Then, he asked his subordinates to bring up a box, which turned out to be a box full of Taylor.

"Then Chabrin exchanged money for food with the villagers?" Jan Sobieski guessed.

The scout shook his head. He told Jan Sobieski that Chabrin and the other villagers took Taylor back after believing that they had come out of the food, and then took all the food away. According to the scouts heard from the soldiers under his hands, Chabrin had done the same three times in one day.

Actually know how to play this hand. Jan Sobieski finally understood what the scout meant by "abnormal". The so-called character determines everything. As a decoy officer, the most important thing is calmness and composure. Because what he has to face is an enemy with a superior number, it will be the courage of the soldiers. Only the commander will have the courage to fight if the commander is calm and composed. And if this kind of show off clever military officer is used as bait, he will often panic and get confused when facing a crisis. Not only could he not unite people's hearts, he would start to flee with the soldiers. In this way, the bait loses its meaning.

"What did that Chabrin used to do? Was it a noble origin?"

"No, I heard Chabrin describe him as a former faculty member at Werner University and went to Sweden to study. He joined the army after the war began."

"It turns out to be a silly guy who reads." Jan Sobieski sneered.

Mindful that Yanush once said to himself that he would recruit university faculty members into the army, Jan Sobieski somehow believed that Chabrin was not a bait released by Ojinsky, but a newcomer who really lacked military experience.

"Take me to see right away. If it's really fat, we'll eat it. But to leave a life to that lovely Chabrin, such interesting people are really becoming fewer and fewer in the Republic. Just die. missing one."

Finally, Jan Sobieski made up his mind to see it in person.

When Jan Sobieski's cavalry was approaching Chabrin's team under the leadership of scouts, Chabrin's rationing team was resting and preparing lunch on the back of a small hill. Several soldiers in Polish militia uniforms stood on the top of the hill with their spears and muskets in hand, watching every move around them. Jan Sobieski and the scout again lurked to both sides of the hillside to observe. Both sides of the hillside were surrounded by the carriage of the grain requisition team in a semicircle. All the supplies and people of the grain requisition team were in this semicircle.

Seeing this modest arrangement, Jan Sobieski nodded silently. It seems that this former university faculty named Chabrin is not just a fool.

If you want to quickly eliminate this grain requisition team, the only way is to take down the hillside and then get a condescending advantage from the hillside before the grain requisition team finds out. However, any wind and grass around it could not fail to attract the attention of the soldiers on the hillside. If you want to be unconscious, you have to wipe out the sentries on the hillside at the moment the attack is launched.

It seems difficult, but it can't be troubled by Jan Sobieski.

Jan Sobieski called the six armored Cossacks with the best archery skills in the army. They were ordered to move secretly down the hillside. At the moment when Jan Sobieski launched the attack, they used bow and arrow to destroy the sentry in advance. Let them issue a warning. Jan Sobieski also asked some dragoons to guard and investigate around. Although Jan Sobieski could almost confirm that Chabrin was a normal levy force, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

A few plumes of smoke began to emerge from the back of the hillside, and that was when the soldiers started cooking lunch. The six armored Cossacks selected by Jan Sobieski put on a thick camouflage and approached the hillside in a crawling manner. They are very careful, any wind and grass on the hillside will stop them from moving.

This caution also allowed them to reap success. The armored Cossacks moved to a distance of 20 meters from the top of the hill. At this distance, the Tatar bow used by the armored Cossacks could almost hit a hundred shots.

An armored Cossack took the opportunity of the sentry on the hillside to turn around, and used his mirror to signal to the small wood behind him that he could attack.

Suddenly, the armored Cossack lying in ambush under the hillside jumped from the ground at the same time. The two of them pointed the stringed Tatar bow at the sentry. With the vibration of the bowstrings several times, the three sentinels on the hill were hit with arrows in the neck and head at the same time, instantly losing their lives.

At this moment, the cavalry hidden in the small woods rushed out of the woods. This is a cavalry unit under Jan Sobieski, with a total of 100 horses.

At the beginning, the cavalry raised the horse speed to the maximum. In a few blinks, the cavalry in the first row rushed to the hillside. The **** of the hillside slowed the speed of the cavalry horses, but the inertia brought by the high speed allowed them to climb to the top of the **** in a very short time. Next, it was the moment when they condescendingly attacked the unsuspecting rationing team.

But what greeted them under the hillside was not a handy prey, but a dense forest of guns. Nearly a hundred spears formed an airtight spear forest on the back of the hillside, and several winged cavalry who could not contain their horses rushed into it. At this time, even if you have high martial skills, it won't help. Although these winged cavalry wielded their lances and sabers vigorously, they were still tied to their long spears with their horses and men.

Immediately after the pikemen roared, they took the pikes in their hands and pushed them back. After the body of the first row of winged cavalry fell, they faced the cavalry who were constantly rushing Both sides were in The middle section of the back of the hill fell into a **** stalemate. The cavalry who were pushed down the top of the mountain by their companions continued to fall into the spear forest, and were strangled by the spears and halberds in the spear forest. But they are not the most unfortunate, the most pitiful is the cavalry on the top of the mountain. They were caught in the middle, neither up nor down, they became living targets for the musketeers down the mountain in vain.

When the roar of battle came, Jan Sobieski knew that he was still caught. The accents of this battle cry are all German and Spanish, and this levy team is completely disguised by mercenaries.

"Quick retreat, retreat quickly."

When the first gunfire sounded and a **** mist filled the top of the slope, Jan Sobieski promptly ordered the cavalry who were still unable to advance on the **** to retreat as soon as possible. He was keenly aware that behind the bait of the food requisition team, the hunter was coming soon.

But how could Victor, who had finally lured Jan Sobieski out, let him escape so easily. At this time, Victor led a small group of halberds waving their halberds, and swept the winged cavalry and armored Cossacks and horses to the ground. They rushed to the top of the slope, followed by the cavalry who had begun to retreat.

The cavalry who has lost speed is not at all an opponent of infantry armed with polearms. Especially the winged cavalry, the super-powerful cavalry in their hands that once made the infantry of all countries afraid of it, at this time, it is completely useless in the crowded battlefield. And due to the limitations of the terrain, it is very difficult for them to even retreat.

Some winged cavalry and armored Cossacks jumped off their horses, and they fought desperately with sabers and pikemen.

Gunshots also appeared on Jan Sobieski's left wing, which was a cavalry corps composed of cavalry from various teams. They were cruising around, but after hearing the gunshots, they rushed in the direction of Victor.