The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 228: Battle of Lidar Castle 8

"Everyone, keep up, there is a supreme glory waiting for us!"

Algildas was riding on a high-headed horse, and the back of his saber couldn't help patting the horse's buttocks. After the gunfire came, he and his cavalry were the first team to rush in the direction of the requisition team. On the trail, Al Gildas' cavalry encountered a small group of dragoons. These dragoons are scouts sent by Jan Sobeski.

The dragoons got off their horses immediately after spotting the enemy, and then raised their carbine towards Al Gildas.

Algierdas is also full of dragoons and armored Cossacks, these are not pure shock cavalry. By convention, the cavalry on both sides will use long-range weapons to shoot at each other, and then enter the hand-to-hand combat after shooting bullets and bows.

But Algildas was too eager to get to the battlefield first. Algirdas was born in a traditional Lithuanian nobleman. His family worked for Lithuanian princes (later Lithuanian princes were concurrently served by the Polish kings) for three centuries. It is also because of the birth and death of the princes for generations. Thanks to this, the Algierdas family obtained a lot of land in Bryansk. However, as Tsarist Russia ended the "Chaotic Age", the new Tsar continued to regain lost territory. Bryansk was also occupied by Tsarist Russia, and the land that originally belonged to the Algierdas family was confiscated by the Tsar and assigned to the nobles of Tsarist Russia. The Al-Gildas family who had lost their land had nothing in Al-Gildas’s generation, only the identity of the nobleman remained. So Algierdas has been working very hard, he made the oath to revive the glory of the Algierdas family when he was a child. Now, as long as he can be the first to rush to the battlefield and capture Jan Sobieski alive, the restoration of the Algierdas family will be just around the corner. How could this not make him scorched.

Facing the resistance of the dragoons, Al Gildas ordered his subordinates not to use muskets and bows but to rush straight through with sabers. This was far beyond the expectation of Jan Sobieski’s dragoons. They hurriedly fired out the bullets, and then quickly mounted their horses for close combat, but before they could mount their horses, Algildas and the cavalry who followed him quickly The ground crossed and was chopped to flee.

After rushing through the dragoons' block, Al Gildas quickly rushed to the battlefield. In front of his eyes, Victor’s infantry conscripts drove Jan Sobieski’s cavalry down the hill like sheep from the top, and on the other side, the cavalry team led by Jan Sobieski was swinging away. The formation was ready to face Victor's infantry on flat ground.

Seeing a squad of cavalry rushing to the battlefield, Jan Sobieski quickly turned and turned his head on Al Gildas.

Today's Jan Sobieski is wearing a winged cavalry chain armor coat with a tiger skin cloak, and his breastplate is decorated with a gold cross on his chest, which is particularly dazzling in the sun.

"Jan Sobieski!"

Algildas looked at this golden figure, and his excitement was beyond words. Algildas' strong body was shaking slightly immediately, and his right hand was raised unconsciously. When his hand fell, it was a signal to launch an attack.

"Captain, shall we wait for the others to arrive before..."

Seeing that the number of cavalry of Jan Sobieski was far more than his own, and the other reinforcements of his side had not arrived yet, a small-ban warrior under Algildas hesitated to suggest.

"Wait?" Algildas gave the Xiaoqi warrior a fierce look.

Seeing the captain glaring at him, the small flag warrior bowed his head in fright. Even if other people have dissent, they dare not disclose it.

"I will definitely revive the Algierdas family." Algierdas said silently in his heart. With a wave of his hand, all the cavalry opened the offensive position.

On the other side, seeing the cavalry facing far less than him, even dared to put on an offensive posture, Jan Sobieski secretly laughed at the opponent's overwhelming ability. Although he knew that he had fallen into Ojinsky’s trap, Jan Sobiesky was never a person who would bow to a difficult situation. He did not know that he had encountered such battles thousands of times in Ukraine. Every time, he can thwart the enemy's conspiracy and win victory.

"All the patriots who love this country, the traitors think that we can destroy us by setting a trap to surround us, but they are wrong. The just cause we are doing is blessed by the goddess of protection of the country. With the blessing of the goddess' divine power, we are invincible!"

"Hurray! Hurray!"

The remaining four hundred cavalrymen responded to Jan Sobieski's declaration, and they raised their sabers and spears to prepare for a fight to the death with the enemy.

"Remember, we are not retreating now, but attacking, attacking!" Jan Sobieski pointed at the sabre, and he led the cavalry toward Al Gildas' arrow.

"Offensive, offensive."

Jan Sobieski and Al Gildas’ cavalry collided. Just as two torrents stirred up a thousand waves for a while, the foremost cavalry of the two cavalry teams dropped their horses one after another. They broke their knives and became the first victims.

Algildas' saber killed an armored Cossack who rushed in front of him, and his hand was wiped by the armored Cossack's lance, bringing out a lot of blood.

A dragoon of the Prince's Army pointed the carbine on the saddle at a winged cavalry. In the charge just now, the winged cavalry's long lance nailed an armored Cossack to the ground. He then used a saber to kill a dragoon who tried to sneak attack from behind. Good luck for the winged cavalry. That's it. The bullet from the carbine drilled a small hole in his wing cavalry armor, and took his life with it.

Then the Dragoon had not had time to be happy for his achievement in killing a winged cavalry, and his own abdomen was split in half with a saber.

Every step of the horses on both sides will be accompanied by the sound of cavalry falling to the ground.

Algildas has been looking for Jan Sobieski in the melee. There was only one goal for him, and that was the head of Jan Sobieski, but the chaotic battlefield blocked his vision and he was unable to do so.

Finally the horse team staggered past, leaving a place of corpses.

In the first round of the contest, Al Gildas paid the price for his recklessness. Most of his people were killed and injured, and even himself was injured.

Jan Sobieski looked at Algierdas with admiration. In the previous confrontation, he also lost more than 20 people. Although he was an opponent, he somewhat admired this fearless warrior.

"It's a pity, if I have enough time, I will definitely capture the officer in the red kaftan." Jan Sobieski said to his opponent.

"General, shall we attack?" a wing cavalry next to Jan Sobieski asked in surprise.

"It's too late. The enemy's reinforcements are coming from all directions."

"But all of us on the hillside haven't been removed yet!"

"Then we will break through from that direction!" Jan Sobieski said proudly.

Algierdas used a bandage to stop the blood on his arm with one hand. He was about to continue the charge but saw Jan Sobieski's handsome flag start to move-Jan Sobieski turned towards the hillside. The direction ran away.

Jan Sobieski wants to escape! Al Gildas was shocked, he wanted to catch up, but Al Gildas and his people are now at the end of the battle.

The movements of Jan Sobieski were also watched by Victor. If possible, Victor would definitely go down and block Sobieski's troops, but they were almost exhausted in the battle, and they were no longer able to block it. Victor shouted to his men to shrink their forces on the hillside to prevent Jan Sobieski from having a chance to disperse the battlefield.

The cavalry who had been entangled with Victor's infantry a moment ago finally had a chance to breathe. They merged with Jan Sobieski and began to retreat in the direction of Lida Fort.

On the way to the retreat, Jan Sobieski's cavalry broke three units of Ojinsky sent to intercept his cavalry. Although they suffered heavy losses, they made Ojinsky's plan to destroy himself in the field to ruin.

After Jan Sobieski walked away, Victor and Al Gildas, who were also scarred, met on the hillside. Algierdas blamed Victor for Jan Sobieski's escape, and for this reason Algierdas blamed Victor without dignity as soon as they met.

"Why didn't you stop it just now, or wait for others to arrive, and the great work of destroying Jan Sobieski is ours."

Victor stared, he didn't expect that a lower-level officer would dare to accuse himself face to face.

"Second lieutenant, please pay attention to your identity." Victor accused harshly.

"I'm just talking about the matter!" Algildas also insisted firmly.

"What is your name? Whose subordinate is it?"

"My name is Al Gildas and I am a nobleman. I work for Prince Yanush and serve in Alvar Chechen's mercenary group."

It turned out that it was Cheerchen's person, and Victor's face was a little better. He decided to give Cheer Chen and Pidro a face. Rarely, Victor explained:

"Then Algierdas, you are also a cavalry. Please tell me, how can infantry of more than 100 men stop the cavalry of 400 men on the flat ground?"

Algildas was speechless. This is indeed an impossible task.

"I don't think you will be blamed for your rudeness in the face of Captain Chechen. That's all for today's affairs. Think about it for yourself, the inferior boy."

After Victor finished speaking, he led people to clear the battlefield. His infantry squad occupied a favorable geographical position, and only a hundred cavalrymen fought with them from beginning to end, so the loss was not big. However, Chabrin, a former university faculty member, unfortunately died in battle.

As soon as the battle started, Chabrin hid under the carriage, where it was originally safe. Unexpectedly, a diffuse feather arrow penetrated the thin floor of the carriage and nailed to his head.

When the commander General Okinsky came here, the battlefield had almost been cleaned.

As soon as he saw Victor, Ojinsky gave him a big hug.

"Good job, Victor. You deserve to be the best mercenary officer under the Prince." Ojinsky said with joy.

Although Jan Sobieski fled, Ojinsky was not diminished by the news. In his opinion, it is only a matter of time to capture Jan Sobieski alive. Even if he escapes by chance this time, it will be hard to escape when the army comes to Lida Fort, like Jan Sobieski.

"General, Al Gildas salutes you."

Just as Okinsky and Victor were talking, Algierdas, with one hand wrapped in a bandage, paid tribute to the officer.

Looking at Algierdas's face, Ojinsky was puzzled, he didn't know Algierdas. In other words, it is difficult for all lower-level officers like Algierdas to enter Ojinsky's eyes.

"My name is Algierdas and I am a nobleman. I serve for Prince Yanush and serve in Alvar Chechen's mercenary group." Seeing General Ojinsky's face in doubt, Algierdas repeated Go over your resume.

"Oh, isn't it? That's fine. Where's your captain?" Ojinsky replied absently.

At this time, his adjutant whispered to him.

"Oh, your cavalry was the first to rush to the battlefield! Yes, courage is commendable." Ojinski praised it reflexively. Obviously, these were all reminded by the adjutant just now.

"Yes, I will certainly not disappoint you, the general." Hearing Okinski's praise of himself, Algildas stood straighter and his voice was louder.

Okinsky waved his hand to signal that he heard it. Then he got on the horse accompanied by the adjutant.

It wasn't until Ojinsky and his adjutant's horse **** disappeared that Algildas relaxed his body.

"Go, let's go back!" Algildas said to the surviving cavalry under his opponent.

But the surviving cavalry under Algierdas did not act. They all looked at Algierdas with resentful eyes.

"Have you not heard the order!?" Algildas shouted again.

"How could there be such a leader?"

"I also saw that at that time, dozens of people against hundreds of people, he didn't want to live, but he took his hands to die."

Victor's men had witnessed the cavalry battle between Algierdas and Jan Sobieski all the way, and they were also deeply not ashamed of Algierdas's act of treating his men's lives as a waste of money for credit.

Hearing the comments of these bystanders, and seeing that his subordinates still did not move, Algierdas gave an ultimatum:

"If you dare to disobey my orders, I will engage in military law after I return."

As soon as the words were spoken, one of the soldiers couldn't bear it. He said: "No matter how ruthless military law is, we can't change our minds. Algierdas, we will not follow you. We will apply for transfer after we return."

After speaking, the soldier beat and bypassed Al Gildas and went back. The other soldiers also left after learning everything.

In a short while, Al Gildas became the commander of Le Polish.

Victor witnessed this scene all the way, but he didn't speak, but gathered the carriage together, and then summoned the soldiers back to the camp.

Al Gildas was the only one left on this land. He stood on the horse, immersed in the darkness.

Vaguely, tears fell from his eyes.