The Last Gentleman

Chapter 662: chase

 Chapter 662 Chase


Several investigators are examining the body parts here and the dents made by William's shoulder.

One of them was holding a compass-like detector in his hand, trying to find the divine aura remaining here, but he couldn't find anything.

 The final conclusion reached was that the movement was caused by brute force by a non-divine individual. Such a conclusion was so exaggerated that they did not even dare to write it down in their notebooks.

One of the relatively young and shy investigators who had just joined the job immediately thought of one thing.

“The city is currently checking for disease carriers. As for what kind of disease it is, it has not been announced. Is there a possibility..."

 Just halfway through speaking.

GuluGulu~The surface of the lake began to bubble crazily, and something unusual was surfacing.

The investigators were also nervous and took out corresponding fighting postures.

 The first thing that surfaced was a bald face full of wrinkles, with an exaggerated smile.

Because the squeeze of the smile makes the wrinkles on the face appear more dense and dense, one can easily tell that the person is at least ninety years old.

 But the body that surfaced next did not look like a ninety-year-old at all, or even human.

He is half a body taller than the tallest investigator on site. He is capable and strong, with no trace of excess meat. Every piece of meat is attached to the surface of the bones to maximize its effect.

This old man who emerged from the bottom of the sea had a sense of oppression, which made the investigators from the city collectively take a step back.

It’s just that they had met before. When the investigators first came to Huahai Village with the investigation letter issued by the city, it was this old man who led the entire village to meet them.

“Dear guests who have come all the way from the city, I haven’t seen you for a long time~ You actually stayed with us to investigate due to your responsibilities. Thank you very much for your hard work.

 Luckily you haven't left yet~ Just now a villager here was killed by an outsider, and this is the place where the crime occurred.

The opponent possesses extraordinary power and can kill villagers with just one move. Moreover, it seems that he deliberately made such a big noise to attract you guys.

Perhaps this person has another purpose. He has a similar idea to the young man a month ago and wants to contact the patron saint of the village. "

An investigator here gave an explanation, "Village chief, you can rest assured that we are not all here to investigate. Our captain and three powerful members are left at the entrance of the cave. They will naturally not let outsiders approach. .

Moreover, there is a seal and restriction set up by you at the entrance of the cave, so there won’t be much of a problem. "


The village chief’s palm, which could almost crush a person’s head, gently landed on the investigator’s shoulder.

“We’d better go over and take a look~ If something goes wrong again and angers the Buddha Mother, everyone present including me may be in danger.

Furthermore, Huahai Village may be left behind. There will no longer be such prosperous jacarandas blooming all year round. The sea water will also become rancid, and Linghai City’s number one tourist attraction will be permanently closed.

 Our village will no longer be able to pay taxes to the city, and the city's economy will be affected. "

“Well, let’s go there together.”

“Hurry up and run, young people~ Don’t even catch up with me, who is about to die of old age.”

Oversized footprints were left on the beach. The village chief's speed was incredibly fast, and he rushed dozens of meters away in an instant. Only two investigators who were good at speed could barely keep up.

  When they arrived at the cave, none of the four-person team that was supposed to stay here was gone, not even a breath left.

Green veins were pulsing on the village chief’s face, and his anger level was completely full.

  A month ago, this group of investigators came to the village to conduct a comprehensive divine investigation. Since the entire urban area was involved, in order to restore the village to normal as much as possible, the village chose to tolerate and cooperate with their work.

Who knew something like this would happen again, and the outsiders who sneaked into the village this time were not simple at all. It was entirely possible that they would offend the Buddha Mother of the Sea of ​​Flowers, causing irreversible consequences.

Once something happens, the Buddha Mother will abandon everything here, and all the grace she has received will fade away.

The village chief, who has lived a full 143 years, can no longer receive any favors, and the final outcome waiting for him will be death of old age.

At this point, the village chief could no longer endure and pretend, and the smile on his face turned into one of anger and hatred.

 There was clearly something moving under the skin on the back, which looked like the roots of a plant or some kind of disgusting sea intestine structure.

The two investigators, who could barely keep up with the village chief, looked surprised when they saw that there was no one guarding the cave entrance.

One of the investigators quickly explained, “It is impossible for Captain Li to make such a mistake. There is only one possibility. The outsiders are of very high standard and used some means to force Captain Li and others to move to another place.

The current seal at the entrance of the cave shows no signs of being damaged, and the other party may not have..."

 The words have not yet finished,

The village chief suddenly turned around and slapped the investigator who was talking nonsense directly in the face, click! While interrupting the nonsense, his whole head was turned a full 720°.

Another investigator was stunned, but with a strong psychological quality, he immediately wrapped his arms with Qi, as if an old man riding a crane was conveying Qi to him.

 The Qi Luck Dantian, wave your palms with all your strength,

 The palm of his hand hit the centenarian village chief directly in the abdomen.


 A shock wave visible to the naked eye was released behind the village chief, but the village chief only took half a step back.

"A very powerful blow~ Unfortunately, it's too weak. The city actually arranged for intern waste like you to come here to investigate. You simply look down on our Huahai Village and wasted so much precious time and so many opportunities to make sacrifices. ,"

As soon as he finished speaking, the village chief's mouth and chin split 'vertically', and multiple lamprey-like 'tongues' grew out of his mouth.

 Bite down suddenly! After removing the investigator's head, the lamprey-shaped tongue penetrated the skull and sucked out the brain matter inside.

The freshness, city, and well-educated young brains have made the village chief’s thinking clearer.

 Smell the smell here again, confirming that the other party should have entered the cave not long ago, and there may be room for redemption.

The village chief raised his head and let out a high-frequency and wide-coverage roar through his completely split mouth.

this moment,

The villagers who were sleeping or doing things at home responded one after another. They went to the statues of gods enshrined in their homes, kowtowed and knelt crazily. In the process, their bodies continued to secrete seawater and morphed one after another.

In addition, due to the slow speed of the investigators who came from the beach, when they arrived at the cave entrance area, the village chief had already finished eating without leaving any bone residue.

He also tore apart the hemp rope and yellow talisman barrier at the entrance of the cave, pretending that the two investigators he killed had chased into the cave.

“After your companions catch the signs of outsiders, let’s follow them quickly~ The other party is not simple, so be careful.

I have spread the message to every corner of the village, and the villagers are on their way. We will never let outsiders disturb the rules here. "

At the suggestion of the village chief, most of the investigators chose to follow him in, but two people were still left at the entrance of the cave to maintain contact.

The village chief deliberately walked at the end of the team with a strange smile on his face.

 In the forest area that no one noticed, a pair of special eyes were silently watching the situation at the entrance of the cave.

The subject of these eyes is wearing a bright yellow raincoat.

The raincoat is quite peculiar. The pure yellow color is easily exposed, but it never attracts anyone's attention. The seemingly yellowed clothing has actually integrated with the environment, achieving adaptive concealment.

The mouth under the hood of the raincoat moved slightly, making a chilling hoarse sound.

“William…your “luck value” is indeed very high~ You can actually meet a **** of this level so quickly. Can you or Catherine really crack such a tough nut?

 Maybe, everyone here will die from this.

 Fortunately, I followed him, it was really worrying. You think so, Huangpi? "

The raincoat shook, seeming to have responded on the retina.

 (End of this chapter)