The Last Gentleman

Chapter 663: solemn treasure

Chapter 663: Solemn Treasures

  【Ten minutes ago】

William and Catherine walked through the cave entrance and stepped into the mysterious cave where the main statue of the **** was sealed.

 In an instant, I felt completely isolated from the outside world.

An uneasy, strange and eerie feeling floated from the depths of the cave, and one could even vaguely hear laughter, singing and crying, small but definitely present.

 The cave has been artificially repaired, and the floor and walls have been leveled.

What is very strange is that the entrance to the cave and the woods outside are covered with yellow symbols, but there is not a single piece of yellow paper used to suppress evil objects, nor is there any hemp rope tied inside the cave.

In addition, the cave passage is not straight but has a slight downward slope. Because it is close to the sea, there is serious water seepage in the passage, with the humidity exceeding 100%.

The two of them only stood for a while, and their clothes were completely soaked.

It even feels like the water droplets attached to the body will continue to penetrate the skin. Even William's body has a hard time resisting it. Once any water penetrates into the body, it will produce a slight "feeling of weakness", which will accumulate over time.


 The investigators who came to the village had not really gone deep into this strange cave.

 Perhaps they knew the existence of the Buddha Mother of the Sea of ​​Flowers and knew that such a deity would not be easily offended. Their investigation was limited to the ‘stability of the village’.

 As long as they are sure that there will be no obvious deaths of tourists in the village, they will report it to the top and Huahai Village will be opened again.

After walking a while, William sat cross-legged and focused on the abyss in his belly. As the abyss rotated, streams of water flowed out along the edge.

 He was also relieved, feeling that the weights accumulated in his body had been taken out.

 Catherine is even simpler. Her octopus legs are exposed and attached to her thighs. If any water vapor invades the body, the octopus legs will be expelled immediately.

 Looks like running water while walking.

“It’s really interesting, I can feel that there is something big inside! Not only these villagers, but even the investigators in the city are very afraid of it, not only do they approach easily.

William, please drain the water a little faster, I can’t wait any longer! "

Under Catherine's urging, the two soon encountered the first fork in the cave passage. There were three roads in different directions in front of them to choose from.

However, there is a person, or rather a corpse, standing at the fork in the road.

The eyes have been replaced by flowers. He holds a weird smile and raises his hand to point to the passage on the right, as if to guide the 'visitors'.

 “Catherine, is this the direction?”

“That’s right, the direction given by this dead man is correct. The remaining sense of the idol in my body is also pointing this way. It seems that the other party wants to meet us.”

"Be careful."

William took the initiative to walk in front and stepped into the passage on the right first, making sure that nothing was wrong before letting Catherine follow.

Not long after the two passed by, they suddenly felt a chill coming from behind them and turned their heads at the same time.

I saw that the ‘flower man’ standing at the fork in the road actually changed his posture.

 No longer pointing the way, but waving,

The mouth that should have been stiff for a long time is still moving, as if saying "Welcome".

 The next second, his mouth opened completely, and the flowers packed inside poured out crazily.

Such a strange phenomenon made Catherine uncomfortable. She took the initiative to close the distance between her and William, and the octopus tentacles wrapped around William's arms became tighter.

William wanted to play nice and tease Catherine about her fear, but in the end he didn't say it out loud and kept it like this.

 Soon we encountered another fork in the road.

This makes William feel that the so-called cave is more like a man-made underground maze, deliberately trapping the Flower Sea Buddha Mother in the innermost part.

Similarly, there is also a flower figure standing here at this fork in the road, but he does not raise his hand to point out the direction.

 When the two people stepped forward to check the situation,

  唰! The flower man suddenly turned his head, put his flowered face against Catherine's ear, and made sounds through the growth and friction of the flowers in his mouth.


Catherine was so frightened by this sudden jump-scare that she almost screamed, and the octopus legs stuck between her thighs were completely stretched.

 “Catherine, are you okay?”

 “Ahem~ What’s so good about it? These things are not threatening.”

“I mean, is this fear still acceptable? Catherine, your [fear] shouldn’t be this type, right?”

"Of course not. What I'm good at is nightmare phobia, not this weird thing... I just walked in this liminal space for too long, and I feel a little mentally uncomfortable."

“Maybe it’s because Catherine has absorbed the replica of the idol. The deeper you go, the more invisible the influence becomes.”

 At this point, William quickly grabbed Catherine's hand, intending to relieve her mental discomfort through this simplest and most direct contact.

Catherine instinctively wanted to break free, but William held on tightly.

 After failing to break away once, let nature take its course.

It turns out that the effect of holding hands like this is really good. The shift of attention made Catherine calm down a lot. In order to relieve the embarrassment, she even started to take the initiative to find topics.

“This fear model is really good. Maybe I can learn from it when I return to the circus to improve the fear effect.”


 Every time you pass a fork in the road, you will get a reminder from the flower man. After passing seven forks in the road, a large amount of ocean water begins to appear in the passage in front of you.

 The sounds of crying, singing, and laughter became more distinct,

“Since we stepped into the cave, the **** of the passage has always been downward. Our current location should be lower than sea level, and the sea of ​​flowers may even be connected to the bottom.

 The main statue is most likely at the end of this passage. "

“William, let’s go quickly~ Let me see what the ‘gods’ related to the sea in this world look like, and how do they compare to me?”

Along the way, William also learned not to meditate, but to expel sea water from his abdomen while walking.

When the two of them walked out of the passage, stepping on the knee-high seawater, they suddenly became enlightened.

There is actually a cave in the deepest part of the cave, which is completely different from what William imagined.

 An underground temple appears in front of you,

 Four columns covered with flowers serve as supports for the temple.

The ground is paved with seawater half a meter high, and more than a hundred futons are floating on the water, invisible and evenly spaced.

On these futons were sparsely kneeling drowned people, their eyes blooming, showing a pious attitude even though they were already dead.

 The direction of the drowned person is exactly where the main statue of the **** is.

 In front of them, a cauldron of incense was floating on the water, with several burning incense sticks stuck on it.

Behind the back corresponds to a main statue of more than 30 meters in height - "Buddha Mother of the Sea of ​​Flowers"

The bloated and fat body sits cross-legged on the lotus, with layers of fat stacked on top of it, as if it is filled with oil and water. The skin on the surface is wrinkled, whether due to recent malnutrition or soaking in the sea for too long.

The gestures of the Mother Buddha are similar to the statues in villagers’ homes.

The left hand is tied in the lotus mudra,

Hold up the white jade bottle in his right hand, but the inside of the jade bottle is filled with flesh and blood, and is also covered with ring-shaped teeth, like a special living magic weapon.

 Continue to look upward,

 We will formally look at the indescribable [Head] of the Buddha Mother, from which all the sounds heard before came.

  The replica statues in residents' homes simply carve dense flowers on the face of the Buddha to represent her appearance.

In this underground temple, the face of the real **** is indeed covered with flowers, but each flower corresponds to a corpse.


The face of the Buddha Mother is covered with dense holes. The holes are just big enough to stuff a person or a corpse vertically, or it can be best described as a sacrifice.

The human body is completely stuffed in, leaving only the head outside.

As time goes by, the head exposed on the face of the Buddha Mother will bloom completely, showing the dignity of the "Buddha Face Blooming".

 When the flowers on the face wither, it means that the sacrifice has been sucked dry, and the corpses kneeling on the futon are the replacements.

 In the past,

 When Huahai Village is operating normally as a tourist attraction,

This underground temple is bustling with people and incense at all times. Not only are people kneeling on every futon, but there are also a large number of "queuers" floating in the sea.

 They all ‘can’t wait’ to embed themselves into the face of the Buddha Mother.

 Catherine was also stunned by such a scene. How could such a huge statue be absorbed?

 (End of this chapter)