The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 670: cemetery

Baine and Guerrerogen walked along the wall of the cemetery until they found a place that was easy to climb over and dark enough. Bai En made sure that the lantern he was carrying was firmly attached to the clip on the sword belt, then jumped up, grabbed a metal thorn on a wall, and used it as a lever to pull himself to the top of the wall. He said to himself that these spikes might be ornaments after all, and have no other purpose.

The moon broke through the clouds, and he found himself looking at the cemetery. Under the silver light, this is a terrible sight. The fog is rising. Tombstones are faintly visible in the cemetery, like islands rising from the gloomy sea. The tree tilted like a giant ogre, raising its branched arms to pay tribute to the **** of darkness. Somewhere in the distance, the lantern of a night watchman flashed brightly and darkly, and then disappeared, maybe it was because the person who carried the lamp returned to the house of the night watchman, maybe because of something darker , Bai En hopes he will never know. There is still silence here. He didn't know if there was sweat or mist on his forehead.

When he thought that such an adventure would not help his cold, he felt uncomfortable for a while. This uncoordinated feeling made him want to laugh. When the curved barb angle of Guerrero's giant axe hung on the stone beside him, he was startled, and Guerrero used it to pull himself against the wall. Bai En thought that when the dwarf wanted to become agile—especially when he was clear-headed, he would become surprisingly agile.

"Let's continue," the dwarves muttered, and they turned into the silent graveyard. Around them are tombstones. Some are inverted, and Bai En is not sure whether it was originally like this or collapsed because of the age. Others are covered with weeds and black rose bushes. In the hazy moonlight, you can almost see the inscription on the tombstone. The tombs are lined up like rows of dead people. In some places, old and knotty trees cast a shadow on them. The mist drifted around, sometimes so thick that it blurred the sight. The scent of black roses filled the air. During the day, Moore Garden may be a delightful place, but at night, Bai En finds that his thoughts quickly turn to the ghost.

He could easily imagine that countless corpses rot in the ground, bugs drill holes in the carrion, and hollow eye sockets of the corpses. From there, Bai En ’s imagination had a short leap forward, imagining the corpses coming out of the ground, and the slender hands reaching up through the mud, like the fingers of a drowning person coming out of the sea.

Bahn is not sure whether this idea is related to the fact that he once fell into the water outside the city of Billy Barry, but he tried to get these ideas out of his mind, but it was difficult. He had seen even stranger things happen. During his journey with the exiled von Herder family across the open land on the border, he also encountered walking dead bodies on the border mountain. He knew that ancient black magic could make the dead produce a false life and become a kind of evil creature, and make them have a terrible desire for the flesh and blood of the living. Bai En is not afraid of death, but also of the dead who can walk, but he is afraid of the things about the soul behind these things. If there really is a soul in this world, where did the soul go after death? If one can control the soul, can one resurrect one? He has read too many books, and there has never been a book that clearly proves that any one person has really been resurrected, even the deities have never resurrected their most devout believers.

Bai En shook his head. Now it was not time to think about it. He tried to tell himself that this is a holy land, a land owned by Mohr, and the **** of death guarded his people from such a terrible disaster. . But this is a strange time. He heard some terrible rumors. As the power of evil increases, the power of the old gods is weakening. He tried to tell himself that maybe such things happened in distant places, such as the southern continent or the extreme north, where there is an evil and chaotic wasteland, but this is Heidelberg, the main area controlled by the Marnus Empire, human civilization Core. But part of him whispered that there is evil here, and all human land has rotted into the bones.

To reassure himself, he glanced down at Grey Logan. The dwarf didn't seem to be afraid. A serious determination was engraved on his face. He held an axe in a vigilant posture, standing there motionless, his nose twitching, his head crooked, and listening to the voice of night.

"There are many strange smells tonight," the dwarf said. "Many strange sounds. This is the most lively place in the cemetery"

"What do you mean?" Bai En asked softly. "Something is moving. There is a bad feeling in the air. There are many mice in the bushes. Our view of this place is correct, humans."

"It's great," Bai En sarcastically said, he didn't understand why he was always right when he was least willing. "Let's keep moving. Let's find a place where there is a new cemetery. There is a place for funerals. I think there is the source of the plague."

They walked along the avenue between the cemeteries, and Bane slowly realized that Moore's garden was actually a large cemetery, a city of death. It has its own area and palace, just like the city outside. This is a poor area, where the poor are thrown into unmarked public cemeteries.

There are tombstones that are well cared for, where the wealthy middle class is buried. They compete with each other on how to use more gorgeous tombstones, just as jealous neighbors compete in life. The winged saint holds a stone sword and holds a book with the name and occupation of the deceased. The stone-carved dragon crouched like a dog protecting bones in the merchant's final resting place. Moore waved his scythe, wearing a hijab, and stood guarding on the black marble.

In the distance, Bai En can see the huge marble tombs of the wealthy nobles. They lived in the palace before they died, and in the palace after their death.

There, black roses were everywhere in the pavilion. Their disgusting scent came tangy. Sometimes there will be letters, gifts or other souvenirs, from the living to the dead. An overwhelming sense of sadness began to intertwine with Bai En's earlier fear.

These are all signs of futile human life. It doesn't matter how rich and successful those people lie in the grave. Now they are dead. Just like Bai En will eventually do the same. In a way, he can understand Guerrerogan's desire to be remembered.

Life is like writing on sand, he thought, the wind will eventually blow away the grains of sand.

They chose a place near the open tomb and hid themselves behind some collapsed tombstones. The smell of the fresh earth came out. The misty cold pierced his clothes. He felt that there were several places on his pants where the dew on the plants was wet. He tightened the cloak to keep out the cold, and then they sat down and waited.

Bai En looked up at the sky. The moon has gone more than half in the sky, but nothing happened. During this time, he heard the sound of ordinary mice scrambling and crawling. All they saw were some ferocious pests with crazy eyes. There was no trace of that ratman.

Perhaps he thought with half disappointment and half relief, he guessed wrong. Maybe they'd better consider going back. Now is a good time to leave here. The streets will be empty. Almost everyone who is honest is sleeping peacefully.

He wiped his nose with the edge of the cloak. It keeps running up his nose, and he knows that it won't help his cold tonight. He stretched his legs and tried to eliminate the stiffness and numbness of his legs, when he felt that Guerrerogan's hands were on his shoulders.

"Quiet, don't move," the dwarf whispered. "Something's coming." Bai En froze in the darkness, staring at the darkness outside, hoping that he would have the same keen senses and night vision ability as the dwarves. He heard his heart beating violently in his chest. His muscles were so unnaturally stiff that he began to resist this tension, but he still didn't move, almost daring to breathe, hoping that no matter what came, he wouldn't notice him until Bai En saw him.

Suddenly, he smelled an unpleasant filthy smell in the air. It smelled like rotting flesh and pus ulcers, just like the body of a plague patient had been in the shelter for weeks or years, but had not been washed at all. Bai En thought that if the disease smelled, it would probably be like this.

He immediately knew that his suspicions were right. In order not to let himself get sick, he held the copper ball incense burner close to his nose and prayed that the spell on it would allow him to resist anything coming. Then he patted Grey Rogan lightly, beckoning him to learn his movements. The dwarf seemed to look at him in the dark. Bai En only saw that the dwarf's arm seemed to be raised a bit, but could not see the detailed movements.

At this time, an ugly figure came limping in. It looks like a rat person, but it is not like the rat person that Bai En has seen before. Its dirty fur covered with scabies was covered with big boils, and its terrible liquid was still running on the surface of its scratched skin. Most of its body is covered in dirty bandages, covered with pus and dirt.

It is very thin, but there is a crazy and fanatic light in his eyes ~ ~ Its movements are almost drunk; it is shaking, as if it is controlled by a disease, which prevents it Its sense of balance. However, when it moves, it sometimes bursts at a surprising speed, just as a patient accumulates the last power in order to accomplish some terrible task.

As it moved, it talked to itself with its strange tongue, or made a disgusting snicker. When all this happened, Bai En noticed that he was holding a cage in a trembling hand, and the rats in the cage were running around. It stopped for a while, kneeling on one leg on the ground. Then it opened the cage and took out a mouse. Other mice took the opportunity to rush out of the open cage door, fell to the ground, and fell into the grave. When they fell on the ground, they dropped urine and dirty feces. When it touched the ground, for a moment, there was a terrible, overwhelming odor, which almost choked Bai En. After a while, the odor slowly subsided. Some mice dragged themselves out of the grave and dragged themselves to hide. Bai En can see that they have left a poisonous mucus behind them, and obviously they are dying. Bai En frowned and thought, what the **** is going on?

Then the ratman stood up and walked away. Guerrerogan did not immediately rush to get rid of it, but made a gesture to let Bian follow it, and then began his tracing. At this time, Bairn was very surprised and shocked by the restraint of Grayrogan. It took only a few seconds for Bai En to understand Guerrerogan's plan. They are going to follow this plague monk in the Ratmen clan-Bai En guessed this-back to its lair. In the Moore Garden, they are looking for a path to the source of the plague.