The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 687: prom

Bai En kicked a **** mouse under his feet, let it fly in the air, and landed in a pile of garbage. It turned around and immediately swallowed the dirt from his body without mind. Bai En looked at it in despair and disgust.

These eccentric mice are everywhere, eating anything that can be eaten, and even eating a lot of things that can not be eaten. There are thousands of them here alone, and there may be millions in the main cities. Sometimes, the whole street seems to be just a boiling sea of ​​pests, they flow like tide. His employer, Old Heinz, has heard stories that they like to swallow babies in cribs and children who eat too much. These swarms of pests run around the city streets, even cats and dogs are too scared to stop them.

The only thing fortunate is that these mysterious mice seem to be surprisingly short-lived. They seem to age for several months in one day. But when they died, the rats' bodies were spread on the pebbles like an ugly fur rug. This is not normal. In fact, the whole city is their stench, and Bai En wonders whether the whole thing is caused by the witchcraft of the evil purpose of the ratmen.

However, even the Dark Church at that time, I am afraid that it cannot release such a large-scale magic, especially if no magical leakage is felt. Therefore, Bian believes that if anything, Heidelberg seems to be cursed. The air was filled with the smell of disease and vomit, and human flesh was burning on the huge fire in the square outside the Temple of Moore.

The exterior of the low-cost apartment building has been sealed with wooden boards and turned into a grave. Bai En shuddered at the thought of the rotting body inside. To make matters worse, no one wants to help those who are trapped there alive and the victims of the plague.

At that time, there were rumors of terrible rumors that people had just recovered from the plague, but died of hunger. There are even worse stories: cannibalism, where people eat meat from the bodies of family and friends. This is a terrible idea. This made Bai En feel that the gods must have moved their eyes away from the city, if there were really gods.

He heard the rumble of the wheels in front and the sound of the bell. He stood aside and let the plague carriage pass. The driver wore a black suit, and his face was covered by a skull mask and a huge pointed mouth mask. Behind the carriage, a believer of Moore waved the incense burner, presumably to protect him from the plague. It's like watching the **** of death ride a horse through this city destined to perish, accompanied by his servants.

Bai En can see the rotten corpses stacked on the rear panel of the car. The corpses were naked, and valuables had been looted by their families or bold scavengers. And those mice chewed the corpse. Bai En saw one of them tear off one eyeball and swallowed it whole.

The carriage of the plague keeps moving on the street, the bells announce their existence, and summon those who are still strong and healthy to deal with the bodies of those who died. But even the plague carriage is not safe. If they stop for a while, the rats will pounce on them, fight each other, and compete for the feast of the corpses.

Bai En grunted in the stomach, he tightened his belt a little. He hopes that others will find food more fortunately than him. Among the commodities he sold on the market, he did not find any food that was not contaminated with rat feces. Even these foods were sold at ten times the normal price. Some citizens became rich due to the destruction of this big city. He thinks that even in the most terrible situations, there are always some people who can profit from it.

He hoped that Guerrerogan would give up his crazy desire to stay in this city. He had already considered slipping away, joining the ranks of the poor and the underprivileged, who had rescued their only property and left. There are several reasons why he did not do this. First and foremost, he will not abandon his friends. The second is to see the end of all this. He guessed that this terrible thing would come soon, and at least part of him wanted to know what would happen.

Another reason is that the craftsman responsible for repairing his sacrificial knife told him that it was almost finished, and then he only had to wait for the musket to be rebuilt. Of course, during this time, he has become accustomed to using this "spirit", and the feeling of using this sword is very pleasant, but the sacrifice knife is the key to his spellcasting. Many of his casting materials have expired and need to be replenished, which is not a simple matter.

The last reason is simple. He heard that the local nobility had isolated the city, and the archers were shooting people trying to leave the road. In the past two desperate weeks, many barges from the pier have returned, and they report that the Royal Navy and Seven Port Alliance ships on the river have sunk any ships trying to pass them.

There may be a small team that can go out at night, but Bai En does n’t want to try it without Grey Rogan. The now completely lawless land around the city will become more dangerous, because all local soldiers and road inspectors are performing isolation, and these groups of armed men are willing to rob any refugees.

Law and order in some areas within the city walls have collapsed. At night, gangs of robbers wandered the streets, searching for food and eating anything that was not guarded by armed men. On the night two days ago, despite the presence of hundreds of soldiers, a group of thugs broke into the granary of the city. They broke into the door and found that there was nothing left, only the bones of the rats. These rats ate a meal and then died.

At this time, Bai En noticed that a group of rough children not far away was watching him with hungry eyes. One of them was drooling at the dead rat roasting on the barbecue fork. Under normal circumstances, he would throw them a coin out of sympathy, but in the past few days, he had almost been attacked by such a gang twice.

Bai En lifted his cloak with his hand to reveal the long sword and sacrificial knife around his waist, but the other party didn't seem to care much. They just looked at each other and took a few steps in the direction of Bai En. Only then did he pull out his sword and wave it threateningly in the air. The reflective blade allowed anyone who had seen the sword to understand the power of the sword, and then they retreated in despair.

He remembered the words of Count Ostwald. The city was indeed under siege, but it was a terrible siege. There are no siege hammers, no siege towers, and no cannons. Except for hunger and disease, he did not carry any weapons. There is no enemy who can find and fight. Despair is the only enemy here, but there is no sword to fight with.

Soon, he returned to the blind pig tavern. A few mercenaries with weapons lay lazily outside the tavern. Because they knew this hotel and its owner, they had lived in this hotel before. Now, in order to protect themselves, they stay here in groups. . Bai En knew all of them, and they all knew him, but when he approached, they looked at him carefully. They were all very strong people and decided that since they could not escape the plague of the plague, they might as well be more comfortable while waiting for the plague to strike. The countess provided double pay to those who helped maintain stability, and these people strengthened her guards and the severely deficient city garrison. These people did not accidentally choose to earn extra income.

"Is there any news?" One of them asked, he is a burly northern barbaric giant named Da Bosh. Although seeing him for the first time reminded Bane of his former bodyguard Nokranstov, the former bodyguard chose to return to his tribe who had migrated to Fatalin before the battle of Istana Time, no contact for a long time. Bai En shook his head.

"Anything to eat?" Another person asked. This frowning Burtanian is called the hungry Griffin by everyone. Even before the weird mice appeared, he was known to be able to eat, but the unmatched one was his thin body. It was heard that he was a serf who fled to the empire in Burtania.

Bai En shook his head again, and walked in from them with caution. Old Heinz was sitting at the table by the fire, warming his hands. Grey Logan sat with him and drank a large glass of beer.

"It seems that supper is going to eat mouse pie again." Heinz said casually. Bai En is not sure if he is kidding. "Noble Bai En came back empty-handed."

"At least you still have beer," Bai En said. Since going to the palace and changing the clothes, Bai En has added a ‘noble’ nickname. In addition, some people called him "big man" and so on. Bai En was curious if he told them that there was a "blood robe" title on Bill Barry's side.

"If it's a dwarf ale, we can survive on it alone," said Grey Logan. "I have participated in many battles, and I have nothing in my stomach except half a barrel of Bagman beer."

"Unfortunately, it is not Bagman's," Bai En said coldly. Since the beginning of the food shortage, the dwarf has been constantly recalling the nutritional value of the dwarf ale in one of the most annoying ways.

"More ratmen were discovered," Heinz said. "Last night, the city guards clashed with them in the central square. They seemed to be foraging, at least the guards said so."

"Maybe I want to make sure we are starving to death ~ ~ Bai En said angrily.

"No matter what is going to happen, it will happen soon," Guerrero said after taking a sip. "There is something in the air. I can smell it."

"I didn't expect your nose to be a‘ prophet ’,” Bai En said, pursing his lips. "You smell beer."

"I heard that the Countess Emmanuelle is holding a large fancy dress ball," Heinz said with a smile. "Maybe you will be invited."

"I don't know why, I doubt it," Bai En said. Since Ostwald called him two weeks ago to explain why the black ship was burnt, he has not received any news from the palace. Of course, since then, all the dwellings on the mountain have become solid camps, and the rich and nobles have been cut off from the world in order to escape the plague. There are rumors that any civilian, even on those cobbled streets, will be killed on the spot.

"This is a typical characteristic of your **** human nobility." Grerogan said with a hiccup. "The city is almost done, what will they do? Have a **** party!"

"Maybe we should do the same thing," Heinz said. "After all, there is a worse way!"

"Did anyone see Elisa?" Bai En asked casually, he wanted to change the gloomy trend of this conversation.

"She left earlier and went for a walk with the farm boy. Hans, right?"

Bai En suddenly regretted that he really shouldn't ask this question.