The National Girl is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 96: The 96th day of the development of a nat

"Dormant" premiere scene.

Gu Suisui, who came to attend the premiere today, is wearing a goose yellow dress with a cute ball head and a bulingbuling diamond headband. He looks sweet and pleasant.

And Gu Suisui's partner is still Lu Chi, the male sibling who plays with her in the movie. Female No.1 Fu Yingyu stood with Director Chen.

"Sui Sui, how do you feel about your performance in the movie this time?"

Gu Suisui was interviewed for the first time. Because she was young, she was fearless. She thought about it and said with a little pride: "I think it's good." In one of the scenes, she cried for a long time! If you change to the newly formed body and cry like this, she will be transformed into qaq

The female reporter who was interviewing and recording looked at the little girl’s expression of "I’m working hard" and couldn’t help but smile, and continued to ask: "Sui Sui, you and Lu Chi are playing siblings in the movie this time. Do you have a good relationship in the crew?"

Gu Suisui tilted his head, and said gruffly: "Brother Lu Chi is a very nice man. He has always taken care of me in the crew, bought me snacks and taught me to play games..."

Little Marshmallow broke his fingers and counted the advantages of Lu Chi's brother seriously, while the praised Lu Chi himself showed a helpless and embarrassed expression.

Suddenly being praised by a kid like this, he knew that he had so many good points!

Of course Lu Chi was very happy that he was such a good and such a good brother in the eyes of the children, but he said so straightforwardly in front of outsiders...cough, cough, a little embarrassing.

Because it was just a small interview in private, the reporter didn't ask much, and the interview ended soon.

"Can I take a picture of the two of you together?"

"Of course." Lu Chi said with a smile, holding the child's hand.

The female reporter looked at the two people in front of the camera, and couldn't help feeling that Director Chen's casting was really amazing. The two actors playing the siblings stand together. The pictures are not so eye-catching. Any photo can be used as a screensaver.

I just don't know how amazing the two people in the movie will be.


The process of the pre-screening ceremony of the film is the same as that of the last press conference. First, the main creative staff came to the stage to talk about the difficulties and interesting things they encountered during the filming of this film. Thanks to all the front and back of the crew of "Dormant" for their hard work, and then everyone accepted interviews from the media present.

But after what happened last time, Director Chen has a stricter selection of invited media. After all, today is a crucial film premiere. There are so many people in the circle who come to participate, but you can’t let some bad-intentioned media affect everyone’s good mood.

After a round of interviews that had already been discussed, the first half of the premiere ceremony ended. Then it’s time to get to the main topic and prepare to play the movie——

At today's premiere, in addition to the media and some well-connected insiders, Director Chen also specially invited several well-known film critics.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhao Qiming also came.

When the man came over, he was very low-key, wearing a very ordinary black shirt and a black peaked cap on his head, so even the media reporters sitting around did not notice his existence. It was a staff member who recognized who he was when he took the guests to the seat according to the coding area on the invitation letter.

This Zhao Qiming is also a well-known film critic. The style of his film reviews is extremely distinctive. Because of his venomous tongue and hit the nail on the head, many netizens like to read his film reviews, and he is well-known in the circle. And this person has always been maverick. He doesn't like others inviting himself to watch the premiere. He would rather spend money to watch it in the cinema in the middle of the night.

Whenever a movie is released, everyone will go to his Weibo and column to make crazy reminders. Some fans are even afraid of stepping on thunder, and sometimes wait for him to update the film review before deciding whether to go to the cinema to watch the movie.

During the period when Zhao Qiming was prolific, some movies that only wanted to make money were "daunted" by his existence. Because as soon as his film reviews are released, if the film is too rubbish, the word-of-mouth decline will affect the film's box office. But in the same way, if there is a movie that can be praised by him in film reviews, it will also have a big bonus to the box office of this movie.

It's just that in the past half a year, he hasn't written much about domestic film reviews, and he has written about some newly released foreign films one after another. This year, I have only written a film review of one movie in China, that is, the box office champion of the Spring Festival stall, the comedy movie "Today's Joy" with a box office of over 1.5 billion. However, his evaluation of "Today's Joy" still continued his consistent vicious tongue style, first affirming its success as a comedy, but at the same time pointed out bugs in the plot and the exaggeration of some actors' acting skills.

Director Chen heard the staff say that this person had also come to their premiere. He was surprised and asked: "...who invited him?" The crew of "Dormant" did not send him an invitation this time. So he can only come with other people. Each invitation letter can bring one more person in.

But he had never heard of who Zhao Qiming had a good relationship with.

The staff on the side hesitated, and said, "Director Chen, this Zhao Qiming behaves strangely, and I haven't seen him greet other people since he came. Do you want us to send someone over to negotiate with him for a while?"

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case. This man came here mysteriously, dressed so low-key, and looked like he was afraid of being recognized by others. How strange it seemed, wouldn't it be the one who came here to make trouble?

"This person will come when he comes. Don't bother him. We have a lot of film critics this time, not too many of him." Director Chen can say this, after all, he still filmed himself. The movie has a certain degree of confidence.

Although Zhao Qiming's mouth is poisonous, he will not make up, let alone be bought to slander other movies. Director Chen has read every film review he wrote, and every time he pointed out the shortcomings and advantages of each film, which made people feel convinced.

In fact, Director Chen really admires him. If it weren't for the person's temperament, he did think of inviting Zhao Qiming as a film critic to comment on "Dormant" at first. Movies are meant to be seen by people. Only by criticizing can you make more progress. For a person his age, accepting his own shortcomings is not a big deal.

When the time came, the lights in the entire movie theater dimmed a lot, and the noisy and lively environment gradually became quieter. Everyone sat in their seats without talking, quietly waiting for the dark spots of the movie.

Accompanied by a silver bell-like laughter, the figure of a little girl appeared in front of the big screen.

"Fly higher, fly higher~"

A group of maids chased a little girl around in the palace of Nuo Da, and one of the maids was holding a

"Princess, you run slowly and don't fall."

The kite in the hand of the maid was flying high, until someone shouted "Ya'er", the scene switched from the distant view to the close view.

The innocent little princess heard this voice, rushed to hug her brother, and said softly, "Brother Emperor!"

Looking at the brothers and sisters who just came out, Zhao Qiming, who was sitting in the corner intently watching the movie, slowly sat upright, his eyes condensed on the two of them.

The film has the usual style of Director Chen, the costumes and the pictures created are very beautiful. In terms of service and shooting techniques, Director Chen's movies have always been able to score more than 9 points.

But what really shines in his eyes is the atmosphere and demeanor of the brother and sister when they get along. This kind of intimacy and natural interpretation makes the audience sitting in front of the screen and watching the movie unconsciously substitute it.

Zhao Ming hadn't seen these movies with the word big ip originally. There have been many movies based on novels and games before, from the anticipation at the beginning to the disappointment later. Those so-called big-made big-ip movies have empty and boring plots. Don't mention any acting skills. You can express surprise without staring at them or scream to express anger. Thank God.

But even if this is the case, this kind of movies based on ip novels and ip games is still filmed one after another every year. Because of the ip, the crew doesn’t need to spend more time rewriting the script, and these original novels and movies have their own popularity. Even if a movie ends up sparsely, the logic of the plot doesn’t make sense, just find a few traffic stars to come over and play casually. One performance can still harvest a large wave of box office.

With this kind of careless shooting, Zhao Qiming didn't even bother to spit out film critics, and it made him feel a physiological aversion to the two words ip. Even if you don't spend a penny to watch this kind of work, you are wasting your time and life while sitting in the cinema.

This time, if it weren't for his old classmates to specially invite him to attend the premiere of "Dormant", Zhao Qiming said that he didn't want to come over.

But after watching the beginning of the movie, Zhao Qiming had a faint feeling that this big ip movie should surprise him.