The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2583: Vanguard War II

"The officers and soldiers of the German destroyer squadron are composed of the most dedicated people in the entire German Navy. They are not afraid of death, and they can launch a doomed offensive without hesitation in order to protect the main fleet without fear of death. They are a group. Dead man, fierce and tenacious! If they are allowed to leave, it will make us very uncomfortable." Betty has experienced the hardship and tenacity of the German destroyer detachment back then! Therefore, if he can, he must press the opponent to death before he can rest assured! You know, in the Battle of the Channel, the German destroyer squadron dare to challenge the British light cruisers!

"Go to the third light cruiser unit." Shigetaro Yoshimatsu ordered. "Do you think that the German fleet will withdraw to the east, so that the fleet will turn to the right by another compass point?" Compared to battleships, destroyers are no more powerful than trash-class. For this, Yoshimatsu Shigeru Taro doesn't pay much attention. More attention is paid to when the German main fleet can be captured!

"Su Xiong will evacuate east, because he knows that our target is those transport fleets, and his temporary retreat is not to escape. Rather, he wants to get rid of us and join the US fleet remaining in the core area. Knowing this, we It is tantamount to seizing his life. It's that simple." Betty clearly understood Su Xiong's thoughts, but what's more, Betty also came up with a solution!

"Send another group of seaplanes to search for the German fleet along this line." Betty walked a few steps to the chart and drew a circle on the map with a pencil, so that the Japanese main fleet and the sent reconnaissance planes A wider reconnaissance front was formed, making it almost impossible for the German fleet to bypass it! The Japanese fleet has enough capital and confidence to face the German fleet! But the cost is also huge, because when Betty made this decision, he no longer had a reserve in his hands. The remaining destroyers formed a cordon in front of the battleship, and the light cruiser was taken away to deal with Germany. Destroyer. that is it!

However, after the Japanese light cruiser squadron joined the battle, the entire battle was still fought quite tortuously! On the one hand, the combat effectiveness of the German destroyers is indeed very high, and on the other hand, the performance of the light cruisers invested by Japan is also very average.

The first-generation light cruiser Tenryu of the Japanese Navy was the first to enter the chaotic battlefield, and it was the destroyer V101 from the German Baltic Squadron. This destroyer had just used maneuver and firepower to repel the attack of two Japanese destroyers. The German destroyer greeted the Tianlong without hesitation. The two sides launched a fierce battle at a distance of less than 2000 meters!

"Damn, I feel like I'm fighting a light cruiser!" Watching the raindrops on the opposite side of the cannonball fall on the deck, feeling the hull vibrating like chaff in the explosion and flames, my ears are full of explosions and metal With the distorted sound of the collision, shortly after the start of the engagement, the Japanese naval officers and soldiers on the light cruiser Tenryu felt tremendous pressure.

The German 150MM shell easily penetrated the Tianlong but the 2-inch side-string armor. In the eyes of the Germans, this level of protection is actually similar to unprotected, although the German destroyer on the opposite side has been fighting for a long time, even in dim light. , The Japanese can also see the dense bullet marks and flames on the German destroyer, but the German destroyer still used its mobility and three 150MM artillery and one 105MM artillery to resist tenaciously, and it fought against the Tianlong.

However, with absolute superiority, the Japanese finally gradually mastered the situation. When the other two Japanese destroyers circled up again and fired a series of 120MM shells from another direction, the V101 was suppressed without any suspense, and it was densely packed. The shells destroyed the three chimneys and 2 billowing black smoke began to spread on the hull. The deck at the stern of the hull was close to the waterline, and this battleship was not far away from the sinking!

Suddenly, the destroyer V101 began to quickly turn to the right to try to get out of the attack range of the Tianlong. At the same time, the smoke canister on the destroyer sprayed thick black smoke again. When it was determined that the opponent was preparing to evacuate, the Tianlong immediately Turning, bravely rushed into the smoke screen. However, the destroyer V101 did not blindly evade. In the smoke, the Germans quickly determined the direction of the opponent through the muzzle flames on the Tianlong, and using the last remaining steam in the power system, the destroyer reached 28 knots again. The speed, the bow like a long sword aimed at the light cruiser that entered hastily.

boom! Accompanied by the violent impact, the light cruiser V101 left a long hole in the tail of the Tianlong hull! In irreversible circumstances, the Germans chose the most primitive and bloodiest way of fighting! The bow of the destroyer V101 severely cut into the stern of the Tianlong, and the wound continued to expand as the two ships moved. The cracking and distorted sound of metal can almost drive people crazy! But in the ears of the German navy officers and soldiers, this is the most melodious music. With the movement of the bow, a 12-meter-long opening appeared on the sidestring of the Tianlong hull! At this time, the destroyer V101 was still moving forward with difficulty, driven by the remaining power, and took the light cruiser Tianlong out for a certain distance!

Accompanied by the explosion and cracking at the rear of the The turbine on the impact side stopped moving after a shock and explosion. Flame and steam gushed out from the breach, and hundreds of tons of seawater poured into it. In less than 2 minutes, the heavily damaged light cruiser Tianlong began to sink. Of course, the destroyer V101 as the striker paid the same heavy price. The entire bow has been shattered, accompanied by the influx of sea water. The stern was raised high, and then it sank into the billowing waves like a slanted long sword.

"A bunch of lunatics!" After hearing the news of the sinking of the Tianlong, Hayao Shimura cursed in a low voice. However, at this moment, he still did not forget to issue an order: "Immediately salvage the German navy personnel who fell into the water, and prohibit all killings! Otherwise, the military law will engage in it!" As an old fried dough stick who had been in the Japanese Navy since the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, he knew very well that Germany The Navy’s practice of paying a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood!

However, the sinking of the Tianlong was just a small wave for the entire battle. The result of the avant-garde battle cannot be changed. With the participation of light cruisers, the Japanese destroyer fleet, which has an absolute advantage, has finally gradually grasped the battlefield situation. In the end, the five German destroyers involved in the interception, except for the V99 destroyer, which was more advanced and slipped away, all the remaining four destroyers were sunk. For this, the price the Japanese paid was 1 light cruiser and 7 destroyers!

The second is more! Seeking subscription for reward! !