The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2703: Guess one

Should we increase the flying height? "Gates asked.

"I think..." But before Cunningham's words were finished, the Japanese navigator next to him interrupted him: "Look here, it seems to be a fighter!"

Hearing this sentence, Cunningham's hairs stood up! My own plane is now flying at an altitude of about 50 meters above sea level. If a fighter jet rushes down at this time, then I don't even have room to dodge!

Cunningham immediately looked in the direction indicated by the Japanese, and saw that there were 4 planes flying by about 300 meters from the sea in the distance, maybe because of his camouflage, maybe because of the light problem. The other party did not find himself. And they seemed to have a goal, very fast, and soon disappeared from Cunningham's vision.

"We seem to have encountered a major event. Order the plane to return quickly." Cunningham said solemnly.

"Are we not continuing the investigation?" Gates said somewhat unexpectedly.

"No investigation, it's meaningless to figure out which ships are in the distance. What we saw this time may be a big guy." Cunningham said.

"Are we going to contact the headquarters?" Gates said while preparing for the report.

"Wait until we leave here at least 100 kilometers before sending the report. Do as I said, and I will explain to you why when I go back," Cunningham said.

So, before the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the sky, Cunningham and his crew flew to their base quickly, exactly two and a half hours later, at the moment the Felixstowe F5 seaplane just stopped. At that time, Cunningham jumped off the plane, no matter what other crew members ran to the headquarters of the flight squadron, it was a two-story building made of stone and wood, the commander, the former British Royal Navy reconnaissance unit Brigadier General Goode Nuo works there.

"Your Excellency, found an American fleet in the AD5 area. It is very large!" Cunningham said loudly while pushing the door open. When he was in the Royal Navy, Cunningham was Goodnow’s staff, so the relationship between the two was very good. Now in Japan, Goodnow has no military position in the Royal Navy, so there is no such polite relationship between the two. . Some things can be reported directly.

"Really? If this is the case, then the result of Unit 6 is very bad." Goodnow got up and scratched the chart with a pencil in his hand, and spent an × on a certain position in the north. .

"What do you mean?" Cunningham said unexpectedly.

"One of our seaplanes was missing. It was missing when it sent the report. We just received the verification code for the front part of the telegram at the time, and then there was no more text. We estimate that it was shot down. It was shot down a bit north of AD5. Area," Goodnor said.

"Is it this evening?" Cunningham thought for a while and said.

"Yes, before sunset, did you see Unit 6 being shot down?" Goodnor said.

"No, I just saw 4 planes flying in a certain direction. At that time, the light was not good. I couldn't determine what type of plane it was, but it was definitely larger than normal fighter jets. At the same time, their altitude was very low. It is only about 300 meters. I feel that this altitude is obviously for searching for low-altitude targets. If there are no other factors, then this team of planes should have knocked down the No. 6 aircraft." Cunningham thought for a while and said.

"Do these planes have floats? Where did they fly from?" Goodnor asked immediately.

"It should be no. It should be southeast," Cunningham thought for a while and said.

"Are there any other findings? Don't let me ask, tell me everything you know!" Goodnor said as he picked up the drawing tools and pencil, and began to mark the map.

"We found a destroyer squadron in this position, and then a squadron of medium and above warships a little further back, and then spotted the flying fighter unit in the southeast." Cunningham Also unambiguous, picked up a pencil and marked them one by one on the chart.

"What then?" Goodnor asked.

"Then I will return." Cunningham said.

"Because the weather is already dark, or is it because of timidity?" Goodnor said with some dissatisfaction.

"Because I think the intelligence we have obtained is enough. Based on my experience, I think what we are encountering is the outer cordon of a large fleet. The destroyers and the medium warships behind are all part of this cordon. I Although it is impossible to determine the size and specific location of this fleet, judging from the fact that they can send 4 aircraft to carry out low-altitude attacks, I think there must be an aircraft carrier in this fleet. Because these aircraft have no floats, they are not seaplanes. And if it is a catapult one-off aircraft, sending out 4 at a time is unimaginable for a fleet without a dedicated aircraft carrier. Therefore, I think the size of the fleet and the emergence of regular carrier aircraft from the periphery Look, the size of this fleet will definitely not be small!" Cunningham said vowedly.

Cunningham’s inference is still very accurate. First of all, in terms of distance, referring to the fact that there are two fleets on this cordon at the same time, and there are also a fleet of planes flying directly from places that I don’t know, you can be sure The perception range of this fleet is very large! The size of the fleet's perception range is directly determined by the fleet size! You know, although it was almost evening, the weather was clear and the lighting conditions were reasonable. In this case, Cunningham and his colleagues could not see the aircraft carrier sending out the plane! This shows that this aircraft carrier detachment is at least 20 kilometers away!

Secondly From the principle of fleet formation, this fleet has aircraft carriers, so there will definitely be battleships, because according to the experience of the German and British navies in the war, aircraft carriers are very important in reconnaissance and air defense. But the offensive power is slightly insufficient, so under normal circumstances, aircraft carriers will be mixed with battleship units. Unless it was the last time that the carrier-based aircraft on the New Ireland Island was unusable due to weather problems for a period of time, the two battleships will definitely be together. Because after separation, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, if there is an aircraft carrier, there must be battleships, and considering the location of the outer cordon, this core fleet will be larger in size. Of course, it’s really unclear how big it is. .

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