The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2704: Guess two

Moreover, this fleet’s intelligence collection capabilities are still very strong. Otherwise, the No. 6 seaplane would not be shot down, and it is certain that the No. 6 seaplane was not shot down after the report was sent, because the time of the report is actually not. Long, the other party’s aircraft must not have detected the radio signal before taking off. The only explanation is that the No. 6 seaplane was found before the report, but it happened to be shot down during the report. Most likely it was discovered by a destroyer or other platform. It can even be said that this time, it was luck for Cunningham to stand here and report to Goodnor. He was not discovered by the other party, and he did not actively expose himself.

Therefore, based on the analysis of the above intelligence, a large fleet came here sneakily. Of course, the British and Japanese do not know the specifics. For example, how big is the fleet? What is the composition? What are you doing here? No one knows! It is even unlikely that they will track this fleet tomorrow. The reason is simple. One night is too long, enough for a fleet to run more than 300 kilometers! On the second day, this range will become larger. After all, even if you send a seaplane the first time, the cruising speed is less than 100 kilometers per hour. If you go, others will go, and the search range will be doubled. increase! Then it's okay to draw a circle, and you will know how difficult it is to find this fleet again!

Of course, Cunningham did not believe that this fleet would attack him. After all, there is really no target worthy of such a large-scale fleet attack on the Talau Islands. Just call yourself this seaplane airport. To be honest, let the two former fearless come over and fight for half an hour. Large-scale fleet to fight itself? Haha, this is really a fuss. Do American taxpayers know how their money is wasted? Well, now the question is, what is this American fleet doing here?

However, neither Cunningham nor Goodnow knows how to answer this question. The current situation is too small, and even the size and composition of this fleet are speculations. How could they know the purpose of this fleet? What's more tragic is that the Talau Islands are at a crossroads. To the north, Davao Bay is the station of the Japanese combined fleet. To the west is the Sulawesi Sea, you can go directly to Kalimantan and Sulawesi. To the southeast is New Guinea, where the US fleet can find enough reasons, so good, now the question is, choose one of three, where will the US fleet go? Even if Goodnow solves the problem and determines the general direction, no one knows exactly what the US fleet wants to do!

"To the east is the headquarters of the Joint Fleet. Is the US fleet going to fight the Joint Fleet?" Goodnor felt cold when he thought of this. Although he didn't believe in this decision, after all, Davao Bay was not small, and It has been operating as the headquarters of the combined fleet for more than ten years, and its defense force is also very strong. However, the size of the US fleet is really huge. If it can gain first-hand advantage, it is not impossible to make a strong attack. More importantly, the Americans can afford to lose, but the Japanese cannot afford to lose.

"To the west is to enter the Sulawesi Sea. This is one of the busiest sea areas in the southern Japanese colonial area. Whether it is from Kalimantan, Sulawesi or the southern Java island, ships will be in the Sulawesi Sea. Appear. It is possible that the Americans want to cut off here, but after all, this is the hinterland of the Japanese Navy. It is risky for the American fleet to come here, so this can only be a possibility.” Goodnow said in his heart.

"To the southeast is New Guinea. If the U.S. Navy wants to block New Guinea's maritime traffic, it is also feasible. It is even possible to directly shell New Guinea's coastal ports. But there are not enough examples." So, After roughly analyzing the wave, Goodnow found himself clueless! And to make matters worse, he hasn't been able to report to higher authorities.

The reason is simple, how do you write this telegram? My flight squadron found a suspected U.S. fleet. The exact location, size of the fleet, and direction of travel are unknown. We don’t know what you ask. We just guess and feel that it should be a large fleet. Probability to do things.... Wasn't this telegram sent out for a draw?

However, no matter what, Goodnow believes that this matter cannot be delayed. After all, such a large fleet has been killed unconsciously. No matter what the other party comes to do, it is not easy for the Japanese to bear. So, two words Not to mention, after spending nearly half an hour discussing the content and wording of the telegram, Goodnow sent the telegram... After another half an hour, the telegram was placed on Betty's desk!

"The content of this telegram is too vague, right?" Stetti said to Betty. "Goodnor is also considered a veteran, how could he send out such a telegram with no specific value?" Stetti's words were already dissatisfied, but he did not throw the telegram directly aside. A prudent person, he will never catch the wind, even if there is not enough evidence, but if the main force of the US fleet appears in the nearby waters, it really deserves the attention of the Japanese Navy.

Well, what is the Japanese navy doing now? At this time, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese combined fleet reached a new peak since the beginning of the war! The two Nagato-class battleships officially joined the Japanese combined fleet A few days ago, the Japanese combined fleet left the port as a whole to rendezvous with the two aircraft carriers and one aircraft carrier, and then went to the new unit after a period of running-in. Guinea region.

At this time, 11 fast battleships, 4 aircraft carriers and a large number of destroyers and auxiliary battleships of the entire Japanese combined fleet are sailing in the southern waters of Davao Bay. The Americans finally missed one step, or wasted too much time waiting for the two Colorado-class battleships. In this month, the last two Fuso-class battleships of the Japanese Navy were repaired, and the two long The door-class battleship and an aircraft carrier also formed combat effectiveness. The American industry is indeed NB, and the refurbishment speed is indeed fast, but for some reason, the American superiority has not been converted into actual combat effectiveness.

"General Betty, General Stetti, the commander is pleased." At this moment, a Japanese officer came to Betty's cabin and invited them to participate in a military meeting.

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