The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2708: adventure

Although the Japanese control the Talaw Islands, if the Japanese Navy builds a large-scale air base here, this archipelago will become the strongest gate to the east of the Sulawesi Sea, and even if there is a certain amount of power, this time the US fleet It will not be so easy to pass. Unfortunately, the Japanese do not, or their national power does not allow them to deploy too powerful forces in such sub-regions. The Japanese navy’s aviation combat effectiveness has indeed continued to decline. After all, it’s been almost a year since the battle. Japan’s national power and aviation capabilities have lost more than four-figure crews, except for the British. The trump card of the killer, other aviation teams have begun to become weak.

And to be Every aircraft carrier-based aircraft of the U.S. Navy is absolutely super-built in the Japanese view. 4 aircraft carriers can make up nearly 5 aircraft carrier-based aircraft of the Japanese. Besides, there are 5 ships on my side! The estimate for the Japanese Navy is 4 ships! If the U.S. Navy's carrier-based aircraft forces can launch a wave of attacks before the battleship forces engage, even if they fight with the Japanese Navy aircraft carrier to flicker and damage, the U.S. Navy is a comrade-in-arms. Attack aircraft carrying a large number of bombs and torpedoes can definitely interfere effectively. The operations of the Japanese naval battleship squadron, coupled with the U.S. Navy’s absolute superiority of auxiliary warships, Ma Jifen is not afraid of a battle with the Japanese combined fleet.

"Except for the battle fleet, whether it is an aircraft carrier, a cruiser or a destroyer, we are all an absolute advantage! I have sufficient confidence to win this encounter, if the Japanese dare to come." Ma Jifen said.

"I'm relieved with your words." Sims patted Maggie on the shoulder and said.

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