The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2830: The Panicked Kemer

You know, although people say that the US military is under Germany, in fact, except for the weapons that Germany directly supplies to the Americans, most of the weapons of the two sides are actually incompatible. Let’s just take the basics. For machine guns, the German is 7.92MM, while the American is 7.62MM. As for artillery, the German howitzer is 150MM, and the American is 155MM. If it comes to complex weapons, from the drawing point of view, the Americans are British units, while the Germans are metric units... Well, if Persia or the Americans have no intentions, what do they buy these weapons for? Is it reserved for domestic nobles to fight rabbits? What international joke?

However, if you think of the large-scale armed rebellion that broke out in the Mesopotamia, the problem seems to be a bit eye-catching! As the commander-in-chief at the top of the Turkish army, if you ask Kemal what kind of war is the most convenient, then it must be suppressing the rebellion! In fact, since the Young Turkish Party took power, the Fertile Crescent has not been completely calm. Kemal will surrender the rebels here almost every year. Kemal is very clear about the combat effectiveness and activity habits of these rebels!

If you have to use words to describe it, then the previous insurgents can be described as mobs, poorly equipped, fighting each other and tearing down each other. Quite simply, many insurgents are actually tribal rebellions. They don't know anything about the military, especially in terms of equipment. Under the long-term high-pressure policy of the Turkish Empire, ordinary people want to get guns? This is very difficult.

It's even more interesting to talk about each other's fighting each other. Sometimes Kemal, who was the payer, didn't know whether the so-called uprising in Mesopotamia was against the Turkish government or was it a fight between various ethnic groups and religious beliefs? Let's put it this way, the Arabs and Kurds in the Mesopotamia do not like each other. And Arabs who believe in Shiites and Arabs who believe in Sunni also dislike each other, and there is a lot of stabs between each other. It can be said that the rule of the Mesopotamia in Turkey can be roughly stabilized, and the internal fighting between various factions has contributed a lot! Don't laugh, this is the fact!

Therefore, even if the Turkish army is broiler, it is relatively easy for the Turkish army to surrender them in the face of these more difficult opponents. But this time everything is different! First of all, according to recent newspapers, the Turkish army's clearing of the Mesopotamia was very unsuccessful. The rebels who were fighting each other and even stabbing in the back began to unite! Although it is not enough to cooperate with each other, it is very abnormal that they no longer hinder each other!

Second, the level of troop training and weaponry has also been greatly improved. Although it still cannot be called a regular army, judging from the lines in the newspaper and the loss situation, the opponent's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and the large number of standard weapons found in the seizure can also reveal some problems! First of all, Kemal believes that these weapons will definitely not be directly provided by Germany and Austria to the insurgents, because Germany and Austria have no reason to do so, and they cannot bring in such a large number of weapons without knowing it!

After all, Basra and Kuwait are controlled by the Turkish and Germans. It is impossible for Kemal to know these things going in! Therefore, after contacting Persia to purchase a large number of German weapons, a somewhat unbelievable but true idea appeared in Kemal’s brain. The Persians bought a large number of German weapons from Germany and Austria. Then it was transferred to the rebels!

Someone may have said, why don't the Persians send their American weapons to the rebels? The reason is simple. First, the Americans do not allow it. After all, if a large number of American weapons enter the Mesopotamia, it is very likely to stimulate the Germans. Although there are conflicts between the United States and Germany, they are far from a showdown. Secondly, the Americans are also supporting Letapasha and others. If a large number of American weapons appear, the relationship between the United States and their agents in Turkey will be directly on the verge of collapse. Therefore, under the constraints of various conditions, the Americans can only choose to allow Persia to purchase German and Austrian weapons before sending them to the Mesopotamia.

Well, now the question comes, don’t the Germans know about this? What role does Germany play in this matter? To say that the German government does not understand the American plan, Kemal believes that, after all, Germany is actually quite chaotic now. It is possible to be busy with internal affairs and neglect external affairs, but Crown Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria does not Maybe I don’t know this! And he knew, then the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not prevent this from happening, so what does it show? Is the crown prince indulging in this matter? Or, like the Americans, want to tear the Turkish Empire to pieces? !

When I thought of this, Kemal felt that he was really scared! He knew that if the two most powerful countries in the world "reach a consensus", then Turkey is really dead! Up to now, Kemal really believes in what Karjus said. It is true that Bavaria helped himself simply because of the previous friendship between them...

"I didn't expect that this friendship would be so heavy. I would rather let this friendship be exchanged for the revival of my motherland." Kemal murmured.

" I will never tolerate this happening. I will never let my motherland fall apart! He has survived the largest war in the world, and I will never let him fall. Next, I must work hard, I must let Germany stand on the side of Turkey! I want to realize the revival of Turkey! Revival in the true sense!” After a short period of confusion and frustration, Kemal once again regained his faith!

"Belsson, help me inquire about the Austro-Hungarian side. I asked them about General von Seckert last time. I need to meet him. There should be results now?" Kemal said.

However, this meeting did not seem to go smoothly. Not only was General von Seckert not seen in a short period of time, but also other Bavarian generals who had crossed with Kemal had no time. Even Kemal said that he could Such requests to visit at the right time were rejected. It's not that these people entrusted the university, but because a large part of them are in Ukraine and Transcaucasus!

But in the end, Kemal also met General von Seckert as he wished. And this meeting became a new beginning in Kemal's life!

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