The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 710: Bavaria-Bohemia Army II

What is the concept of 500,000 people? It is almost twice the size of Germany’s largest Second Army at the beginning of the war in history, almost equal to two and a half Bavarian legions in history, and approximately three Austro-Hungarian legions. If it is converted into combat power according to this plane, Lu Precht thinks that his more than 20 divisions can even fight the Austro-Hungarian plan to concentrate on the western front! The latter's planned force for the western front is only 870,000! It's really not difficult to kill such an opponent!

"I never thought that we would have such a powerful force." Ruprecht said with some emotion.

"And this is just the beginning. Bavaria plus Bohemia and Moravia has a total population of nearly 20 million. This population has approached the population of the Kingdom of Austria. If you want to rely on 500,000 troops to fight the entire war, Impossible. At the beginning of the war, it should be the most comfortable time for us to fight. We are very close to the rear, but the opponent is far away. We have logistics and military advantages. We can easily achieve huge victories, but afterwards, As we continue to advance and Russia continues to retreat, they can continue to lengthen our supply lines and mobilize more troops to resist our attacks."

"This involves the issue of the stalemate phase. In addition to the most basic material supply, we also need continuous arms production and manpower. I don't want to talk about the former because it is not my responsibility after all. As for the latter, I think that apart from relying on a large number of prisoners of war as labor and squeezing out more people for war, bringing in Czechs into our factory is also a very important step.” Prince Leopold said.

"We have to rely on the help of the Czech Army in the military, but we cannot completely rely on them. Although we are trying our best to suppress the separatist forces in the Czech Republic, this suppression cannot completely solve the problem in today's raging nationalist ideology. After the external pressure reaches a certain level, it may lead to the outbreak of the national separatist movement. Therefore, the Czech army can only be used to attack or defend the homeland. Of course, it may be better if these people can be packed into the Bavarian factory. Some." Prince Leopold added.

"This is indeed a problem, but if the Germans lose too much in this war, it will still be detrimental to our future rule. With the enemy's pressure, we cannot accommodate them because they are not honest. On the contrary, We must make them realize that only by staying with us can they survive the war, so my approach is to do the opposite!"

"The Austro-Hungarian army is still capable of fighting in the defense of the mainland, so the Bavarian Army did not invest too much force in the Bohemia-Moravian region at the beginning. If they can defend, it is naturally the best. If I can’t hold it, I also allow the Russians to make some wedges in this area! Let the Czechs see how the Russians dealt with the conquered!” Ruprecht said.

"This is our territory." Prince Leopold said.

"Maybe this sentence will be right in ten years, but now? It's still a long way away. If there is a chance that the Czechs can bear all the pain they will endure all at once, then we can get it by just giving them a little benefit in the future. Their allegiance, we must let them know their powerlessness, and know that they can live with Bavaria and obtain a lot of benefits. Only in this way can we fundamentally eliminate Czech national independence."

"Of course, for the upper-middle class of the Czechs who are loyal to us, we need to protect not only them, but also the nobles in the Czech army. They are our tools to rule the Czech Republic, and as allies, we should at least do our best To preserve their blood, and to ensure the stability of Czech society through the upper strata. In this way, coupled with appropriate material guarantees and rewards, the Bohemia-Moravia region can only be said to be our territory after ten years. "Prince Ruprecht said.

"Then what is your opinion on the construction of the Czech Army?" Prince Leopold was not very good at politics, so he turned back to the topic of the beginning.

"The Czechs must fight with the Bavarian Army. We can divide the Czech Army into two parts. One part is the local defense army. This type of army is only used for defense operations on the homeland or on the battlefields close to it. Yes, and the other army may not be very large, but they must be absolutely elite and loyal! At the beginning of the war, we can form two Czech rapid divisions to cooperate with us!"

"Their equipment is exactly the same as the equipment of the Bavarian Rapid Division, and they undertake the same combat missions, and their treatment and treatment to their families can also be appropriately improved. We need to use it as an example of a Czech, so that more and more The more Czechs are on our side. They will gain glory and great benefits.” Ruprecht said. "Of course, at the very beginning, we also need to plant some officers to help them get through the initial stagger."

"In this case, our funds will probably be increased again." Prince Leopold acquiesced to Ruprecht's statement.

Generally speaking, still depends on the Bavarian Army to fight tough battles, such as breaking through the opponent's line of defense, attacking strong fortresses, and defending key areas. But Bavaria’s population is limited after all. In terms of chasing the remnant enemy, assisting in defense, and logistics, Bavaria can support a larger Czech army to perform these tasks. After all, the eastern front is very vast, without a large amount of ordinary combat power. With a small number of elite troops, that wouldn't work either.

"In this way, we have 6 assault divisions, 11 rapid divisions, 4 German ordinary divisions and 6 Czech ordinary divisions, forming our initial legion?" Prince Leopold asked.

"No, this number is not enough. The Czech Army will also have an air force composed of 200 aircraft. At the same time, they will also provide some heavy artillery units and train artillery units. You know, Skoda Arsenal is very powerful. If we can't take advantage of it. If you do, it would be a failure." Ruprecht said. As a group army-level unit, there will always be some additional special units. The heavy train gun, a big killer in World War I, is naturally necessary. As a relatively safe and highly technical unit, it is also possible to hand these to the Czechs. After all, Skoda is absolutely powerful.

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