The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 711: Bavaria-Bohemia Army III

"For the establishment of the Bomish-Moravian Army, I need to consider it. In addition to providing us with infantry, this area can also provide us with other important materials and combat capabilities, from the mobilization system and the preparation of the battle. I am inferior to you in terms of technology and equipment, but I still have some ideas of my own." Ruprecht said.

As for how to use the Czech Corps, there is only one point that the two can reach a consensus so far, that is, this unit can be used to fight soy sauce, some of which can form an elite unit to fight with the Bavarian Legion, but in the eyes of the prince, if this is the case If you use the future Czech Army, it would be too wasteful! Really think that Ruprecht spent so much effort to find a group of unreliable, ready to make independent cannon fodder? You underestimate the level of the traverser, right?

"We can even reduce the size of the Czech Army when necessary, but one thing must be done well, that is, we must establish a complete military-level and group-level firepower system! To establish such a system, we must rely on the Czechs. "Ruprecht said.

"Is it a firepower system above military level? That might be a little troublesome." Prince Leopold frowned slightly. For the prince, this is very difficult and tricky! Because before that, no country had really established a firepower system above the military level. It’s not that there were no siege artillery and superheavy artillery in this era. In fact, since the advent of artillery, there have been such things as superheavy artillery, such as the Kurban Cannon and the Tsar Artillery, and the recent ones such as the Russo-Japanese War. The Chinese and Japanese army attacked the 280mm heavy howitzer of the Lushun Fortress. And various coastal defense guns and so on.

However, it does not mean that there is a whole set of related systems. In fact, these over-spec heavy artillery are more of a variety of artillery guest appearances, or temporarily customized to overcome specific targets. This is even the German Army in the first battle. It was like this at the beginning. Although Germany has the Big Belsa-type 420mm heavy gun. But these things are only used to capture the Sun Fortress. After bombing the fortress, it’s over. The German Army’s systemic firepower configuration at the beginning of World War 1 actually reached the army level, mainly at the division level. The division had 150mm heavy howitzers, and the army was almost at this limit. There are some 210mm heavy howitzers.

Although the German army logistics and transportation system has been greatly improved on this plane due to the presence of the traversers, but subject to the limitations of the times and the requirements of strategy and tactics, overall, the army-level firepower of the German Army is still improved. Limited, for example, now, in the improved plan of Xiao Moqi to attack France, in addition to the heavy artillery units used to deal with the fortresses in Belgium, the strongest artillery at the military level is the 150mm long-range cannon and 210mm heavy howitzer. The Fourth and Fifth Army in the inner ring will be supported by some 210mm train tickets or 254mm train guns. Other than that, they are really gone.

No way, after all, heavy artillery over 150mm cannon weighs more than ten tons or even dozens of tons. In this era, it is difficult to tow a half-track vehicle as a whole! Want to keep up with the rapidly advancing troops, and then cross a distance of more than 300 kilometers into the French battlefield and the French pk, this difficulty is really big. In Xiao Moqi's plan, these heavy equipment were used after the failed raid on France and after entering a stalemate, so there won't be many at first.

But the Bavarian Army is different. These heavy artillery will be used from the beginning. In the first year of the war, they will fight in the Russian-owned Poland. This area is at the gate of the German country, and the area is originally small, but 128,000 square meters. Kilometers. Since the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Russia has actually established this area as a battlefield and starting position, although it has not become a major fortress due to national power issues. But there are definitely a lot of nails. In other words, from the beginning, Rupresit's legion must have a strong attacking ability.

And this attack ability is obviously not possible with 210mm guns, so the prince’s army needs 12-inch siege guns, 12-inch train guns, and 15-inch train guns if necessary! Where did these artillery come from? Theoretically, it can be purchased from Krupp, but the price and output obviously cannot satisfy the prince. But Bavaria actually does not have the ability to produce large artillery. All artillery named Bavaria was actually developed and produced by Skoda at first!

If you want to ask if you want to, in addition to technical issues, a very important issue is the issue of output and profitability. At the beginning, the prince wanted to give money to the Kingdom of Bavaria. The monopoly advantage can be exerted, or it is the kind that although the technical difficulty is not high, but the demand is relatively large, and the cost advantage can be exerted later. The representative of the former is hardened armor, while the representative of the latter is the 75mm rapid-fire gun. For others, you have to buy the former, and although many people can produce the latter, the cost in Bavaria is much lower than that of Krupp and Russians. The difference may not be big when you buy a few doors, but if you reach a few hundred doors or even go to the front door, the difference will be big!

But heavy artillery, especially naval guns, are different. The technical research and development of this thing is relatively difficult. For example, the 3-inch rapid-fire gun, which can be produced in a decent country all over the world, is the French 75 rapid-fire gun. After a while, similar products from Germany, Russia and even Japan came out. Although there is a gap in performance, they are all rapid-fire guns. But large-caliber artillery and even naval guns are different. Before the end of the European War I, there were only four that could produce heavy artillery over 12 inches, Armstrong, Schneider, Krupp and Skoda. Russia does not have a self-developed 14-inch heavy artillery, and neither does Andorsha.

The demand for heavy artillery is not large, and it is not very valuable in itself. A Queen’s 15-inch l42 naval gun is 30,000 pounds. The really expensive one is the turret system, so under the guidance of money, Bavaria The design and construction of the heavy artillery body was given to Skoda, and he made a relatively profitable turret system...

And now, guarding Skoda, the famous heavy artillery manufacturer in history, the prince will naturally give full play to his advantages. The Czechs produce heavy artillery, and then it is unnecessary to let the Germans operate them all. Therefore, under the combined effect of external demand and internal capabilities, Rupresit intends to establish a firepower system above the military level from the very beginning.

"As early as 2 years ago, I started to establish this system, but because of its small scale, it was not included in the Bavarian army system. But now, the heavy artillery units of this army and group army have begun to take shape. We now have 12 companies of 210mm heavy self-propelled cannons, (each with 4 artillery), which is 48. We have 4 m1907 12-inch l18 heavy engineering howitzers, and a total of 16 12-inch siege guns. gun."

"In addition, I also plan to build a 12-inch train gun unit, and plan to build 12 12-inch train guns. The artillery will use our current naval guns. These train guns will form 6 independent artillery companies and allocated to the army. I estimate that these heavy artillery units will need about 16,000 to connect to the logistics and various other personnel."

"In fact, considering that we will have some independent 150mm cannon and 210mm medium howitzer companies, this scale may be expanded, and the 12-inch train gun and even the 15-inch train gun that may be added in the future. The demand for this personnel is still It's terrifying. So, in order to ensure the needs of these high-tech arms, I think we can appropriately reduce the infantry units and tilt the Czech's human resources in this direction." Rupresit said.

"If there are these troops, we might still need to increase the size and organization of the railway troops. The train guns must be maneuvered by railways, so in order to reach the battlefield, we may build new railways or narrow gauge railways. And the 210mm self-propelled long-range artillery It can be maneuvered on a tracked site, but long-distance transportation must also use The 10 companies we originally prepared might not be enough.” Prince Leopold added.

In history, in order to attack France, the Germans prepared 90 railway companies and a total of 26,000 road-building troops to build roads, but it was not enough. According to the current size of the Bavarian-Bohemian Army, it was fighting at their own doorstep. Although there is no need for ultra-long-distance attacks, considering the size of its nearly 600,000 troops, it is indeed difficult for 10 railway companies to ensure the transportation of large amounts of logistics materials and heavy equipment.

"Well, then we are increasing the number of some railway soldiers. In the future Bavarian-Bohemian regiment system, the first-line elite and assault forces and the air force will be dominated by the Kingdom of Bavaria, auxiliary regiments, heavy artillery units above the army, and logistics The unit is dominated by Czechs, and our future military framework can be designed according to this standard.” Finally, Rupresit concluded.

With the efforts of Rupresit and Prince Leopold, the Bavarian Army finally completed its pre-war construction plan. At the same time, the Allies did not sit idle. Although the German government tried to cover up its military intentions, A large amount of capital flows. The large-scale expansion of the army and the appearance of various weird weapons in the eyes of the spies will eventually lead to the vigilance of the Allies. Especially with the equipment of some new heavy weapons, the Allies also reported 12 points for their arms expansion and war preparations. Under the influence of a series of butterfly effects, the Allied Powers have also begun to rapidly expand their arms and prepare for war!

The third is a big chapter~~~! Can you book friends reward the author? ?