The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 927: Withdrawal

"Fleet retreat!" Most of the Japanese navy officers and soldiers were confused and confused, and even a little angry when they saw the signal flag raised on the mast of the Fuso! The American fleet in the distance is already at an absolute disadvantage, even if the King Kong is damaged, as long as the Fuso works harder, the Americans will be completely finished! Then use the destroyer's torpedo to send them to the bottom of the sea and finish the work. How can they give up halfway? Some radical people already have the idea of ​​"Tianzhu Country Thief".

In the face of subordinates’ questions and even accusations, Kato Seiyoshi naturally did not dare to say that he might be impulsive... This is looking for death. Therefore, Kato's explanation for the low-ranking officers and soldiers was that the King Kong was seriously damaged and needed to be returned to the Philippines to be repaired, and there were American submarines nearby. In this case, the King Kong had to be retreated first. The explanation for the middle and high-ranking officers is much easier. Two days ago, the telegram sent from the base camp clearly stated that even if the gun went off, don’t go to death. When the "Japanese navy's martial arts" has already been demonstrated, it is the best choice to stop it in a timely manner and then hand it over to the diplomats to handle these matters!

The Fuso suffered little losses in this exchange of fire. It was hit by three 14-inch shells. Except for one of them, which killed a barrel, the other one hit the armor belt, leaving a 5-inch shell. The pits were then bounced off. The third shot hit the bridge and set fire. Apart from this, there is no other loss.

The King Kong’s situation was a bit tragic. The warship was also hit by three shots, but the damage caused was a bit big. The fresh water tanks for a group of boilers on the fighting side were broken by fragments, and two boilers were mixed with seawater, which caused a direct shutdown. A shell that struck the sideboard caused 500 tons of water ingress on the battleship and water seepage in some boiler chambers. The gun that hit the No. 3 turret was more lethal, and it directly wiped out more than 60 Japanese naval officers and soldiers inside! The two artillery pieces were completely scrapped. The turret is expected to be replaced.

Although the King Kong was a bit miserable, judging from the results of the battle, it is undoubtedly that the Japanese navy has a greater advantage, and the Americans paid a higher price. The Nevada had a water intake of 2500 tons, and half of the ship’s capital was immersed in the water. The two masts of the battleship were almost completely destroyed. Two of the four turrets were scrapped. (There was no breakdown, but it could not be used due to impact or other reasons.) The warship suffered more than 400 casualties. The situation of the New York was also not good. Although it was not taken care of, his poor defense made him worse than the Nevada. The mount of one turret was penetrated, and the barrel of the other turret was broken and its power was lost. Nearly half. The hull was flooded with more than 1,800 tons of water, causing a tilt of about 12 degrees.

"If we fight for half an hour, we will never be able to return to Pearl Harbor." Major General Sims sighed as he watched the messy battleships and the navy officers and soldiers busy on the deck. Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, the U.S. Navy will still be weak...

It seems that the Japanese didn't do everything right, and Sims hasn't figured out what's going on until now. So the Japanese battleship exploded during its voyage? Then there is an American submarine next to it? Did the submarine move? what is happening? Sims expressed confusion.

At this time, the first thing I had to do was to bring these two defeated warships back to Pearl Harbor for overhaul, and to immediately inform the US government of these things. This matter was a bit strange. Sims is not sure how this event will end in the end, but he believes that the possibility of a direct fight is unlikely. The United States is not ready, and Japan is now a member of the Allies. This is not a problem between the US and Japan...

"Are you kidding me?" When Katsura looked at the telegram sent by Goro Ijiin, the commander of the Japanese combined fleet, the expression on his face was wonderful. What he worried most was the misfire between the US and Japan fleets. And now It really happened! And the reason for the hands-on is actually so Liao Zhai. This is incredible.

"Although it sounds difficult to understand, it is actually the case. One of our ships suddenly exploded, and then an American submarine was found nearby. Lieutenant Admiral Kato believed that it was an American submarine, and there was an American fleet next to it. It made General Kato think that this was a long-planned trap. In order to avoid being passive, the fleet fired first." Goro Ijiin defended.

This situation that seems a little incomprehensible to outsiders is actually hard to say if you put yourself in the position. The battle between the two warships was definitely not only after the declaration of war. At least in the history of the several wars Japan participated in, it was just before the war. The relationship between the United States and Japan itself is very tense. Front-line confrontation forces on both sides are ready to fight at any time. Under such coincidental circumstances, conflicts are actually quite normal.

"It's not a question of accountability, and what if the Americans really do it first? Lieutenant General Kato at least won the battle. We now need to make two preparations. First, immediately send two other Fuso-class battleships to the South Pacific. We are ready to face the American fleet at any time, but before the situation becomes clear, we can withdraw the cordon back. Second, contact the British to see what their attitude is.” Saiyuanji Gongwang, who was sitting next to him, finally spoke. .

From the point of view of this question can actually be simplified into a multiple choice question, that is, should the Americans fight or not? If it is fighting, then there is nothing to say, Japan should go back and prepare for the battle honestly. And if you don’t fight, the problem is very simple. If you find a third country as an intermediary, everyone takes two steps back, and the matter is over.

As for whether the Stone was killed by American torpedoes or mines, or exploded on its own, is this important? Japan must say that it was made by American mines or torpedoes, just as the Maine exploded in Cuba in history. The Spaniard said it was the problem with the American arsenal. The Americans said they hit a Spanish mine. This is an unsettled case, or the Americans don't care about it very much, just an excuse.

Although the Japanese politicians of this era are still sensible, Japan still has some confidence in the country on the other side of the ocean. At least so far, the various conflicts between the two sides have been Japan's advantage. For example, in the Philippine naval battle, most of the accumulation of the U.S. Navy over a decade was wiped out. Then in the Russo-Japanese War, the American-supported Russia also failed. And this time. Well, if it weren't for King Kong, the performance of the Japanese fleet was perfect.

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