The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 928: Intentional

"We seem to have lost again." Looking at the telegram forwarded from Pearl Harbor in front of him, Admiral Benson, the Secretary of the Navy, said with a gloomy expression.

"Well, your Excellency Lieutenant General, I will come here on behalf of Mr. President. There is only one question. If we choose to conflict with Japan at this time, what is our chance of winning? Please analyze it from a purely military perspective, without considering politics. "United States Secretary of State Robert Bacon said.

Americans think similar to Japanese. Don't think about finding the truth about this matter, because no one can tell this thing. The Americans did arrange mines, and American submarines did appear in this sea. The Japanese ship exploded like this. Unless the Japanese are allowed to admit that their ship’s ammunition is spontaneous, the Americans will certainly not be involved. Think about the Maine incident more than ten years ago. The Americans are not hypocritical. Since something happened, the matter must be resolved first, and how to resolve it is to see if the stick in hand is strong!

"If the Japanese warships are all King Kong, then I definitely recommend your Excellency the President to use this opportunity to beat the Japanese. But unfortunately, there are only 4 King Kong, and the Japanese Dreadnought and Super Dreadnought together are enough. Twelve ships! Two of them are fearless and 10 are super fearless.” (It’s not that the Americans don’t have enough money, but because they turned fearless a bit late. When it comes to total fleet tonnage, the US Navy has a great advantage.)

"And we currently only have 12 ships, including 8 Dreadnoughts and 4 Super Dreadnoughts. As for the performance of the Nevada, you should have seen it. It can't beat the Japanese latest Fuso-class battleship. The U.S. Navy only has 2 ships. Nevada. The Japanese now have three Fuso, and the fourth one will be launched in the next year." Benson paused and said, "So, I think we can't beat our opponents."

"Okay, so what if a while later? The big bosses of the White House and Capitol Hill are very angry at the cruelty of the Japanese. Our Pennsylvania-class battleships and New Mexico-class battleships are under construction. If nothing else, Congress The funding will increase the speed of construction." Robert Bacon said.

"Although the two Pennsylvania-class battleships have been off the berth, it will take at least a year to complete the outfitting, and it will take about 9 months. And only one of the three New Mexico-class battleships has been on the berth. The other two are preparing to start construction. We can't count on any of these warships." Lieutenant General Benson smiled bitterly. The scene before him gave him a feeling of deja vu.

It seems that this was the case before the Spanish-American War. The U.S. Navy has more than 5 battleships under construction or outfitting on the berth. If the war breaks out two years later, let alone crushing the Japanese Navy, at least it will not lose so badly. ! And now? The same is true for the US Navy, where the battleships of both sides are 12vs12. But the quality is obviously not a grade. After the Japanese Navy has completed the last Fuso-class battleship, there will be no new battleships in a short time. The Americans now have 5 battleships on the berth, and 5 30,000-ton battleships! Add up to 60 14-inch guns! But it's a pity, it's not useful to see it!

Benson may not be a Titan on the battlefield. But he still has a good understanding of naval construction, at least he has a very accurate grasp of the outfitting time of the Pennsylvania-class battleship. In history, the time from launching to service for American iron tortoises was about 16 months, and the fastest was 11 months. Therefore, completing service in 9 months is already very fast. But still can't keep up.

What's more, in Benson's view, even with two Pennsylvania-class battleships, the two sides are in a balance of power. The Japanese Navy has 2 Dreadnoughts and 10 Super Dreadnoughts against the U.S. Navy, 8 Dreadnoughts and 6 Super Dreadnoughts... .. It is true that the Japanese King Kong is crispy, but the American fearless 10-inch and 11-inch main armor cannot be said to be strong... Moreover, the Fuso-class battleships of the Japanese fleet are too fierce. Considering the opponent's speed advantage and personnel quality advantage. Benson didn't think it was a good fight. As for waiting for the following New Mexico-class battleships to enter service, it would be too late. At least 2 years later!

"With all due respect, I don't think the big guys in the government have the determination to fight at all. They may be worried about failure, or they may be unwilling to face the entire Allied Powers group. Otherwise, the government would not block the news so tightly." Lieutenant General Benson pointed to another document on the desktop and said. This is a telegram sent to him by the White House just now, asking the navy department to cooperate in the blockade of the news. Judging from the wording and requirements, there is a feeling that major events have become smaller.

"This time Sims's level is not enough. If, I mean, if we change another person, for example, if Ma Jifen will command the fleet in the future, will the situation be better?" Robert Bacon looked at this document a little embarrassed. Because he asked the president to "handle it carefully." So the Secretary of State changed the subject and said.

"Our base, logistics support. The auxiliary fleet and the endurance of the fleet are all problems. This cannot be solved by changing individuals. Unless God is leading the American fleet! Otherwise, we can't win. We may be able to fight a certain battle. We have won some victories, but it is impossible to cross thousands of kilometers to compete with the Japanese navy and army for islands, and I think that the problem of the army is bigger than that of the navy. Our army does not seem to be larger than the Bavarian army. More!" Lieutenant General Benson incidentally hacked his army.

The environment in the United States is so good. In addition to weak chickens, there are weak chickens around. If the navy can also expand the empire's sphere of role of the army is actually the police. In history, Pershing was in May 1917. After being appointed as the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military, he once conducted a survey of the U.S. firebase and found that there were only 285,000 rifles, 400 wild cannons and 150 mountain guns...

The United States is strong in industry. Once activated, it can indeed burst out a strong production capacity. Take rifles as an example. During the United States entered the war, the Americans produced 2.5 million rifles. It is more than 8 times the inventory of rifles before the war. If we take the period from April 1917 to November 1918 as the standard, the British and Americans produced almost the same number of machine guns, and the number of rifles produced was 100 to 127. Americans have slightly fewer bullets, but they have reached more than 80%. Of course, the number of artillery produced is relatively small. In the same period of time, the American artillery was only a quarter of the British artillery, let alone compared with the French.

Therefore, an objective evaluation of the current level of the US military industry is that it is very weak in peacetime. Once the war starts, it will be more vigorous, but in general, let’s not say that it has reached the level of defeating the best in the Second World War. It is the same as the military production of Britain, France and Germany. It's worse than that. Of course, this may be due to the short mobilization time.

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