The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 454: I am immortal!

Fang Yu temporarily put the origin spar into the storage bag, then fell from the air and returned to the ground.

Affected by the battle between Fang Yu and Shinto, the vast snowy field was devastated and dented everywhere.

Fortunately, most of the surrounding area is flat ground, otherwise the impact will only be greater.

"Fang Yu!"

The snow-white girl appeared in front of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu glanced up and down at the girl and said, "I remember who you are."

The girl blinked and said, "Then tell me, who am I?"

"Daughter of the patriarch of the Blizzard, Snow Girl." Fang Yu said, "When I saw you last time, you were a half-meter tall kid. I didn't recognize you just now. It's normal. You were totally overreacted when you did it. "

The Snow Girl snorted coldly and said: "Back then, you spent more than half a year in our Blizzard clan, but couldn't recognize me. I am angry and reasonable!"

"It's too much to eat and drink. I can help you hunting." Fang Yu raised his brows and said.

"Do your best! Every time you go hunting, you hide aside to be lazy! You still take me to be lazy after a few times! Do you think I don't remember?" Xue Nu said loudly.

"I remember that you weren't so irritable before. You were a very well-behaved kid." Fang Yu frowned slightly, "What have you experienced these years?"

"You!" Xue Nu gritted her teeth with anger.

"Where's your dad? It's been a long time since I saw him." Fang Yu asked.

"Back when you left silently, he is still very angry! I don't want to see you!" Xue Nu put her arms around her chest and turned her head away.

"Should I take away the two bags of dry food from him soon? Do you need to keep your grudges for so long?" Fang Yu said in a daze.

"He won't be because of two bags of dry food...huh! In short, you'd better not meet him, otherwise I don't know what will happen!" Xue Nu said in a bad tone.

"This kind of threat is meaningless. You should know very well that your father can't do anything to me." Fang Yu smiled.

After speaking, he walked to the mouth of the valley in the distance.

Su Lengyun was still in a coma and had to take her away.

The snow girl was trembling with anger.

Her father is the patriarch of the Blizzard tribe, in charge of a territory of thousands of kilometers! It can be said to be the only king in the far north!

As long as he enters the far north, who dares to disrespect her father?

But in Fang Yu's mouth, her father didn't even have any majesty!

If you were someone else, you didn't need to use the Snow Girl to speak, and the two Snowmen men next to him had already taken action!

But the other party was Fang Yu, and he couldn't even refute this, let alone act.

Xue Nu's father was in front of the whole clan and was defeated by Fang Yu.

This is an indisputable fact!

"I'm so angry!" Xue Nu clenched her fists, stomped her feet fiercely, and stomped her feet.

When Fang Yu returned to the mouth of the valley, the first thing he greeted was a group of eyes looking up at the gods.

The group of dark list strong men is completely in a sluggish state at this time.

They had completely regarded Fang Yu as a **** in their hearts.

Originally, when Fang Yu fought with the three top ten bosses in the dark list, they were only shocked by Fang Yu's strength.

But after watching Fang Yu's fight with Shinto, their worldview completely collapsed.

It turned out that this was Fang Yu's true strength.

The previous Big Three on the dark list did not even force Fang Yu's 50% strength!

Fang Yu ignored these people, walked in front of Su Lengyun and knelt down.

At this time Su Lengyun's face had returned to **** color, breathing was gentle, but still in a coma.

It’s too cold around here and she has to be moved to a warm place.

Send back to Huaibei now?

But then Fang Yu will have to absorb the original crystal. In the process, he may break through 10,000 layers of the Qi Refining Stage, and he doesn't know what will happen.

Returning to a crowded place like Huaibei is likely to cause a sensation or involve other people.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu decided not to return to Huaibei for the time being.

The far north is the most suitable retreat location.

Absorbing that source here would not be known to outsiders even if it caused thunder.

Fang Yu hugged Su Lengyun, turned to look at the snow girl, and asked, "Go back to your base camp."

"Are you...really not afraid of my dad getting angry?" Xue Nu asked.

"What's so scary? Your dad dare not get angry at me." Fang Yu raised his brows and said.

Xue Nu snorted and glanced at Su Lengyun who was in a coma in Fang Yu's arms, her white eyes rolled, and she said, "It's okay to ask me to take you back, but you have to promise me not to do anything to my dad!"

"Of course, I met your father, so how could I do it?" Fang Yu said.

Xue Nu stopped talking, stretched out her right hand and snapped her fingers.

"Boom boom..."

There was a rush of footsteps from behind.

Then, two wolves with white hairs all over the body, like cows and horses, ran in front of the snow girl.

Xue Nu turned over and sat on one of the snow wolves and said, "Let's go."

Fang Yu hugged Su Lengyun and sat on another snow wolf.

"Miss, how do these people deal with?"

Just when Xue Nu was about to leave, a snowman behind her asked.

Xue Nu turned her head to look at the group of dark leaders with a terrifying look at the mouth of the valley, frowning.

She turned to look at Fang Yu.

"Let them go," Fang Yu said.

"Just follow Fang Yu's instructions. Also, you have to repair all the nearby snowfields." Xue Nu said.

"Understood." The snowman replied, "Miss, what about the creatures on that end?"

Xue Nu turned her head to look into the distance, and fell to the ground, still there was no moving spirit dragon.

Only then did Fang Yu think of this violent spirit dragon.

"How can it be in a coma for so long? According to its physical strength, the divine way should not be able to cause much damage to it..." Fang Yu frowned slightly, a little confused.

Xue Nu looked at Fang Yu and asked, "What do you think should be done?"

Thinking of the spirit dragon's crazy reaction after the gods took the origin, Fang Yu said, "Don't care about it, leave here before it wakes up, otherwise it will have to rush up and roar at me again."

In the past, Fang Yu might practice with it.

But now Fang Yu is eager to absorb that source and has no time to play with it.

"Don't care about it? Will it..." The Yeti asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, this is just a guardian spirit. If you haven't touched it, it won't do anything to you." Fang Yu said.

"Just do what he says." Xue Nu ordered.

"Yes." A group of snowmen behind them replied in unison.

Xue Nu glanced at Fang Yu and patted the snow wolf under her on the head.

Xuelang immediately ran.

And the Snow Wolf under Fang Yu also ran out behind him.

At the mouth of the valley, those so-called dark-listed powerhouses from all over the world watched Fang Yu leave blankly.


On the vast and boundless snowfield, two snow wolves are running fast.

The Snow Girl had been running ahead but suddenly remembering something, she immediately slowed down and went side by side with Fang Yu.

She suddenly realized something very strange.

Fang Yu couldn't recognize her at first, because she had grown up a lot since she was.

But why can she recognize Fang Yu at a glance?

Because... Fang Yu nowadays, from the looks of it, is the same as before!

After realizing this, Xue Nu's heart jumped.

With her understanding of ordinary humans, this is impossible!

The last time I saw Fang Yu was probably thirty years ago.

Thirty years is a long time for most mortals.

They will change from a young boy to a middle-aged and elderly person.

Although Fang Yu is a martial artist, his realm is not high, and he has always stayed in the innate realm.

The innate realm martial artist is the most basic level of the martial art realm, and the life span will not increase in this realm, and it is not much different from a mortal.

Thirty years have passed, how can Fang Yu grow old!

How can you still be as young as before! ?

This made Xue Nu wonder if the person in front of her was Fang Yu.

Did she encounter a bad-hearted enemy! ?

But after another thought, Fang Yu's previous words had no loopholes! Including some memories with the Blizzards...

"Fang Yu, you... why haven't you grown old?"

Xue Nu looked at Fang Yu's profile and asked hesitantly.

"Because I am immortal," Fang Yu said.

"How is this possible!? Stop talking nonsense." Xue Nu stared at Fang Yu and said.

"Well, I actually got the prescription for beauty from the medicine **** Xia Xiuzhi. I have been taking this medicine for decades, so my youth stays forever." Fang Yu said.