The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 455: Blizzard Patriarch

"The **** of medicine Xia Xiuzhi..." Xue Nu looked surprised.

Xia Xiuzhi's reputation in China is very big, even the Snow Girl in the far north has heard of his name.

For such a person, it seems reasonable to master the prescription for beauty.

"How old are you now?" Xue Nu asked again.

"It's still young if it's less than a hundred." Fang Yu scorned casually.

"You are almost a hundred years old!? According to your seem to..."

The lifespan in the back was about to end, and Xue Nu did not say anything.

Fang Yu glanced at Snow Girl, frowning slightly.

Does this girl have lived in this kind of ice and snow for too long, making her brain silly?

She just watched Fang Yu fight against the gods with her own eyes just now, why is she still struggling with this question?

If Fang Yu was just an ordinary warrior, how did her father fail?

However, Fang Yu didn't want to talk too long on the topic of life span and appearance.

No one believes Fang Yu to be honest on this topic, but a lot of nonsense! Pointless.

"Speaking of which, you Blizzards are the real permanent youth." Fang Yu said, "Thirty years have passed. You girl still looks like a teenage girl. Who wants you to be forty? How old is the aunt?"

"You, you are the aunt!" The snow girl wrinkled her face with anger, "In our Blizzard family, I am the age of a little girl! You can't treat our Blizzard family by mortal standards!"

Seeing that Xue Nu was so angry, Fang Yu stopped talking.

But the consequences of this sentence are still reflected.

Behind the snow girl stared at Fang Yu with an angry look, while the snow wolf under her ran faster and faster.

It didn't take long to open the distance with Fang Yu.

The Snow Wolf under Fang Yu ran slowly, almost as if walking behind him.

Fang Yu flew up and flew forward holding Su Lengyun.

While still flying in the air, Su Lengyun's long eyelashes trembled in Fang Yu's arms, and she opened her eyes quickly.

Seeing Fang Yu's chin close at hand, Su Lengyun's face changed slightly.

Her memory remained at the moment before the coma.

At that time she was sliding down the snow-capped mountain, but suddenly she encountered a raised stone and flew out...

"Wake up?" Fang Yu looked down at Su Lengyun.

"Big Brother Yu... we are now..." Su Lengyun asked.

"After you are in a coma, first I..." In order to let Su Lengyun understand what happened, Fang Yu started talking from the entrance of the hole.

"That divine dead?" After hearing what Fang Yu said, Su Lengyun asked with brilliant eyes flashing.

"Well, if the one just now is really his body." Fang Yu said.

"Shen Dao...Who is it?" Su Lengyun asked again.

"I don't know, but this person is really good. It is difficult to find an opponent in the martial arts world today." Fang Yu commented.

Su Lengyun agreed with this.

The oppression that Shinto brought to her was quite strong, and that understatement made her suffer a very serious internal injury.

"Is it cold?" Fang Yu asked, feeling Su Lengyun's body trembling slightly.

Su Lengyun shook her head lightly, just about to say no.

At this time, Fang Yu put his right hand on her forehead.

A warm current poured in from the forehead and flowed through the body, very comfortable.

Su Lengyun looked at Fang Yu close in front of her, her cheeks flushed slightly.

If possible, she hopes the time will stand still.

Fang Yu didn't pay attention to Su Lengyun's expression.

Because he has seen the stronghold of the Blizzard family.

Two minutes later, Fang Yu hugged Su Lengyun and fell from the air.

In front of him were buildings one after another covered with thick snow.

Just look from the outside of the building, like a castle.

Fang Yu put Su Lengyun on the ground and looked at the snow girl ahead.

Xue Nu looked back at Fang Yu and said angrily: "Come in with me."

As a result, Fang Yu and Su Lengyun followed behind Xue Nu and entered the Snow Castle.

There are many snowmen with very similar appearances walking in the castle. When they see the snow girl, they will stop what they are doing and say hello.

As for the two foreigners Fang Yu and Su Lengyun, no one cared.

Fang Yu followed Xue Nu to a building in the depths and walked in.

The temperature inside the house is even lower than outside.

Su Lengyun shuddered.

"Can you make a fire here?" Fang Yu asked.

"No, for us, now is the most suitable temperature." Xue Nu replied coldly.


At this time, Fang Yu stretched out a finger, and a red flame suddenly ignited on the finger.

As soon as the flame appeared, the surrounding temperature rose suddenly!

"You..." Xue Nv gritted her teeth with anger, but was helpless.

"Do you have a place where I can retreat?" Fang Yu asked.

"I don't know!" Xue Nu turned her head away and said angrily.

"I shouldn't have taught you once, to be polite to foreign guests."

At this time, a strong voice came from outside the door.

Xue Nu's face changed and she looked out the door.

A tall snowman walked in from the door.

"Fang Yu, it really is you."

As soon as the snowman came in, he stared at Fang Yu.

"Snow King, long time no see." Fang Yu smiled.

"Hahaha..." The snowman also burst into a hearty laugh, and the snow on his back began to shrink.

Soon, a human form appeared.

A snow-white hair and a snow-white beard.

"Snow King, you have experienced a lot of vicissitudes." Fang Yu said.

"Hehe, there are too many things to deal with every day, why are you as carefree as you?" Xue Wang walked to Fang Yu's body and grinned.

The snow **** the side looked at the two people who were talking happily, her eyes full of surprise.

She clearly remembered that her father, Fang Yu, left without saying goodbye, and was very angry, and once said that if he saw Fang Yu again, he would beat him up.

But now that I really see Fang Yu again, his father's attitude is quite kind.

This is completely different from the straight-forward character of the father Xuenu knows that she does what she says!

When Xue Nu was full of doubts, Fang Yu and Xue Wang had already sat down and chatted.

After talking about some unnutritious topics, the Snow King looked at the still-stricken Snow Girl and asked, "Where did you meet Fang Yu?"

"Yes, in the valley on the edge of the territory...we didn't find it before, the underground there..." Xue Nu told her before and after meeting Fang Yu.

"Oh? You took out the things in there?" Xue Wang turned his head to look at Fang Yu, and said in surprise.

"Strictly speaking, I didn't take it out, but that thing is indeed in my hands now." Fang Yu said.

"You actually provoked that huge creature... it's really your style." Snow King smiled and shook his head, said.

Fang Yu smiled, did not speak.

"There is also the person who fought with you...what's the background?" Snow King asked again.

"I don't know, but I ruined some of his clones a bit of hatred." Fang Yu said.

The Snow King said with emotion: "Recently, it has been very uneasy. In the past few hundred years, the extreme north has not been so lively."

"Lively?" Fang Yu raised his brow.

"Yeah." The Snow King nodded and said slowly, "In the depths of the Far North recently, many creatures that have been asleep for a long time have awakened."

Fang Yu frowned upon hearing these words.

In the past year, he has indeed felt the same way.

There have been more major events, and many things that have not been touched in the past few thousand years continue to appear.

This situation is not in accordance with the law.

Now that the earth's spiritual energy is thin to the extreme, the probability of major events should also decrease.

But the current situation is the other way around.

"What do you think is caused by this?" Fang Yu asked.

Snow King shook his head and said, "The specific reason is not clear, but I feel that they have received some kind of call...otherwise it would be too coincidental."

"For a long time, there will be individual creatures awakening in the extreme north, but they will soon fall asleep again."

"But this time is different, a large number of creatures wake up at the same time, and they are extremely excited...If it weren't for the barrier set by my father's generation, they would all have to run out."

The Snow King's tone was solemn.

As the patriarch of the Blizzard clan, he is responsible for the vast territory of the Far North.

If this group of terrifying creatures that have survived thousands of years runs out, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Dad, what are these creatures?" The Snow Girl on the side couldn't help but ask.

The Snow King glanced at Xue Nu and said in a deep voice: "They are all creatures that existed thousands of years ago, and fell asleep due to the thin aura of the earth...Many creatures that now exist as legends are among them."