The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 565: Queen's return letter

The breakthrough in agricultural technology does not lie here, they invented soilless cultivation technology in the greenhouse. This technology will greatly improve the yield and quality of Qin's agricultural cultivation. It is also conducive to the production of new seeds.

Soilless culture technology comes from the reaction of chemical solvents. Qin's chemical industry is developing rapidly, and many new reagents are constantly appearing. And most of it comes from solution reactions. This provides a reference for farmers. So can the cultivation of crops be carried out in a solution, so they put the plants in the water at first. Add various nutrients to the book. Mainly extract nutrient solution from urine. Mainly the supplement of nitrogen. As a result, they discovered the benefits of water cultivation, and gradually they turned their attention to the extraction of soil nutrients. This is the extraction of the initial nutrient solution.

While supplementing nitrogen, they also invented the use of chemical fertilizers. It is still a chemical component extracted from urine. This invention will initiate the emergence of fertilizer.

However, the chemical aspect does not care about the use of agricultural fertilizers, as Qin State uses nitric acid on a large scale. The production of nitric acid is on the agenda. Although Qin State has rich mineral resources, it has an increasing demand for nitric acid. Mainly for the production of detonators, demand for smokeless gunpowder. Chemists are exploring a new way to easily obtain nitric acid. And this method relies on new forces. Molecular theory. The emergence of this theory will make chemistry a big step forward.

The major breakthroughs in Qin’s achievements stem from Shangwen’s use of one-third of the government’s expenditure on education. Qin has not only built universities and basic education facilities in Guanzhong, but also established establishments in various newly established states. A state university and a series of basic education. All basic education is free. University education needs to pay for its own teaching costs. If you don’t want to, you can sign a talent training agreement with a series of companies, so as long as new inventions and technologies appear, most of the tuition fees can be waived. If possible, the technology will be widely used . It is likely to make a lot of money. Such methods first originated from technical universities and colleges funded by large companies. They are the main force of technology advancement.

In terms of school system, Qin's school system is rather chaotic. There is no uniform regulation yet. Mainly, the training of a college student, especially a technician, comes from his research results. This pragmatic approach will directly lead to the chaos of Qin’s school system. First of all, becoming a professor depends on whether your research results have been actually tested. Actually useful, this is the most important criterion for the test of professors. The second is the student's research results. A student is still a student for the first month, but if you make a major breakthrough in the next month, then you will be the student as a professor. Because no one in this field can match your results. It is for this reason that Qin's university degree ranges from six months to one and a half years.

The same is true for basic education. Although the basic education of Qin State has been vigorously developed with government investment and private donations, the school system is still chaotic. Each school has the right to choose their own textbooks. These textbooks are the relatively mature research results of various universities. The same is true for universities, and so are basic teaching. Many students have broad interests and universities have become their goals for further studies. Although the teacher teaches. But the initiative of students exceeds the scope of teachers and professors. Therefore, many students graduate early and enter university. In Qin, it is not surprising that you see a child who is only junior high school doing research in university, because his knowledge is far away. More than ordinary people.

In order to encourage invention, King Qin also specially established the post of doctorate, which is mainly used for those who have lifetime technical achievements. But later it was also developed for those in economics and political research. Because, King Qin gradually discovered that new things appeared in many aspects of Qin. For example, under the vigorous promotion of Han Fei, South Korea established the first three-power separation system. The states of Qin are more open than South Korea. They have established a more complete trial system, and lawyers first appeared in each state. The jury also began to appear in court. The local state is more enlightened than the central. Therefore, King Qin set up this position to complete the new situation after the emergence of new things in Qin.

Various affairs of the Qin State are in progress. In order to know the situation of the Western Regions for the first time, the State of Qin set up a special telegraph line directly to the Western Regions. Make adequate preparations for the next war.

Shangwen had to deal with the Huns issue and the issue of capital export, but Han Shu disregarded all this and brought trouble. The new South Korean ambassador specially handed Shang Wen a personal letter.

"My dear." There was this sentence at the beginning. "My dear." It came from a reporter posting a private letter between Shangwen and Yingyu in the newspaper. Shangwen believed that this violated private privacy. But Yingyu said that she did it, and that it was her instruction. The letter is also hers. Shangwen was speechless.

So "Dear" spread out all of a sudden because of the relationship in the letterhead, mainly for people with close personal relationships. Obviously, Han Shu believes that the relationship between her and Shang Wen is this relationship. Shang Wen shook his head helplessly.

"Are you busy lately? Why didn't you reply to my letter." As a queen, Han Shu wrote to Shangwen in the vernacular and in the usual left-to-right way. It can be seen that Han Shu paid attention to the details of Shang Wen.

"I think you are very busy, otherwise you will not reply to my letter. The situation in South Korea is very good, and it is improving. However, there are many people in our country. You should know about this situation. These people can never say that everyone is going. To do business, it cannot be said that some people have left their homeland to work in Qin. I want Qin to set up factories in the concession area. In this way, many problems can be solved. What do you think?" This is the export of capital and the export of technology. Requirements. Shang Wen didn't want to make any answer.

"For some specific issues, I think we can talk face-to-face. This can also be a good discussion. Xianyang, I haven't been there for a long time. I don't know how the changes are? I heard that there are cameras in Xianyang, I want to take a photo, and have a phone call. I have never seen it before. I heard that two people can talk at a long distance. If this is the case, I think there can be a telephone connection between the two countries. In this way, we can talk on the phone. You say Okay? I will send someone to inform you of the specific date."

Shang Wen quickly read the letter. The queen of a country will visit a country. I don’t know if there is any precedent in the history of the Warring States Period. Shang Wen was at a loss.