To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 31: in awe

The above is what happened in Gothenburg yesterday. Floros said in a deep voice: "After His Majesty Benito's collection and release, the Gothic interior has indeed been purged. The remaining nobles are more obedient to him. Do we need to do anything about it.

In front of him was Charles who was eating breakfast.

Before him was half an apple compote, a grilled trout steak, and, every day, a wheat-and-cheese soup with honey. Charles didn't like wasting, and he didn't like overeating, so he asked for just enough food each day to fill him up and not enough to fill him up or have leftovers.

"Nothing is needed." Charles said calmly while cutting off the crispy browned trout skin with a knife and fork: "Because this is not a good thing for Benito. but a mistake. A very dangerous mistake.

"That's right. He thought he knew everything, but the fact is just the opposite. As I said, the human heart should be in awe and not tested. Any interactive temptation or test may change others' existing views... In other words, the human heart cannot be tested. Charles cut off the fish skin without touching the flesh, rolled the fish skin on a fork and put it in his mouth, casually said: "Benitos is indeed a very talented king. He at least realized that a prince is safer to be feared than loved.

"A prince who is perceived as capricious, weak, cowardly, indecisive, ignorant and arrogant will be despised by his courtiers. He should support the view that no one can hope to deceive or deceive him, only in this way , people will obey his orders, and the country will be able to function.

"And in order to do that, he has to be loved.

"People's love will change from time to time, but fear will not. Fear will take root in people's hearts, and will continue to deepen because of the cruelty of the monarch. Until it becomes a cage, confining people's instinct of resistance. Charles said calmly: "That's how the law works, Floros.

"But in this way," Floros said, I think that Benitos may be right.

"There is one thing to talk about here. It is what the monarch is afraid of." When Charles said this, he tapped the plate in front of him with a fork emphatically: "Many monarchs are defensive and try to prevent their subjects from engaging in conspiracy... But this is impossible. Unless I have the help of you or Baimon, or the Order of the Firstborn and the Brotherhood, I can get some information for little or almost nothing. Ordinary monarchs can't do this, and their idea of ​​trying to obliterate all conspiracies is a waste of policy.

"That's true.

Floros nodded in agreement.

"The correct approach is not to guard against the betrayal of the few, but to gain the support of the majority. If you want to be able to fight against all conspiracies, one of the most effective ways is not to bear too much hatred—because people who conspire, always It is hoped to put the monarch to death to please those who have power. Such as the people, the Holy See or the powerful nobles. They are powers that can be borrowed. They can be borrowed by me, and of course they can be borrowed by my enemies .

And if a monarch's own strength is strong. He has the support of the Holy See, the love of the people, the protection of the warriors, the respect and recognition of the nobles, and the protector of the interests of the merchants, so no conspirators can find accomplices. They look for their partners, they have to make their hearts beat. keep them satisfied. Let their accomplices get all kinds of benefits from their plan... and this is where the drama comes.

If, Charles, forking up the most tender piece of fish, held it up to Floros, "what will their friends do if they realize that there is a great reward for those who inform the king of this conspiracy?"

One side can get definite benefits and at the same time prove its worth; while the other side's benefits are uncertain, immoral, and full of dangers and obstacles.

"So, which side will these mobilized people choose?"

He said calmly.

Floros nodded convincingly: "You are right.

"What Benito I made was such a mistake. As a monarch, he is in an absolute advantage in front of the conspirators. Because he has the protection of tradition and law, the power of the army and the police. He has the Holy See and the mystery. The support of the power holder. He doesn't need to do anything, his loyal subordinates will take care of everything for him.

"But obviously, the matter of Bachelor of Sodom made him feel like a snake. Our Majesty the Stone King no longer trusts anyone. He does not intend to entrust this matter to anyone, but intends to complete it himself. Just like he did not Trust the leader of the army, just like leading an army yourself.

Charles sneered, and picked up the last piece of candied pingo: "But it is obvious. The conversation with the nobles cannot be regarded as a battlefield. They should not be enemies, but exploitable... His Majesty King Stone has not understood this until now He makes people fear themselves. And yet makes people loathe themselves. Such fear is meaningless, not even comparable to love, and will only hang himself."

"Because the art of carving a human heart is obviously more difficult than carving a stone statue, my lord." Floros said respectfully. Charles shook his head and said seriously: "This is far from the level of carving a human heart. The human heart is by no means something that can be easily grasped... I can easily spin a ball now, draw a star map in a very standard way, and I can tell you what is the significance of such an organizational structure, and what is the reason for the historical policies of the past... But I can't tell you how you feel right now. I also can't decide what you are thinking at the next moment, and I don't know how many emotions are surging in your mind in a second.

"Remember to be disrespectful, my friend. In this respect, I am no different from you, you are no different from them." He smiled and patted Floros on the shoulder: "They can be delusional, they can be greedy, But you can't, Floros. I hope you can always remind yourself to be in awe... At least always be cautious about the heart, the truth, and the stars.

"As you wish, I will be in awe. Floros nodded seriously and replied repeatedly.

"Don't worry about King Stone. He will pay the price."

Charles said relaxedly: "We have one less enemy, and Frank's territory will triple. You see, I said it's very simple." The old devil smiled wryly. I don't know how to answer.