To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 32: Who are you

Coboga originally wanted to get her child back.

It was originally like this.

But the closer she got to the Pope's room, the more uneasy she became. The heart was beating violently. The tall and soft chest rose and fell, and the hands couldn't help but press it in front of him. What am I afraid of? Who am I praying to? I just want my own kids, what's wrong with that? I want to get out of here, I want to go home. I don't want to be here. I want to go back to my dad. What's wrong with that?

Coboga thought timidly. She felt deep sorrow for her misfortune and humbleness. She stayed in front of the Pope's door, but her hand stopped on the i handle. Coboga suddenly realized why she was so afraid of the Pope.

Because Adrian Shi is not interested in wealth, nor in her body. And she can promise to the other party in exchange for her own son, only these two things. Her noble life, in front of that lord, is no different from a beggar on the roadside, a farmer's child, a criminal who escaped from prison, a certain wild dog, or a certain doe. The value of her whole body is not as important as her son.

So. How could she want her child back?

Thinking of this, Coboga felt sad and courageous. She even wanted to let go and turn back at one point. But at this moment, a compassionate and steady voice came from the door.

"It's already here. Why don't you come in and take a look, Ms. Coboga."

Excuse me, my lord. Coboga gritted his teeth, and pushed in softly. In front of her eyes was a room that was both familiar and unfamiliar to her—when she woke up, the Pouso room she saw was Adrian's room, which was different from those priests who were greedy for enjoyment. Pope Adrian's room can even be called simple. The white linen bed and the thin lambswool quilt are the only things that can be called expensive. There was only one four drawer in the room. There are a chair, a table, a jug of water and a glass outside.

besides. It is a room without any decoration. and there is no one who serves him. The life of the pope is far inferior to that enjoyed by the local bishop. It is completely maintained on the minimum requirement line for a person's daily needs. Other than that, there is nothing useful. But when Coboga saw clearly what Pope Adrian was doing, she couldn't help but froze in place, not daring to enter the room.

He was naked to the waist, revealing broad arms, strong chest muscles, and a well-defined abdomen. It doesn't look like an old man in his fifties or sixties at all, even more like a stone worker than him, bending over to lift a stone bar two hours long, half an hour wide and half an hour high, and lift it above his head .

Seeing Adrian Shi's abnormal behavior, Coboga stood at the door and dared not move.

"My lord, you are

"Routine exercise.

Adrian I breathed out, pulled the bottom layer of the crown, and put the stone strip in. Then he casually replied with his upper body naked like this: "In order to ensure a clear and strong mind, proper exercise is indispensable.

…Is exercise still related to the mind?

"Of course, exercise will not increase wisdom, but it will affect the container of wisdom. A weakened body cannot even maintain thinking, and memory will also decline.

Adrian Shi put on his linen robe directly in front of Goboga, and said peacefully: "I advise you to exercise occasionally, ma'am. Otherwise, when you reach my age, it won't be... okay , I'll keep an eye out. Coboga agreed with some hesitation. It made her feel unbelievable to see His Excellency the Pope actually exercising. In her imagination. The pope should be the kind of old man who does not work, has a weak body, a heavy head and a hard heart, and needs someone to help him get out of the carriage.

She never imagined that under the pope's robes were actually muscles that were stronger than some soldiers' waists.

In this way, although the Pope usually walks slowly...but maybe he is extremely alert. If someone tried to assassinate the pope, maybe he would kill him in turn. Koboga couldn't help but said: "Your body is much stronger than the guards."

"No, I don't need guards because I know everyone loves me and no one will kill me.

The old Pope said peacefully: "No wise man will kill me, because they know the righteousness of my existence; no fool will kill me, because they can't even find it here. No pious man will kill me, because I will Is the successor of King Solomon, and no disobedient person will kill me. Here, his words come to an end.

Old Adrian smiled, poured himself a glass of water, and took out a glass from the drawer. He asked casually, "What do you want to drink? Milk? Honey water? Red wine? Or barley tea?"

"Wine. No, clear water is fine," Coboga corrected her right away as soon as she finished speaking, "I came here to find Little John.

"Sorry, you're in the wrong place. John's not here.

Old Adrian poured a glass of water for Coboga, and his cloudy eyes were full of smiles: "Why do you think I want to bring him with me?"

"Maybe he is curing his illness, maybe he is learning to read, maybe he is learning arithmetic. Maybe he is listening to historical stories...Here is water. In short, you have to trust us. He is in the place where Frankish scholars have the most, and any relaxation and entertainment here It's a waste of time. The old Pope's old and gentle voice sounded: "As Frank's future heir, every minute of his time is precious. I won't let him see you.

"He will miss me!

Coboga couldn't help shouting: "You can't treat a child who just lost his father like this! You can't take my child away from me! He is not yet three years old, and he won't even go away when he sees him." I'll cry if I don't!"

"Who are you?" the old man asked coldly.

His falcon-like gaze met Koboga for the first time. The blazing brilliance of the fried bear made her immediately overwhelmed and did not dare to say more. Koboga averted his eyes in some embarrassment, and stammered.

Adrian said softly but sternly: "You are the enemy of the current Frankish king and the mother of the future Frankish king. The persecuted person of one era and the riser of the next era.

"You actually hope that you can take care of your son like an ordinary mother. Do you still hope that he can spend his childhood comfortably and happily? Do you still want him to tease the daughter of the neighbor's blacksmith? Do you want to Let him inherit your title, let him have a beautiful little maid and a dignified countess?"

His voice was gentle and low, but Coboga heard a lot of ridicule from it.

"Then you might as well die. I can give you a cup of poisoned wine and make you stop breathing in your sweet dreams. Your son will be my son from now on. How?"