Triplets: Lucky Mommy is a Beautiful Badass

Chapter 120: Buying land and building a house 11

  Chapter 120 Buying land and building a house 11

   "Huh? Are Qingzhou City houses so expensive?" Qi Qingyao almost fell off his chin. This is a modern house, which means the house is tens of millions, plus the soft decoration inside, Nima, hundreds of millions! The price of Shanghai's top villas. However, the jewellery worn by Mrs. Kuo might be worth tens of millions... It's also reasonable.

  Jiang Yegan slowly said: "Qingzhou City is the entire Beiliang, and the price of land is comparable to that of Beijing."

   "Why?" Qi Qing was puzzled. It's quite far away from Beiliang Capital.

  Jiang Yegan Road: "The scenery is beautiful and the feng shui is good. Since two hundred years ago, many court officials have liked to buy land in Qingzhou City after retirement and stay here to enjoy their lives."

  Qi Qingyao was even more puzzled: "The place with beautiful water and good feng shui in Beiliang Mountain should be more than Qingzhou City?"

  Jiang Yegan Road: “There is a Koi Temple in Qingzhou City! The wives of the court officials and the aunts at home all like to worship the Koi God, and look forward to the prosperity of the descendants of Fuyin’s son Sun Enze for a hundred years!”

  Qi Qingyao: "..."

That's it?

  Fuck the land price of a third-tier capital to the first-tier price?


  Because there is a great koi temple!

  These officials are really **** superstitious.

   "Then I want to buy a house in Qingzhou City with this little money, it is really a drop in the bucket." Life is not easy, Qing Yao sighed.

Jiang Yegan comforted: "If you buy one thousand taels, you can buy a renovated second-hand house of 1,000 square meters. It's like the kind of front pavement, middle yard, and back residence. Pei Shizi's other yard covers an area. The area is probably more than 30,000 square meters. Don't even think about it."

  Qi Qingyao suddenly thought of something, staring at Jiang Yegan with intriguing expression: "You know a lot."

  "..." Jiang Yegan lowered his head.

  Qi Qingyao smiled and said, "Have you recovered your memory?"

  Jiang Yegan raised his head and said solemnly: "I just forgot who I am, not my skill and common sense."

  Qi Qingyao pouted, expecting that if he really recovered his memory, there would be no reason to hide it from her. After all, if he is a very powerful killer or character, there is no reason to stay here and be blinded by her, or for her to send!

  Jiang Yegan pretended to be inadvertent and said, "So, what are your plans now."

  Plan, these words stopped Qi Qingyao's question. She glanced at the three small buns who were eating well. She must focus on children in everything she does now and must give them a stable life.

"If you want to buy a house of this kind in Qingzhou City, the quality of life may not be able to keep up. It is better to have a village in the village, build a comfortable house, and hire a few people with the remaining money. After all, I Now there are fields. It’s good to grow land and raise chickens and enter retirement early."

  "Retire..." Hearing this word, Jiang Ye twitched the corners of her mouth dryly. How old is she, thinking about retiring and enjoying life?

  Qi Qingyao confidently said: "There is also a child, a house, and a land! If I buy a carriage, hire a coachman, and travel freely, then my life will be the pinnacle of my life."

  Jiang Yegan was stunned for a long time without making a sound.

   looked like a brocade, tilted his head and asked: "This, the pinnacle of life? What about men? Sister, don't you want to marry again?"

  Qi Qing smiled extraordinarily calmly: "There is a house, a car, a field and a baby. There is no annoying father-in-law, no need to serve in-laws, and no blood-sucking parents. Why am I not the pinnacle of life?"

  Jiang Yegan: "..."

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  (End of this chapter)