Two-Dimensional Alien Species: Human Security Agency

Chapter 202

The two of them responded in a timely manner. After the transformation, the fur was instantly covered with a dark red color, as if wrapped in a cocoon, hard to carry the thousands of swords in the sword energy. For a while, the symphony of gold and iron rang in unison, as if someone was about to smash the anvil with a messy knife.

Ji Qinger, Agrace, and even Xie Zhifei, they are geniuses, seeds, and people who may grow into characters that affect the balance of the world. But like the words in this sentence, 'maybe' and 'grow'. The word genius has never been synonymous with absolute power, it only means invincibility at the same stage.

Hunters may never grow into characters that can affect the entire world, but they also have their own advantages. From the long vitality of the longevity species, they have experienced a longer growth and training, in other words, they are strong.

So even though Ji Qing'er's sword qi of dozens of meters looked majestic, it was not actually able to break through the defense of the two hunters. The dark red air armor is only constantly weakened by the sword energy, and they have the confidence to carry out such a consumption. The most terrifying thing about geniuses is their unpredictable ability to do things that their age and stage should not be able to do at all. But the law-abiding competition is different, it is simply accumulation.

In this sound like a steel knife slashing iron, there was a loud sound of stepping on the ground, and the next moment, a crimson figure suddenly emerged from the boundless cyan sword qi, and he was so mixed in the sword qi and suddenly hit Hunter. The killer was less than two meters in front of him, and half of his body was pulled behind him. Following the stomping on the ground just now, it collapsed suddenly, rebounding like a drawn bowstring.

Bang—— Compared with the crisp sound of iron slashing, this dull sound is so special, like the sound of a sledgehammer smashing a cowhide drum, the hunter who was hit did not respond at all, but there was something in his eyes. This is so incredible, as if to say, how could he be here?

The next moment, this person's body seemed to float in the air for a moment, and the whole body swelled. Then starting from the swollen place, the ripple-like power swam all over again, and there were countless crisp sounds from all over the body, and the bones far exceeding the strength of ordinary people were all shattered at this moment. The thick **** blood was sprayed from its nose and mouth, and the next moment it was smashed into the air by the blue sword energy, like a flower blooming.

"Ha," Xie Zhifei then took the second step forward. The second hunter had already reacted, but the persistent state he maintained could not be lifted so quickly. "Surprise." Will not give him this time, a red gun will be thrown along his punch. Like the red core that finally spit out from the thousands of green air, the hunter was about to pierce a hole.

It may not even understand until its death, why there is no such human existence in its proud perception.

Ji Qinger turned her head to split the wall behind her and rushed in, while Xie Zhifei embedded herself back into the darkness. The Mafia got the wrong idea, they have learned from humans for too long and become too human-like. Even starting to learn things like how to get the most out of the least amount of money.

They shouldn't be like this, they should be unscrupulous aliens, monsters who would do anything to kill them. They should just blow up the building, then shoot under every piece of concrete with high-yield explosives and bullets until there are no rocks the size of a washbasin.

But they chose to dash in as an elite squad. They put themselves in the perspective of the strong from the very beginning. Only the winners are qualified to consider how to reduce losses as much as possible, and only the strong can choose the way to fight.


Chapter 115 Revolution Ten

The so-called exercise is to allow the body to establish some long-term memory that does not exist by itself through repeated training. This is both muscle memory and a way of thinking. Fighters' intuition of punching strength and defensive style, and the discovery of problem solutions by professional researchers are all like this. They may not have thought so much when they choose to do this. Why do they want to do this? Choices have been made for them.

This is more common among veterans, especially in World War II, when weapons like artillery and tanks were not equipped with the high-end, point-and-shoot computational aids they are today. More than 90 percent of the calculations and estimates have to be done by the gunner himself. An old gunner will probably know if he has hit the shot the moment he shoots. In their words, it is a shot that has a different feel.

There is no scientific basis for this claim, but it is always surprisingly accurate. For example, during the five-year period from 1940 to 1945, the famous German tanker Otto Karjus, his crew completed the destruction of more than 178 tanks and 130 artillery pieces, and the victory marks were almost all over the car body. Gunners, pilots, and tank commanders who master this "feel" are often able to play amazing battle ratios, and people like Otto are generally called trump cards.

Xie Zhifei knew that standing in front of him was a well-trained warrior or even an ace. He was strong, calm, and not even afraid of death. But the more it does, the more it depends on its own exercise and 'feel'. Before the brain makes a judgment, the body has already completed the judgment of this matter in advance. And once it encounters something completely opposite to its training and judgment, this training will become an induced weakness.

Xie Zhifei's burning blood is the blind spot of this reverse. The hunters thought they were chasing a genius among the two humans, a seed of the same rank as Saint Agrace. But in their perception there is only one such being. After burning blood, Xie Zhifei is no longer human, but just as weird as them.

Bloodthirsty and hunting instincts are the same thing as the monster template in the game. Werewolves and vampires will feel the urge to bloodthirsty and destruction for human existence itself. This impulse, rooted in blood, is the most basic and best way for them to judge human beings, at least for thousands of years with few mistakes. It's like the red name monster of the game will automatically attack the player, but will not attack the same wandering monster.

Xie Zhifei is the same red monster in their perception, it may be a little strange but it is definitely not human. If you find such a strange thing in normal times, you may still be curious to take a look. But in the midst of a tense search, this existence that is excluded from the search by the brain in the first place does not arouse curiosity at all, I don't know what that is, but it is definitely not what I am looking for, probably so……

If it weren't for such a special situation, Xie Zhifei would never have cleaned up the twelve-person team so easily.

"Destroy the world? Of course not, what Tang wants to create is a new order."

Xie Zhifei didn't think that the captain in front of him was lying to him. Although he was not afraid of death, the calmness in his eyes showed that he was telling the truth.

"The new... order?" Xie Zhifei frowned deeply, "What kind of order?"

"Under its rule, a world where humans and weirdness live together." Even though Xie Zhifei didn't pierce his heart, the shot went through his chest after all. The captain's voice has become a little weak.

"Don't plan to release Bechymos, if I'm not wrong, right?"

"That's right." The captain nodded. "That is our last trump card, like the nuclear weapons in your hands, we will use it to force you to the negotiating table."

"Then why are you arresting us?"

"Exchange the Fool's goodwill and compromise, and show his strength." The captain really knows a lot.


Chapter 116 Revolution Eleven

When Xie Zhifei discovered them, the mutation had actually started for some time. This kind of rainstorm, which can even be confused with night and day, is really the best umbrella for such emergencies.

The sound will be drowned out by the sound of rain, thunder and rushing water on the ground, and the rain hitting the body will greatly interfere with the five senses, including the senses. Water droplets the size of beans fell from the sky, smashed into a silver flower, and then something sprouted in these silver flowers.

Regarding the overlapping and infiltration of the world, Tang has plans and preparations. Except for the hundreds of hunters and safari teams, a large number of Mafia are active in this night in Sicily.

Most of them are ordinary people, or they have a little contact with the second-in-command of the mysterious side. In the face of gods, they have almost no ability to deal with it. Not to mention fighting, it is almost impossible to cause damage. Of course, their job is not to fight the gods, collect and report, and pass all the information up, that is their job. The next thing is the hunter and the safari mission.

In addition to helping hunters determine the location of the prey, the role of these intelligences also has the role of determining the degree of intrusion. Tang did not intend to continue the ceremony. As he said at the beginning, this is the nuclear weapon in its hands, and it is the capital of its negotiations.

But like nuclear weapons, you don't have to say that you have it, you have to test it to prove it, so it needs to carry out the ceremony to this point. It proves to the four majors that its bargaining chips are real.

It's dangerous, like the nuclear warhead has been loaded, the ballistic missile's fuel has been filled, and even the password has been entered in half, just the last few digits. But it is more aware that this is necessary, because what it has to deal with is not dozens of countries or alliances that check and balance each other, but a race that is different from it, but has completed control of the world-human beings.

They may be very happy with infighting, but they will not have any doubts about the matter of unanimity with the outside world. This racial difference is doomed that it has no chance to stand in the same arena as other humans. It can only be careful and careful, because it is facing the whole world.

There is a limit to the ritual of stopping halfway. The fusion of the world and the world is an extremely complicated process, so complicated that it is difficult to describe in words. There may be a long way to go in trying to understand and even master it.

The only good news for Don may be that it has a threshold, because the overlapping of world lines by eliminating quantum coherence is not as simple as having two different worlds collide with each other and merge together . The world line itself overlaps and exists in a superimposed manner, so even if the two worlds overlap, there will be no such thing as two Statues of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower on the ground, but one of them replaces the other. .

In contrast to a simple and direct collision, this overlap and replacement does not lead to the chain reaction that follows. Simply put, the number of doors that can be opened between the two worlds is certain, so even if there are countless gods over there, the number of doors that can come over at the same time is certain.

Tang was counting this number. It was after knowing this number that he began to assign some hunters to control important facilities such as docks and power plants. The team that rounded up Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger was also recruited in this way.

Like a sophisticated real-time strategy game, Tang cautiously planned and used every bit of strength in his hands to encircle and suppress the evil spirits, hunt down Xie Zhifei, and organize the army to prepare for the landing battle... But at this time, he suddenly sent out to explore the way. The soldiers did not detect the whole situation on the opposite side. Even worse, he lied to himself, an enemy is a naked threesome. What was the result?


Chapter 117 Revolution Twelve

"If you are so greedy, then die."

Although the words are very simple, it is not so simple to kill the gods. No matter how you say it, this is still the shadow of the monster that once shrouded the entire human race. The concept of chaos is thoroughly reflected in every inch of this creature's flesh and blood.

Entangled organs and limbs are complex and meaningless, and they simply do not evolve naturally. But the opposite is its strange fighting style. The enemy is a wolf, and what it has to do is to pounce on it and bite it with its teeth or claws. If the enemy has a sword in his hand, it is a straight stab in addition to slashing, and if he has a gun in his hand, the attack method is bullet.

The enemy is a lump of meat. You thought it was going to use a chariot of meat bombs. As a result, they split apart from the middle and spit out a strong corrosive saliva at you...

The strange form brings unpredictable fighting methods to the gods, and they will even attack by tearing off the sarcomas on their bodies and throwing them as bombs, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty. Of course, that's all, if you put it in the game, it's just a group of special monsters. But just like the strength of a 90-level sheep is far better than that of a 15-level golden-winged thunder tiger, the three dimensions (attack, life, and agility) of the gods themselves are extremely high.

The clumped limbs brought dozens of sturdy propulsion organs, and there were more attacking organs all over the body. There were no vital points, and when they were smashed into pieces, they would continue to move and attack like the head of a snake. It will even use the wounds of the opponent's attack to erupt blood, organs and monsters with various attack methods. No wonder it was able to suppress the mafia groups outside.

"It's hell..." Xie Zhifei didn't join the battle immediately, after all, both sides of the melee below were their enemies. Since Ji Qing'er acted as the arrow for the breakthrough, he had to hold the line and be responsible for pulling her back when she ran over her head, and blocking all the dark arrows that shot behind her.

But fortunately, the werewolves didn't do this kind of dishonorable thing, or they didn't have the opportunity to do such a thing with Yu Yu. After the transformation, the height of the half-human wolf is more than two meters, and some strong people can even reach three meters. The terrible height and muscle density allow them to use some weapons that are not made for individual soldiers as individual weapons.

The four Gatling heavy machine guns roared, and when the trigger was pulled, dozens of brass bullet casings fell into the water. As the hot bullet casings cooled, a white mist of water evaporated, and a one-meter-long muzzle flame Like a torch that shoots down, the sound of the gunfire is so intense that you feel like you're in a cloud of discharging smoke.

Four torrents of steel formed an iron wall and slammed into the surging gods. It was only flesh and blood that was hit by bullets but made a metal-like sound, and could not penetrate completely. But it doesn't mean that it has no effect. The continuous effect of powerful kinetic energy still smashes the carapace and flesh and blood, but there is more chaotic flesh and blood coming out below. Then it was smashed into pieces again and again, as if using bullets to block the torrent of flesh and blood.

But only a part of it was blocked. More gods moved extremely fast, and there was no way to aim with bullets, or the bullets were too thick to cause damage at all. Fighting against them are werewolves such as hunters.

In the city filled with water, the blood-colored thunder flashed in the sky, reflecting the entanglement between the giant wolf on the ground and the gods. The tentacles and the twisted limbs of the gods locked the werewolf's body from all angles, trying to suffocate it. or broken. The werewolf's claws were inserted into the body of the gods, and the sharp teeth ripped off its limbs, trying to tear it in half.


Chapter 118 Revolution Thirteen

"Holyshit!!" The gods swooped down from the sky and grabbed a werewolf like an eagle. The latter shouted so much, and the storm in his hand kept pushing the steel-core bullet into the opponent's body. This kind of agile type is not very easy to hit, but it is not easy to lose the almost zero-distance embrace of the two.