When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 255

This is the battlefield, they all know it.

They thought they knew that all kinds of brutal and violent acts would be committed on the battlefield.

But it is completely contrary to Yongye's habitual attitude towards all the tragedies and cruel wars around him, and the young junior high school students... They can't believe that human beings can cause such a situation and make such a situation. matter,.

"...you, what do you want to do?"

Among the bombing troops, men in apparently high-tech armor questioned them.

But why did he suddenly stand up and want the fighting troops to stop?

... condemnation? doesn't make sense...then their purpose is...

"...Uncle, can you stop the war? Everyone...is dead, why are we fighting, why...can't we live in peace?"


Among the five students who retreated in fear, four were silent, but one of them stood out, slowly stood up, and approached Yong Ye cautiously. After trying to gather up his courage, he told him A sentence that made Yong Ye feel a little complicated.

Ah, of course, I'm not rejecting the term uncle. After all, at his current age in his twenties, these 13th and 14th junior high school students can indeed be regarded as uncles.

It's just... the idea of ​​coexisting peacefully, on this battlefield, came from the mouth of a unkempt girl in the war, which is really hard to ignore.

However, Yong Ye just shook his head in front of the girl after thinking for a while.

"The human heart is selfish, and people have desires. Only war can be the fastest solution. This is a dispute caused by interests. Since ancient times, war has never been broken. Human history is the history of war. You say, there is selfishness and Is it possible for human beings of desire to truly coexist peacefully?"


Compared to Yong Ye, who can make a lot of sense, this girl, who is only a junior high school student, obviously has a moment and a half, and can't object to his remarks.

Looking around, he sighed softly in a mood that no one other than Yong Ye could know, and then he put his hand on the girl's head.

"Okay, let's all go home. After they have a rest, I have to rush to suppress the rebellion."

"...my home...is there."

The girl stretched out her hand and pointed to the ruins not far away, which made Yong Ye's heart unspeakably complicated.

"Then your parents..."

"They ran away."

"Well, I thought..."

Originally, it was strange that this child was nervous, but why didn't she want to die with him because of the death of her parents?

"...thought they were dead? No..."

After taking Yong Ye's words, the girl who was only about fourteen years old showed a more complicated expression than Yong Ye's, which was sad and angry, but also filled with deep disappointment and even despair.

"...They saw me at school, but they just glanced at me and ran away with my brother...Even if that home is still there, I have nowhere to go back."

"That's it..."

Yong Ye clearly understood what this girl meant.

It's just in this short period of time that the girl's originally harmonious family collapsed because of the crisis and because of the parents' preference for male elder brothers.

Running away with his son, but leaving his daughter behind, once this kind of thing happens, even if the family reunites, there will inevitably be a serious crisis of trust and irreparable cracks when the daughter reunites with her family.

Although this war was not provoked by Yongye, as the main participant and commander of the battle, he also ordered the use of weapons that are prohibited from being used in the city, and also gave orders to carry out large-scale shelling and bombing. Yong Ye is not qualified to comment on these things.

Therefore, he just remained silent.

"Hey... Uncle, I used to think so, GHQ is to protect us all... Soldiers protect civilians, and the strong should protect the weak, so why... why does this happen?"

The girl stepped forward, her eyes were full of tears, and she asked Yong Ye with a miserable smile in a soft voice.

"...Why, my lord... the struggle of the strong makes the weak suffer, why... there are only four of my classmates left?"

"Your speech is very unlike a child of this age... It happens that I also know many children whose mental age does not match their actual age."

Sighing that the girl did not speak like a child, Yong Ye looked at the group of refugee-like children behind her and sighed.

"Your point of view is wrong... You are weak, so you call yourself weak and only think about the benefits of the weak, but you don't understand that being weak is an original sin. If there is no protection from the strong, the weak can only be trampled by others. . And we are indeed protecting people, but now we are in danger of betrayal and death, so we can only resist, among which..."

It is unavoidable that unnecessary deaths will be caused. In order to reduce the losses of the troops, in order to minimize the forgetting of one's own demise, this method is an extraordinary act in an extraordinary period and a necessary means, which is irrelevant in this case. The important weak will only be sacrificed by the strong——Never said this.

Because he felt that he didn't need to say anything realistic to a child, and he also felt that there was no way he could say this to such a victim.

"...I sympathize with what happened to you, and the death of your classmate, but now you should go back...well, you should go to a safe place, because there are still risks here."

He wanted to say go home, but remembered that he destroyed the child's home, so Yong Ye changed his words after a moment of silence.

However, after listening to Yong Ye's words, the girl still stayed where she was, with no plans to move.

"Find a safe place... Uncle, can you tell me where is safe? And... After that, where should I go?"

"This question... I'll tell you later, after this war is over, I can help you arrange the whereabouts as compensation for breaking your family, and if you don't mind, you can come to my church, of course... preconditions If I'm still alive by then, and the special strike force is still there."


Without words, the girl just stared at Yong Ye blankly.

Yong Ye didn't speak either, just shook his head, stretched his hand through her armpit, picked her up and took her to the side of the road.

After the leader was taken away, the other junior high school students hurriedly followed and ran to the edge of the collapsed house.

When doing this kind of thing, Yongye thought inexplicably... During World War II, a German soldier followed a large army to invade Russia, but when he was alone, in order to save a little Russian girl, he sent the little girl who didn't understand the language. Girl hugs things from dangerous street to the side of the road.

In the end, the little girl was fine, but he himself exposed himself because of this behavior and was beaten to death by Russian soldiers.

Thinking about it now, he found that his behavior was inexplicable, somewhat similar to that German soldier, the difference was that behind him was a large army, with armor on his body, and ordinary sniper guns could not hurt him.

During the time when the army was repairing in situ, Yong Ye and the group of children chatted a few words, left a contact information for the girl, and planned to leave, but when she turned around and was about to leave, the girl turned and left. He took his hand, raised his head and looked up at him.

"Uncle, you will live to defeat the bad guys, right?"

"...do you need to say anything?"

Patting the **** the head, Yong Ye walked towards the direction of the large army again.


Yong Ye felt very confused about the definition of a bad girl. There is no doubt that at the beginning, although the girl did not express it, it was obvious that they regarded their attacking troops as bad people, but now, because of his words, he said Shuichiro's group of rebels became the real bad guys.

It can only be said that the judgment of human beings on a matter is really easily influenced by outsiders and the information obtained. If this matter must be said, one is the person who started the rebellion, and the other is the one who has adopted cruel measures to deal with the rebels. People, neither of them are good people in the general sense.