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~: 1,244 Black Forest

Come on, work hard! We all started to fight for the glory of the kingdom of power

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  Morrow, the southern harbour of Salland.


  The fat man stood on a step in the port and looked helplessly into the distance. The sea water here became particularly gentle and beautiful. The sea water was almost still like a mirror, with a bit of charm in the calm. The hot cold sea tide brought dense fish crowds to freely shuttle through the sea here,


Occasionally, a series of small white waves were left on the sea. On the sparkling sea, the fishing boats and merchant ships slipped across the calm sea, leaving a long white trace of waves in the stern, one circle after another. The ripples drifted around, and then collided with other ripples, swayed more circles of ripples, and then dissipated for a long time.


"Adult, the coast here is known as the Gold Coast." Port official Aarus, pointing at the white sail in the distance, said, "This is the most prestigious fish in Salland during the prosperous period in southern Salland. In the production area, the annual catch of marine fish accounts for more than half of the total production. The coastline here is very straight, there are many scenic harbors, bustling towns everywhere, and busy shipyards everywhere. The heat of the sea brought a large number of large yellow croakers and small yellow croakers to gather here. There used to be eight huge fishing grounds, and at the largest, there were more than 2,000 fishing boats.


Orus's voice stopped and said with some emotion. "Sarand Southerners often say that here, you just reach out to the sea and you can catch a big yellow croaker, a small yellow croaker, etc., you don't need to trawl. Although the big yellow croaker and the small yellow croaker are very worthless, for the fishermen here, there are occasionally many rare fish in each piece of fishing nets pulled up, and this sea area is also the place where we first arrived. The island north of Port Moreau is the most prosperous golden waterway in southern Salland, from this coast to the central coast.


   A large amount of raw materials and materials are transported from the southern part to Sarande Kyoto in the central part. Then it was further processed there, and then sold to the northern part of Icadia. Especially the spice produced on the east island of the island was a daily necessity for the nobles of Ikadiwa, and it was very popular."


The port official's voice stopped, and he licked his lips dryly. He thought he had said it very well, but he still couldn't see a hint of joy in the face of the new adult, which made him feel Very helpless, he only learned 2 days ago that an inspector was coming from the north, mainly to check the production situation of the fishery this year,


The identity of the adult is not clearly stated above, but the accompanying team of black armour cavalry no doubt proves that the adult is not a Sarande, this is a soldier, and he saw this The inspector rode on the horse, although he was tired, but his sword-like waist was straight. Orus, who was originally from the southern Mamunuk, felt this.


No, "It should have come for the army’s food this winter!" Orus speculated that it was not someone who knew nothing about the situation on the mainland. It was just after the Falcon Empire gained control of the south that it had no news at all. No lock means, and in Moro, a southern trading port, even a small officer who manages a fishery like Orus, can go to the merchant ship from time to time, and hear the news about the mainland of Icadi, The Falcon Empire swept across the battlefield, and it was all overwhelming. It successively destroyed several powerful kingdoms on the continent, and the territory of the empire was unprecedentedly powerful.


  Although as a Salander, Orus can also feel a sense of pride bursting out of his bones, toast to the empire! In Morro’s port tavern, the screams of sailors can be heard from time to time, and Arus unconsciously raises his glass every time to follow,


Orus is not a militant. Although he is a maunuk with ancestor glory, he once wore unusable and gorgeous armor to show off to his companions, but the defeat in the south of the battle made him change his mind. Only through the history of being bullied will you know that power is not a decoration, but real iron and blood, how eager and undesirable it is,


Orus also sometimes thinks that if Salander had half the strength of the Falcon Empire at that time, he would not be bullied by the Normans to such an extent, the mountains and rivers fell, and hundreds of thousands of Salander southerners were like the Norman army. Cattle catch up with the warship,


  The ships that shipped slaves and slaves started from Moro, carrying the resentment and sorrow of the Salanders, and disappeared one by one forever in the sea,


This activity lasted for 8 months. It was the eternal pain of the Salander. At that time, the Moro sea surface could be seen from time to time. The body was killed and abandoned in the sea because of resistance. Orus occasionally whistled from the port. In the passing wind, I heard the faint crying voice.


   "The location here is good, and the resources are rich. Why didn't the Southern Navy of Salander set up a military port here?"


The fat man looked into the distance with bright eyes and asked the port administrator Orus. He came here this time to evade the instructor Palsina, and there was another purpose. He wanted to check out Mo Port Luo, which was once the birthplace of Salander’s marine civilization, is geographically closer to the strategic goal of Normandy, and it has a very rich sea resource. If you can build a military port here, you can be just Taurus forms a closest connection point,


"Yes" Orus said a little bit on his face. "There are many natural and good harbors here~lightnovelpub.net~Can dock large warships. At first, the Salander Navy had plans to build a military port, but soon this The plan was rejected!"


  "Oh, why? "The fat man asked in surprise, no matter what the situation, this is the best outer sea port.


Orus said, "Morrow has an irreparable shortcoming, that is, it is very close to the open sea. Strong offshore storms often sweep the port. Even the large warships owned by the former Salander Navy are often affected by the storm. Create, let alone those smaller warships,


Moreover, the mountains here also lack wood for building warships. If you want to obtain wood, you have to ship it from a distant middle. The cost is too high. The resources to build a warship here are enough to build two ships in the middle of the wood. This is the main reason why the Navy gave up here"


   "Isn't there a lot of wood in the south? Why is there a shortage of wood here?" The fat man looked carefully from left to right and found that the mountains near the port were indeed bare. Even if there were trees, it would not be enough to build a ship.


"The sea breeze is too strong, and the trees are hard to form at all," Orus said with a wry smile. "And the nearest forest is the most terrible Black Forest. There is an area of ​​exile. In general, who dares to go?" !"


"Black Forest!" The fat man snorted. He remembered that Black Forest seemed to be the site of the Sukh tribe. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support , Is my biggest motivation. )