Whole Nation

~: One thousand two hundred and forty-five

Come on, work hard! We all started to fight for the glory of the kingdom of power

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"Adult also knows the Sukh in the Black Forest?" Hearing looked at the fat man, Orus looked up in amazement. He really did not expect that this foreign inspector, who was not a Sarandian, knew Sukh. exist


“I’ve been to the ebony forest in the hinterland of the Black Forest this year! There was just a battle a few months ago. You may have heard about it.” The fat man looked at the sea in the distance and seemed to be pondering something. Responded without noticing Orus’s almost protruding eyes


  "What the adults said, but the battle of Umtuo that annihilated Ferrantik's 50,000 troops! Was the adult at the time?" Orus said nervously, his voice trembling.


   "That's right, I was just looking on with cold eyes"


The fat man snorted in disbelief and corrected, "And the two sides of the battle are not as rumored as many troops. The Sukh army has only 3,000 troops, mainly elite assault light cavalry, while Ferrantic, but just Some believers with chaotic power are only 20,000 people with captives after the war."


"Twenty thousand captives?" A trace of loss appeared on Orus's face, a strange look, with a cautious and curious tone, and said, "I heard many businessmen say that the battle was actually the Sukh In a cooperation with the Imperial Army, the Sukhs dragged Ferrantic's army first, and then at the most critical moment, the Imperial Army defeated Ferrantic's main force in one fell swoop...


"It's not the last cooperation, probably only the relationship between the hunter and the bait!" The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly flicked, and he seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised his head. "This detailed rumor should be more than just a rumor, don't you go? Black Forest?"


   The cold light flashing in the fat man's eyes, as sharp as a sword, penetrated into people's hearts. Seeing this scene, Orus felt the cold hairs explode. Is that still human eyes? The domineering, unavoidable look is a look similar to the master of life and death


"No... no!" Orus was frightened with cold sweat, and he quickly waved his hand, and said in a panic. "How could I go to that terrible place? For us Salanders, the Black Forest has always been It’s a taboo, it’s synonymous with robbers, gangsters, gangsters, scammers, murderers, prison fugitives, exiled aristocrats. As long as it’s mentioned, it can be shocking. Even if I give me ten guts, I can’t get into that. Go somewhere!"


"Then why do you pay so much attention to that battle?" The fat man looked at Orus solemnly. He also knew that Ferrantic had a great influence in the south at that time, and believers like Orus were not one in the south. A small number, just as Ferrantic defeated in the battle of Umtuo, the Imperial Army gradually took control of the south, and these former believers basically disappeared.


   I didn’t expect that I would accidentally encounter one in this place. The fat man had also read the classics of the sky religion, and found that at most it was just a reformer of the sky temple. Actually, the meaning of the savior is very different.


But for the fat man’s statement, Orus obviously disagreed. His eyes flickered and his heavy face replied, “The doctrine is not important, the important thing is people. Ferrantic was among those who claimed to receive the oracle of the sky at the time, The only one who proposed to save the 200,000 divine descendants who were trafficked to the southern country of the foreign country. At that time, even the sky temple was deliberately avoiding this matter. The entire south of Salander was choosing to silence, only Ferrantic Persistently insisting alone, like his respectable ancestor,


  From the founding of southern Salland to the dispatch of Normandy to rescue everyone, he even proposed a series of very detailed plans. Many people laughed that he was whimsical, but I don’t think so.


The panic look flashed in Orus’ eyes seemed to be hiding something, with an awkward smirk in the corner of his mouth, his right hand wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said, “There is nothing in fact, I only care about the battle in the Black Forest, completely It is because our family knows a secret in the Black Forest, and there is another person who knows this secret, that is Ferrantic, our family has been the slain of the Ferran family from the past.


   "Ferantik's servant..."


The fat man's expression slowed down, and the breath of the king's world faded invisible. He could not see the lying element in Orus' eyes. He did not expect that he would meet the servants of the Ferran family here, but this mentioned his An interest, at that time Ferrantic's heavy oppression of the ebony in the Black Forest, it seems that it is not just as simple as seeking a base. Is it related to this secret?


   "What is the secret?" The fat man decided to ask clearly.


Under the fat and fiery eyes of the fat man, Orus felt a shuddering timidness from the inside and hesitated for a while before he said a sentence "It is said that the prophet Ferran who founded the temple and Not the Sarande, but an alien from an unknown area, who had some major secrets that could change the entire continent in the hands of Prophet Ferran, and this secret was eventually buried in the Black Forest!"


   "As for what it is, I don't know, my family is just a small servant!"


Or feel that such an answer is lacking in persuasiveness, Orus gritted his teeth and said, "It is precisely because of this, I once believed that Ferrantic will become our true savior of Salander, but unfortunately, he failed! "


  "Feran Prophet..."


The fat man rolled his eyes helplessly. He remembered Palsina’s beautiful slender back, which was covered with tattoos of various geographical patterns, and the original source of that pattern was also from the prophet Ferran. ,


This is a mystery. From the heavenly stele of the holy city in the northern grasslands to the endless nautical charts circulated in the temple of Salander in the south, there seems to always be a mysterious force running through this continent, or the remnants of some advanced civilization. Right,


  Fat man thinks so, but that is just a kind of civilization's residual to the world. If this residual can be turned into a real power, it is another matter!


"Shake the power of the mainland!" The fat man licked his lips, determined to go to the Black Forest in person, but he also believed that Orus' words, and at the same time confirmed from the side, the Salander never forgot the 200,000 quilt Normandy plundered compatriots from different continents. This kind of national sentiment that contains grief and repression is like a volcano that will spew out at any time. Proper guidance is not necessarily good news for the empire. If you go to Normandy, you will have to fight Anto. Rose,


Behind Antorus, there are more powerful opponents, what this war will bring, no one knows, the fat man was a little worried about the Salander’s reaction to this matter, after all, Salander was just peaceful soon Not everyone hopes that war will break out in the immediate vicinity, but now the fat man can be sure that the victory of the Antoros naval battle should be able to greatly increase the sentiment and fighting heart of the Salander and make this suffer from humiliation and The tragic nation quickly became a sharp knife of the empire, and voluntarily integrated into the empire's system,


"If the empire broke out against the sea again for these 200,000 compatriots, what would you do?" The fat man's voice stopped, and he decided to tentatively and asked in a heavier tone. It may cause the death of tens of thousands of soldiers, and may even recruit soldiers from the south of Salland! If there is such a possibility, how many Salanders do you think will participate in the war?"


"I don't know about others, but I can be sure that I will go to war, even if it's just an ordinary soldier!" Orus didn't hesitate at all and responded unusually resolutely. "Although it's ridiculous to say, but that's it, I believe a lot The Salanders should be like me. A country must first have something that convinces and admires the people! That is where the soul of a country lies. At the beginning, the Salander was intoxicated because of too many people. In the strength and prosperity of the nothingness, I completely forgot the hardships of the first ancestors when they founded the country, so they suffered such an unbearable humiliation! And as long as they can save the 200,000 compatriots who suffered because of the war, even if they died in a foreign land, Our mouth will also have a proud smile"


   The fat man looked at Orus without making a sound. The Salander's romance and perseverance are also famous~lightnovelpub.net~ or the history of too humiliation, so that this nation needs a chance to rebirth,


   "Adult, urgent report"


   At this time, a black armored guard came from behind and handed a newly received document to the fat man,


"Uh, this woman, it’s really a little affectionate to start your hand." The fat man took the report and looked at it, with a mysterious smile in the corner of his mouth. This is a letter from Caesar Sauron from South Vickia. The letter, with only a few words on it, "On December 5, the Hulun tribe announced the dissolution of the elders!"


   "It's really rain and rain!"


The fat man sighed deeply and twisted the battle report into the water with the white wolf tiger in front of him. The Hulun tribe’s result had long been expected. Under the army, the thunder may be at any time. In the situation, as long as not a fool within the Hulun tribe will make the right decision, he just put a strong posture to the Hulun patriarch, and the other party’s response is also the same firm,


   "Reply back and pay close attention!"


  The fat man said to the guard behind him, staring at the distant sea with some dark clouds drifting in the distance, and strongly disbanding the Presbyterian Church! Is this a yield? Or compromise? Or is it just taking advantage of the situation, within the Hulun tribe,


Under this storm, there must be a lot of power changes. It seems that under the calm waves, there may be a storm brewing. If you are not careful, the sea area in the south of Wikya may become a battlefield, (unfinished (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )