Whole Nation

~: One thousand six hundred and twenty-seve

Come on, work hard! We all started to fight for the glory of the kingdom of power

The car body vibrated, the woods outside the window began to retreat, the fat man opened the carriage window and glanced out. The convoy was leaving Lengwei County. The Duke of Dunkier’s convoy was resting in Lengwei County for one night before moving on. ,


The sky outside is very nice, the sun shines on the trees on both sides of the road, the blue stone road extends forward, and the rut rolls on it to make a heavy echo. Nearly 100 cavalrymen in white uniforms guard the carriage slowly, Lin There was a quiet place in the back of the horse team. The Minister of Internal Affairs Angelo and the Deputy Foreign Minister Sidney, who were responsible for welcoming, seemed to intend to keep a distance from the team.


   At the rear road junction that had become invisible, the county guard Danis and the civil and military officials in the county turned and walked into their carriages,


   "Okay, everything is over!"


Danis leaned back on the hòu cushion seat in the carriage, and he breathed a sigh of relief in the carriage. Since signing the document yesterday, he experienced a sleepless night that was tossing and turning, changing the gate and throwing himself into the arms of the northwest coast. Was the decision too sudden, like a huge gambling game, you put down your chips, but it does not mean you are a winner, what if the Northwest Coast ignores you? Give up everything to escape?


  All these nights, these problems are in Danis’ mind,


So that when he received the summons from the housekeeper, he was still wandering in his study. The Sidney subordinate, who also seemed to be a person who did not like to sleep, the foreign undersecretary holding the Duke's warrant, even demanded Immediately after he left the Duke of Dunkier, he ordered the arrest of all merchants in the county by forceful means, seized all goods, and then transferred them to the capital for disposal.


"This decision is a joke! I really thought Lengwei County was a local county with great strength? Or thought that the caravan forces would be so vulnerable!" Until now, the Danis County guard has been ridiculous for this order. Of course, superficial perfunctory is a must. At least the other party must be sent away. The two ministers from the capital did not seem to find anything. When they parted, they also deliberately repeated the order once, which made Danis mention the heart of the night. lay down


In front of the entrance to the county town, Tisini, dressed as a wide-robed businessman, was looking at the convoy of officials returning from the opposite side. His eyes were searching, and finally he stared at the most luxurious carriage inside. It’s a carriage guarded by Dunes County,


Danis also saw Tisini at the gate of the city. He whispered to the coachman. The speed of the carriage slowed down, and soon opened the distance with the others in front. It became the last and the last of the entire team. He stopped on the side of the road and pretended that the wheels were broken. It wasn't until everyone's carriage entered that that Danis' carriage moved slowly again, approaching the city gate and finally creaked and stopped on the side of Tisini


  Dannis pushed open the door of the carriage, walked down from above, looked around, and there was a trace of annoyed whisper in his eyes


"What's the matter with President Tisini, don't you say you will bring a guarantee that makes me feel safe? There are people on the northwest coast who are not just throwing an appointment letter, right I don't care anymore!"


   "Relax, my lord guard, I promised to come, but time is not so fast!" Tisini said calmly to angry Danis.


"How long is it?" Danis' eyes were red, and his face said angrily. "You know every minute now is a torment for me. Betrayal, but a sword may make me and my family feel at any time. Although I lost my life in the arms of the northwest coast, I can’t guarantee that the officials under him will make the same choice. As far as I know, some of them are loyal to the capital. , Let the border guard release the road, then you should keep your promise and give me the strength to stabilize the whole situation before this matter is discovered by others!"


   "Relax, it should be soon!" Tisini looked up at the sun in the sky and seemed to be talking to himself


   At this time, the men of a chamber of commerce came across the street and whispered in Tisini's ear. Tisini's mouth was slightly raised, and he waved a hand under this "Well, I know!"


   "What's wrong, but there is news?"


Danis, like the ant on the hot pot, said anxiously, "I'm not sure, among these officials, except for the order I received, the others did not receive it! For the local county guard, the capital often has two hands to prepare, once If the local guards did not follow the capital’s order, a secret report would be placed in the book of the Duke of Sonder, the fifth infantry regiment of Sonder nearest to Lengwei County, from the infantry regiment camp here, that is, the fall The distance, within a day, will be under the city. My current situation is like walking a tightrope, one foot on the wire, and the other foot, I don’t know how to put it down."


   "Admiral Gunshou is too filtered, and I can guarantee that you are not taking a wire, but a road to a better future!"


Tisini smiled at the corner of his mouth, and opened the door of the Danis carriage in front of the Danis guard. "Sir Lord said, yes, the promise I promised has indeed arrived, but it is invisible here, so Please also invite Master Shoushou to come with me!"


"Well, I hope you didn't lie to me!" Danis hesitated, and reluctantly walked into his carriage, and Tisini followed him, closing the door, turning the carriage, and following the other one. Move forward


   "Where are we going? In the carriage, Danis looked at the outline of the city farther and farther away~lightnovelpub.net~ began to worry a little, and seemed a bit worried.


"Nature is Kunmo Mountain on the border, but it is the highest point on the border, which is enough to make the promises I can see at a glance." Tisini smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the scenery outside. In silence, the carriage stopped in front of a mountain. Next, at the other end of the mountain, the war horses clamored, "It's the Falcon King's army!" Danis is not a fool. He watched the mighty army spread across his borders and reacted quickly after a moment of stun. Come here, not sure and say "how many people? You know that the Fifth Infantry Regiment is the real main force, with a thousand soldiers!"


"Actually, I don't know!" Tisini's serious looking falcon flag fluttering from a distance, withdrawn his somewhat stern gaze, looked at his collaborators, and said slowly, "I only know, this It's a force enough to stun the entire Sundren!"


   "Smoothing the power of Sende!" Danis's face changed, and finally he was silent.


  He knew that Tisini was not a big talker, in fact, he had guessed this when he chose to sign the appointment letter,


The horn of war sounded in his own hands, but he didn't expect it to come so fast. After climbing the mountain, Danis was completely shocked. Seeing the flat ground below the mountain, tens of thousands of cavalry were slowly passing by The black armor appeared in the heavy mist of the morning, as if a glowing river had been added to the earth. (To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @龙凤凰天] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )