Whole Nation

~: One thousand six hundred and twenty six

Come on, work hard! We all started to fight for the glory of the right country

   "President Timothy!"


Danis County Watcher looked at the man who had stopped beside him, with a little hesitation on his face. The words of the Sidney Foreign Secretary still hovered in his mind. He did not know how to speak. Overall, this was The happiest period of time since he became a county guard, he felt full every day. A large number of caravans rolled from the northwest coast. The wealth that he had never dreamed of before was like a pie that fell from the sky and smashed him. By the way, all kinds of luxury goods from across the sea, and the large-scale needs of all kinds of labor, as long as those who are proficient, can get a job in such business transactions, in the past, always see groups in cities and villages The scene of the idle person can no longer be seen,


  Only the last month, the tax revenue obtained through the caravan reached 10,000 gold coins. This sudden astronomical figure has made the Danis County guard who has always been used to suffering. Almost thought he was in a dream, he knew that the caravan came to make money, but he did not expect to make money like this, 50,000 gold coins a month, so that the county horse carriage was more luxurious than one, and the original one had been used. The old carriage from the beginning of the year is now riding on a carriage with a gold family crest outside, which is comparable to the carriage of the Earl family using a precious white wooden horse carriage. Or, even a carriage that the Earl would envy, Danis spent a In a month's time, I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish.


The carriage is the face of an aristocrat. Danis still remembers the scene of entering the capital in a new carriage decorated with a new car last month. I can’t wait to stick it directly on the carriage, and when I generously expressed that I can directly give the Prime Minister a new carriage with the same configuration, it is always the first time that the superior Prime Minister invites himself to stay for the dinner, In the end, he even received an invitation from the Duke’s Palace. It was a dreamy day. With a small local county guard, he attracted the attention of the capital of the Principality. At that time, he was the focus of the entire capital. After this, Danis was able to tremble slightly, and after returning from the scenery, he renovated his county guard’s mansion, so that his senior minister’s hint to himself "The Duke’s internal affairs need a People who are good at financial management, such people first need to have fame, and then their own ability. I heard that your mansion has not been repaired in the old year. This is not a good thing. If you can perform better. For example, Xiu Rong Mansion invites people from the capital to attend the banquet, or give some help to the Principality’s finances. Maybe at this year’s annual banquet, you will have the opportunity to enter the third seat in front, you know, it’s the Duke Only the most trusted financial officer is eligible to sit, so that you will be the first Danis family to serve as the principality financial officer."


Danis did not sleep well for several nights, and this change was not only found in the county guard house, but throughout the cold-tailed county. As the caravans traveled closely, the demand for labor was also great. With Cold Tail County as the center, the population of several nearby counties is also gathered here. Danis can feel that a big era sweeping through is fermenting and spreading in Cold Tail County, and is getting rid of the hatred of the past. , Reborn,


   And all this is undoubtedly inseparable from the man in front of me,


   Timothy, the president of the Lengwei County Chamber of Commerce, is the man who holds the economic lifeline of Lengwei County.


   After hesitating for a while, Dunis County guard decided to show a little bit of bottom,


He picked up the glass in his hand and sipped the bitter wine in the glass. He said with a heavy tone, "It's really annoying. I just received a notice from the capital that asked Lengwei County to restrict the chamber of commerce! And also warned me that I was too close to the caravan"


  Dannis shrugged the amine helplessly and smiled bitterly. "You also know that although the past cooperation was very pleasant, as a small county guard, I have no right and no ability to resist orders from the capital!"


   "Why do you want to resist it! We understand the lady's hardships, but there are some regrets!"


Timothy looked calm and seemed to have expected "If our caravan could not take the road of Lengwei County, we had to go a hundred miles from Kuntingburg to Eunsund, which is a rugged mountain road, although difficult Yes, but it should still work!"


   "Are you talking about Kunting Fort?"


Danis's face changed slightly. Isn't Quentinburg the entrance of the white pigeon county of the guy who sat at the door with him last year? Seeing so many caravans, the county guard who is as bitter as he is, I believe it will not matter. The order of the capital,


"In fact, our chamber of commerce was looking for Kunting fortress before we went to Lengwei County. At that time, we even signed an agreement with Kunting fort." Tisini said indifferently. "As long as we are willing to give Kunming Provided by Tingbao, ten thousand gold coins, Kuntingbao will express silence on the passing of the caravan,


   "There is a mountainous area in the jungle. Even if you want to send someone to check it, you can easily block it with the reason that there are too many mountain roads and you can’t stop them all!"


"Later we found that, relative to Kuntingburg, Lengwei County is relatively flat, and you, the county guard, are quite sincere in this regard, and it is obviously more suitable for us, so the Lengwei County, which the Chamber of Commerce only looked for, so the county guard is completely Don’t be too apologetic, in order not to embarrass the county guard adults, we will evacuate Lengwei County tomorrow, the big deal is to continue to enter from Kunting Fort!"


   "Just say... Is there anything else to consider


Danis looked pale and looked out of the window, with sweat beads on his forehead, bloodshot eyes, and some sourness in his heart, just like looking at the good things he couldn't get easily, but he had to give them to others. Buckled!


   "Actually, why doesn't Lord Gushou think about it for himself?" Tisini said unexpectedly. "If Lengwei County can turn into a commercial leader, it's not even better!"


   "I'm not led by business?" Danis's eyes lighted up, but soon dimmed, and he said, "This is impossible. The capital is very dissatisfied with the current situation. How could it be possible to agree to such a request!"


"That's not necessarily! At least as far as I know, many towns on the northwest coast are self-employed. They don't need to pay excessive tribute, but instead use trade taxes!" Tisini looked at Silent Danis said slowly


"Although I don’t understand politics, I also know that Duke Locke, who has just assumed the position of Duke, will never allow local county guards to have too much wealth. This is a potential threat to him, but to local The heavy ministers, the new duke is obviously unfounded and hard to convince."


   "So I believe that it will not take long for the conflict between the local county guard and the capital to break out"


"I don't know when the county guardian will be on that side? As far as I know, the new duke is not very fond of adults, let alone the confidant, and the local magistrate, for the small and insignificant area like Lengwei County There will be nothing too important,


  "Therefore, no matter who is the winner of both sides, the master of the county guard can only be replaced."


"Okay, I don’t need to say anything. I know what you want to say, but, do you think this is really possible? What benefits can I get from investing in the northwest coast? Does the Falcon King believe that I am sincere? Surrender? In the end, instead of being human on both sides!" Danice's eyes were bloodshot and he waved at Tisini


   "This may be why why Lord Danis looks down on him so much!"


  Tisini smiled slightly, and felt that it was time for the showdown. He took out his appointment letter signed in the morning and placed it in front of Danis.


"This is an appointment letter signed by His Majesty Falcon for you. There are two copies. As long as you sign your name on it, one is kept by yourself, and the other is kept by the northwest coast. This appointment will be completed, since then, cold Ogun will be protected by the north coast of the west, and the northwest coast will not say anything about it.


The county governor can sit and watch the struggle between the capital and the local ministers with a neutral body, wait until the dust settles, and then declare his position. Under the strong military strength of the northwest coast, even the winners have opinions on this. And only choose to accept this method,"


  "This... is that your majesty's letter of appointment?


Danis looked at the appointment book in front of him, his hands trembling slightly, the strength of the military on the northwest coast is well known, and the majesty of the falcon is a peerless murderer with the name of a military god, but Regardless of the external criticism, no one will deny that His Majesty is the master of millions of creatures in the entire Northwest, and the Northwest Master has placed his own appointment letter in front of his eyes, which allows to participate in an invitation to the Duke can fly God’s Danis is unimpressed


   "This is an enviable honor! It is enough to be a treasure of the heirloom!"


Tisini took a deep breath, struggling to withdraw his gaze from the appointment letter, with an indistinct envy in his tone, but it was the handwriting of His Majesty Falcon, although it seemed awkward, but it was precisely the Falcon The true proof of His Majesty's handwriting.


  At this moment, Tisini felt a little impulsive,


If Danis chooses how good to refuse, then the precious and unusual handwriting is his own. This is the case without the name on the appointment letter. If Danis chooses to refuse, then the chamber of commerce personnel who will start evacuating tomorrow will be staged. A farce that launched an assassination because of dissatisfaction with the county guard,


   Then, the Chamber of Commerce took control of the entire territory of Lengwei County. In the first two months, the Chamber of Commerce has fully penetrated the large and small institutions in the county, and it can fully achieve the goal of comprehensive control.


In another room in the mansion, the fat man who was staying as a guard was fighting a honey boiled saury, slashing the golden fish body with a knife, and using a spoon to cook the caviar inside. Taken out, a bunch of roe is transparent and crystal clear, with the fragrance of honey wine and the unique refreshment of roe, pressed under the tongue, you can hear the sound of bursting of roe due to squeeze, the juice inside is smooth Throat down the throat,


"There is a banquet in front. If you are hungry, just ask the servant to get some food. You don't need to use the royal chef, my majesty Falcon." Opposite the fat man, some depressed Duke of Dunkiel leaned against Changsha Send on,


The backyard of the county guard house is not large. The noise from the front hall is clearly audible. Hundreds of guards control all corners of the backyard. There is no need to worry about being heard inside. So Duke Dunkier used it directly. The title of His Majesty the Falcon


"This is the Duke your master cook, not mine!" The fat man sucked a spoonful of caviar into his mouth, rolled his eyes at Duke Dunkier, and laughed. "In fact, I don't care, just touch Going on, why not try the most famous honey-cooked caviar in the Principality of Dunkil!"


   "Your Majesty's appetite is good, don't you worry about this trip"


"Do you need to worry?" The fat man raised his head, his mouth full of caviar, and the ink-colored juice was still hanging in the corner of his mouth. The six words were unclear. "It’s not a self-satisfied little guy, he wants to play, just play with him, I will Unbelief, he can still play a flower!"


"Little guy? Behind this little guy may be Kyoto staring at the northwestern tiger. It is 180,000 troops that may be able to suppress the northwestern army at any time! My majesty Falcon, can you be more serious?" Duke Dunker looked at Opposite like a starving ghost, the gorging fat man, the corner of his mouth could not help but smile bitterly. Before meeting with Vickia Falcon, he was full of curiosity and fear for the powerful monarch who quickly controlled the northwest coast in two years.


However, this time I saw that this army, known to the outside world as an army of soldiers sitting on the northwest coast of the Northwest Coast, looked like a tiger and looked down on the entire northwest. It was really ordinary. The princes of all parties in the northwest obviously want to take this opportunity to establish the authority of SENSENDE in the northwest, to stabilize the head of the real northwest boss Vickia Falcon,


However, this barbarian who had made the whole northwest terrified and shivered, but now he had a calm face, and he was still in the mood to let his royal cook cook honey roe to eat, just this, Dun Duke Kerr was amused by his previous worries. Fortunately, the secret marriage was rejected, otherwise he would lose his face if he was ashamed.


   is such a baby daughter, if married, the future of the Principality of Dunkier is really unreliable!


The Duke of Dunkier secretly wiped out his cold sweat. He didn’t mind that there are ten princesses in the Falcon, but in the face of an unspeakable, a somewhat morbid starving ghost, I thought that the destiny of the Principality of Dunkiel had been with this person Hooked, he was very annoyed that he had promised Vickia Falcon this time to cover his entry into Sonder.


"I've always been serious! I'm just not used to expressing it with seriousness, I hope that the Duke does not mind." The fat man laughed a little, put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the wiper cloth on the table and wiped it, and gave a snap. Mingwei walked in to clean up the table,


  The fat man stood on his stomach, and through the window beside Duke Dunkerle, he looked at the front hall where music was coming from outside. He didn’t know the so-called slow saying, “It’s a good atmosphere, why break it?”


   "What do you mean?" Duke Dunkier froze for a moment.


  The knocking sound came from the door


   "Come in!" The fat man turned around and a guard pushed the door in. He glanced at Duke Dunkier next to the fat man and hesitated, not knowing whether to say


   "Since your majesty is in trouble, I will..." Duke Dunkil wanted to stand up and see that this thing was secret.


   "Say anything, I believe in your Excellency the Duke!"


Unexpectedly, the Duke of Dunkier waved his hand coldly, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became serious. Duke of Dunkier suddenly felt a pressure, and he just laughed and appeared to be harmless to humans and animals. Eagle, at this moment, there is a pressure that people dare not face up to. The strong feeling of doing whatever it takes seems that everything is under its control. At this moment, the Duke of Dunkire rarely remembered the word "God of War"


"Yes! Your Majesty!" The guard nodded respectfully and took out a document from his arms. "This was sent from the front office. Dunis, the governor of Lengwei County, has signed on your Majesty's appointment letter. Own name!"


   "Let's put it there!" The fat man waved his hand, his face pale,


The guard placed the document respectfully on the table, and on the other side of the table, Duke Dunker’s eyes almost exploded. The word Lengweijun mentioned in the guard’s mouth made him stay there all by himself. I felt a cold rush from the tail spine to the forehead,


What's happening! The Duke of Dunkil feels at a loss. Although Lengwei County is not large~lightnovelpub.net~ can even be called a lack of resources and remote terrain, but it is the only way between Unsund and the northwest coast. It is called the portal heavy ground, but it is the portal heavy ground, but he knows that in the connecting area opposite Lengwei County, Wan Falcon Army has gathered to stand by, of which Wan rapid windy cavalry, in a situation that is unprepared in Sende It was enough for a thousand troops to go straight and hit the capital of Unsende all the way


If it wasn’t for his own eyes, the Duke of Dunkier absolutely didn’t believe that there would be such a thing. In just half a day, there was no sound, and even a trace of wind and rain hadn’t been seen. The army of Asian falcons opened wide.


   "My people are all soldiers, some of them do not understand the rules very well, so that the Lord Duke laughed!" When the guards left, the fat man sat down opposite the Duke Dunkier and took a look at the documents on the table.


   "Actually, the Duke Lord reminded me very well.


   and understand the situation well, but unfortunately it is still a little tenderer,


  Do you really think that being able to play with a few tricks that are blind to take advantage will deter the overall situation?


  Joke! The real strength is played by himself. He wants to play a net, but he never thought that others would dare to play "Black and White Kill"


  I also want to take a look. It is really a critical moment when the soldiers are in the city. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Sende are really willing to sell their lives for this new master. "(To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @龙凤凰天] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)