Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 81: Tonks' letter

"Don't talk about that, what do you think about house elves?" Hermione's eyes swept across Harry and Ron's faces, carefully observing the expressions on their faces.

"To be honest, I really feel..." Ron curled his lips in disdain. He felt that Hermione's idea of ​​saving the house elf was too inexplicable.

Then he found Hermione staring at him with her big brown eyes.

"I feel that it is very necessary to protect the rights of house elves, and Harry and I will support you." Ron hurriedly took Harry's shoulders.

The strong desire to survive allowed him to successfully avoid the risk, and Harry, who didn't know why, quickly grinned and nodded to Hermione.

"Great, I knew you would understand!" Hermione showed a happy smile.

"As Professor Ethan said, the liberation of house-elves is not an easy matter. It has to be planned in detail." Hermione squeezed her chin with her right hand and said solemnly.

"I'm going to plan how to help the house elf, you two are always ready to accept the task." Hermione waved to Ron and Harry, and ran away in a hurry.

"She's always been like this lately!" Ron complained to Harry, before he and Harry were already on their way to the Gryffindor lounge, where Ron wanted to have a closer look with Harry about his possibility of being a witcher .

Professor Ethan once again became popular throughout Hogwarts. For a time, the sales of the Daily Prophet surged in Hogwarts. Whether male or female students, almost everyone now has a Daily Prophet.

The Hogwarts students didn't care what the article at the back of the newspaper was saying, they just thought Ethan in the photo was so cool.

Many senior girls cut out Ethan's photo directly from the newspaper and pasted it in front of their bed so that they could enjoy it every day.

Even after Hermione Harry and Ron left, Luna brought a thick stack of photos to Ethan to sign.

At first, the little eagles who were Ravenclaw knew that Penello was Professor Eason's assistant, and begged Penello to ask for Professor Eason's autographed photo for them.

As a prefect, Penello naturally couldn't agree to their request. The Kitty Hawks remembered that Luna once said that he and Professor Ethan were friends, so they turned their attention to Luna again.

Luna couldn't stand their soft and hard bubbles, so she could only agree to them, and came to Ethan alone with a large stack of photos for autographs.

Ethan couldn't help laughing when he looked at the thick stack of photos of himself, but in order to make Luna a good deal, he signed them one by one.

Luna was sitting on the chair at Ethan's desk, right, swinging her legs and waiting bored for Ethan's signature.

Ginny, who was bored, chatted happily with Pippi who came to deliver snacks. Unexpectedly, the two of them could talk unexpectedly. Luna and Pippi chatted very speculatively on how to make delicious mashed potatoes.

So much so that after Ethan signed all the names, Luna and Pippi reluctantly ended the conversation.

"It seems that you and Pippi have become good friends." Ethan said with a smile.

"Yeah, they are very friendly and often give me a lot of delicious food." Luna said happily.

Strangely enough. Luna is always on good terms with magical creatures.

"Luna, how is Ginny's condition? How is she doing recently?" Ethan asked curiously, he was afraid that Voldemort's notebook would leave Ginny with any after-effects.

"Ginny is much better, and the harassers won't go to her anymore." Luna said in a singing tone.

"That's fine." Ethan was finally relieved. Fortunately, Voldemort hadn't been in contact with Ginny for too long and didn't hurt Ginny.

After completing the task, Luna took the thick stack of autographed photos and drank the butter beer that Ethan prepared for her in one gulp, just like Ethan saying goodbye, humming a weird tune, and left Ethan's office.

Without the trouble of Voldemort's problems, Ethan spent a few days of leisure. In addition to teaching a class every day, he was studying potions and alchemy. The only trouble was no matter what grade he was teaching, the little wizards always kept asking him. Ask what happened in Knockturn Alley, over and over.

At first, Ethan would patiently tell them about it, but Ethan, who was so troubled at the back, directly asked the little wizard who asked the question to go to the Quidditch pitch for three laps, and finally stopped the endless questions of the little wizards. .

Another change is that Lockhart began to be afraid of Ethan. If Lockhart had a grudge against Ethan before, and always stared at Ethan viciously from behind, after the incident in Knockturn Alley, Lockhart was very Hart had only fear of Ethan.

The first time he saw the Daily Prophet, he wanted to make a fuss about this matter to get revenge on Ethan, preferably to kick Ethan out of Hogwarts.

But when he found out the true inside story of the incident through his own relationship, Lockhart began to be afraid.

Lockhart had no idea that Ethan could be such a ruthless person. He was even scared now. He believed that when Ethan was in his office, he might really have murdered himself.

Since then, Lockhart began to actively avoid contact with Ethan, and even every time he ate, Lockhart would try to stagger the meal time with Ethan.

Ethan was very happy about this. Whenever he found Lockhart's vicious look at him during the meal in the auditorium, Ethan always wanted to go up to the public and give Lockhart two punches.

Once Ethan even planned to do so, but was forced back by Dumbledore's stern eyes.

Well now, Lockhart will finally not affect his appetite when he appears in front of him, and Ethan has no plans to investigate why.

Tonks always wrote to Ethan recently, and Tonks told Ethan the specific actions of the Ministry of Magic in the letter. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The Ministry of Magic's crackdown on Knockturn Alley has become more and more severe. The Aurors finally discovered the stronghold of the Church of Mirrors, but unfortunately the building has long been empty.

Most of the members of the Mirror Church caught now are also members of the organization's periphery. They don't know anything about the core problem of the Mirror Church. They only say that the Mirror Church worships an ancient mirror with complex patterns.

Strangely, the targets of the Ministry of Magic's search have gradually become ordinary dark wizards and shops in Knockturn Alley, and more and more dark wizards have been imprisoned in Azkaban.

Those with minor offenses and those who didn't participate in the riots that night were asked to pay a fine and released, while the shops in Knockturn Alley were out of luck.

They were faced with huge fines. Of course, many shopkeepers could not afford such huge fines at all, but the Ministry of Magic said that it was very "humane" to let them go and let them continue to operate the shop. As for the fines, they could be paid in installments.

Ethan couldn't help laughing when he saw Tonks' letter. It was obvious that the Ministry of Magic had discovered the huge economic benefits that Knockturn Alley had brought to them, and had a great appetite.

But there is also a positive side to this incident. From now on, Knockturn Alley is officially under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, and Aurors also begin to patrol Knockturn Alley.

This means that Knockturn Alley is no longer the "extra-legal place" it used to be. Over time, it will eventually, like Diagon Alley, become an ordinary commercial street in the British wizarding world.

At the end of the letter, Tonks vaguely said that he hoped to meet Ethan, and that there are still some things to be confirmed about the Second Order of Merlin.

Thyssen smiled knowingly when he saw Tonks' words. He understood Tonks' inner thoughts, so he readily replied and agreed to the request to meet.