Witcher at Hogwarts

~: There are a few very good works to recom

"Hogwarts, A Scholar Becomes a God".

Author: Book-moving Taoist

Harry Potter added DND elements, aiming to become a god, in an attempt to change the closed pattern of the wizarding world.

Mistress Hermione.


"The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts"

Author: Wind of the Sleeping God

The protagonist Malfoy Second Master, Draco's younger brother, the story of the founding force and Deng Fu's rivalry, Slytherin Academy, and the protagonist entered the same year.


"A Certain Hogwarts Supreme Mage"

Author: Five Swords Monarch

Harry Potter and Doctor Strange, the update is guaranteed!

The story of how a Hufflepuff who can read Feng Shui solves the mystery of his life step by step and becomes a supreme mage.

Xian Xian Xiang, the author is very good at writing jokes. Looking at the words in his book, it seems that he really understands Feng Shui.


The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Harry Potter and the dragon family (the world view has nothing to do with the dragon family), and the protagonist has the keel cross of the White King in his body. The description of melee, firearms and various weapons of war is very good, Astoria heroine.

(The plot is absolutely wonderful)


"Days of Friendship at Hogwarts"

Soul wear became Ollivander's grandson and entered school a year earlier than Harry, the Kitty Hawk route.

You can become stronger by brushing your friendliness, and there is a milestone system for custom rewards.

How could a little salted fish who only knows how to play friendliness have bad thoughts on the Dark Lord?


These are all excellent works. I recommend everyone to read them to solve your book shortage.