Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 5: Never seen the day?

The so-called banned magic field array, the actual role is to let the magic elements in the magic space somewhere in an abnormal state, so that the magicians can not freely influence and control the magic elements through magic, naturally can not use magic.

There are two ways to break this effect.

The first method is to obtain the relevant data of the defensive field, especially to fully understand the data of the affected magic space, and then change the way you use magic to change the ability to manipulate the magic elements again. .

This method is somewhat similar to the way Lucian had just drawn that magical array, but Lu Xi'an's method is more tricky, far from being a real crack.

The second method is to destroy the purely physical, that is, to directly destroy the items in the defensive field, which will naturally destroy the effect of the banned field.

In the current environment where Lu Xi'an and others are located, this ruined field is only possible on the magic locomotive at their feet.

However, when Lu Xi'an touched the wall of the carriage, he immediately felt the power of another magical interference.

He quickly analyzed it, whether it was the wall of the car he touched, or the floor he was stepping on, it was attached with an extra strong array.

The role of this sturdy array is simple: it is a special reinforcement of the item, making it extremely difficult to deform.

So if you want to destroy the car in which they are, you must first crack the reinforcement.

However, Lu Xi'an only made a slight attempt, and immediately found that the fineness of this reinforcement matrix far exceeded his imagination, and it was not the level he could understand now.

"Obviously, the other party's preparation is very full, so we dare to let us move freely in the carriage." Lucian sighed and told the other people in the carriage.

For the answer he gave, the people in the carriage were not surprised, but the expression was slightly disappointing.

Like Lu Xi'an, they are students of various magic industrial industry colleges in the Candela empire, and they are all good magicians. It is natural to detect these situations easily.

The reason why Lu Xi'an tried it just now is that he can actually create a magical array in this environment, so he has an extra expectation for him.

Now Lu Xi'an shows that he can't do anything, and everyone is disappointed. However, it is understood that Lu Xi'an is only a student who is about the same age as they are, even if they are better than them, they can't be much stronger.

The boy who helped Lu Xi'an to maintain the lighting circle sighed long, let go of his hand, and the car returned to darkness.

The hearts of the people also fell into the darkness with the carriage.

Lucian is naturally reluctant to give up. However, no matter how he probes, he still can't think of any solution to the current predicament.

In the end, he is just a student who is about to graduate from college. Even if he has a good grade in the college, he has limited experience, knowledge and ability, and how can he cope with this scene.

The bumps in the carriage are still continuing, and the magical locomotive carrying them is still moving quickly to the destination.

In the darkness, I don’t know how much time has passed. The magic locomotive suddenly stopped after a bump.

The people in the dark face each other, and the mind has reached its destination.

There was some faint conversation outside. The back door of the carriage was slammed open, and the strong sunlight suddenly came in. The people who couldn’t see the bright car for a long time couldn’t help but close their eyes.

"Okay, all down." A rough voice sounded. "Warning you, don't think about your brains, or you will suffer!"

Lu Xi'an narrowed his eyes and tried to look out. He saw two strong men standing at the back door of the carriage. The outside of the carriage revealed a few eaves, and did not know where it came.

"Don't pretend to die. Hurry up and get up, the time is still tight!" The two brawny hammered the car with impatience.

The huge sound creaked in the compartment, and everyone couldn't help but hold their ears.

Lucian glanced at the two brawny men and was about to move. Suddenly a black shadow that had been nestled beside the corner of the door rushed out and jumped directly in the air. It was like a fly.

However, his body just paused in the air, and even if he lost all his support, he slammed from the air. Drop directly on the ground.

After the two brawny stunned, they reacted and looked at the man who was so painful that he couldn’t move on the ground. He laughed.

"Hah, kid, I still want to escape when I get here? Don't dream! Tell you, here is the place where the banned magic field is laid out, not to mention that you guys, even the big magician is coming. I want to escape!"

Lucian looked a little.

When the uncle Rondo introduced himself, he used the term "three-level magician". The two brawny now use the title "Great Sorcerer".

These are the levels of magicians who have been abandoned by the entire Sainz mainland. Why are they still using them? Is there any connection in the middle?

After the two brawny sneered at it, one of them reached out and grabbed the man's hair directly, and picked him up from the ground.

Lucian's heart was slightly shocked. This sudden rushed out and tried to escape. It was the boy who took the initiative to talk with him and later helped him to maintain the magic circle.

He grabbed his big man and said nothing, hitting him on his stomach with a punch.

The strong man was very strong, and the boy was not physically strong. He was suddenly bowed by the punch and spit out a blood.

The two brawny saw this situation, but they laughed proudly.

"Hey, you guys, the magicians, the little nephews, we have been jealous of your brothers before, now it is... but it is a waste without two strengths!"

Another person in the Zhuanghan rushing car was beckoning.

"Have you seen it? Hurry up and hurry, or wait for him!"

Everyone in the carriage, you, helplessly jumped.

Everyone jumped down, and the strong man took out a handcuff-like thing and tied his hands, making it clear that he would not give any freedom.

When it was Lu Xi'an's turn, he did not make any rebellion, and he reached out and was **** by handcuffs.

When he was on the handcuffs, he clearly sensed that there was a magical fluctuation from the handcuffs, and then he immediately found that his magic flow was greatly disturbed, so that he became very raw. Even let him completely lose the ability to control the magic of the body at will.

Lucian was shocked.

Interfering with the magic of the magician himself, this is the research topic that has arisen in the magic circle of the Sainz mainland in the past two years, and these people in front of them have already made the corresponding finished products.

Together with the special magic locomotives that they transported themselves and others, and even the large banned magic field arrays were arranged here, the forces behind them must be very powerful.

Only now, Lu Xi'an still did not understand, they kidnapped their own students to do what.

However, the two brawny apparently had no interest in explanation. After putting on the handcuffs for everyone, they shoved and took them to the depths of a manor at this time.

After a few steps, the two girls in the team suddenly burst into tears.

"We...we don't go..."

"I beg you... please let us go, let's go... I don't want to go... I have to go back to see my mother..."

When I heard the crying of the two people, the remaining ten boys, including Lucian, looked blank and didn't look too far. They dared not look at the eyes of the two girls.

They are just some ordinary students, and in this case, what to take against these obviously well-organized and enemies with a deep background.

The two brawny apparently have already seen this scene, pushing the two crying girls one by one, and smirking and laughing: "Okay, we are not selling you to the brothel, crying so badly." ?"

"Yes, it is just doing black work. You can rest assured that like you, the buyer of this kind of goods, we will not take you all. Of course, the premise is that you have to obey. If you don't obey..."

Lucian looked at her heart.

Doing black work?

Is this group of people who have only risen in these years, the legendary members of the evil organization who sell low-level magician labor?

This organization is said to be very strict. If it falls into their hands, then I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the whole world again in this life.

Apparently, other people around me have heard of this rumor, and their faces have changed dramatically, and they immediately rioted.

However, the two brawny rushed over without a politeness, and they were punching and kicking. They were unceremonious, and they suddenly pressed the turmoil hard.

"Hey! I’ve told you long ago, as long as you are honestly obedient, you have nothing to do, you have to get some trouble, and you have to deal with your own hands." A strong man spits his mouth at his fist. Forced to smash. "I warn you, if you give me the grind, then you won't be so light next time!"

A group of people who lived in Ai, but no one dared to resist, only to continue with the two strong men.

Lu Xi'an looked at the entrance to the gate of the distant manor, and his heart gradually sank.

He knows that if he walks into it, it means that he will become a black worker in the future, and he will never see the sun.

Don't say that entering the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Institute in his dreams, even if you return to your hometown, it is a luxury to meet your parents again.

How to do?

At this time, a crisp and sweet sound, sounds full of vitality, and the vibrant voice suddenly rang.

"Hey, the game is over!" (To be continued.)